Why Compatibilism Fails

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Dr Leighton Flowers, Director of Evangelism and Apologetics for Texas Baptists, discusses why compatibilism is an untenable position to hold to in light of a Christian world-view.

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When a Calvinist says "secondary cause", it's a moot point because that secondary cause is logically a SUBSEQUENT cause. A subsequent cause is 100% directly caused by the cause that came before it. So if I made a gun and shot you with it, the gun is a secondary and subsequent cause of the person being shot, and I am still the primary cause of the person being shot, taking all the blame while the gun theoretically should take none. What's so hard to understand, Calvinists? You didn't move the accountability off of God even one inch by the word "secondary".


Greetings! Keep up the short messages. Thank you!


Compatibilism fails because Calvinism fails. Scripture doesn't teach such things.


The Calvinist is forced to treat his own doctrine *AS-IF* it is FALSE
He must do this in order to retain a sense of normalcy
He must do this in order to retrain a degree of coherence with the general narrative of scripture.

The process is called *AS-IF* thinking.
Believe [X] is TRUE - but go about your office *AS-IF* [X] is FALSE.

John Calvin
“All future hold *AS THOUGH* they might happen either one way or another.”

“Each ought to so to apply himself to his office, *AS THOUGH* nothing were determined about any part.”

This is called DOUBLE-THINK.


Compatibilists will argue that people are products of their environment and circumstances. God doesn’t necessarily have to decree for such circumstances or your uncle to be a molester and your parents to be completely oblivious.

It still brings the same problem. Who is the cause of the environment and circumstances regarding your miserable life? Kicking the can down the road doesn’t absolve God of being the ultimate cause. It’s what makes determinism, soft or hard, untenable with the character and justice of God.


Beating the same drum Leighton. :) Keep at it. Am currently waiting for Tim Stratton's PHD thesis from NWU to interact with it.


On the premise that Libertarian functionality does not exist - and only compatiblist functionality exists - it logically follows that the Calvinist brain does not have the Libertarian function of choosing between TRUE and FALSE on any matter.
Which means - the Calvinist brain does not have the ability to discern TRUE from FALSE on any matter.
Because doing so would represent a Libertarian function - which does not exist.
For the Calvinist - all perception of TRUE vs FALSE - is 100% determined by an external mind.

All FALSE perceptions which exist within the Calvinist brain - are fixed by infallible decree - and the Calvinist has no way of knowing what percentage of those perceptions are infallibly decreed FALSE perceptions.


It's funny because I came to this video because a calvinist troll on Gab masquerading as someone else posted it, thinking he was being "ironic". Praise God that he is bringing people to Christ, even if he is only trolling.


Men reject Christ because they love their sin. Man’s nature is fallen, enslaved to sin. As such, man will freely choose that which is in line with his nature, therefore he won’t “choose” God unless God first moves. Libertarian free will is not Biblical.


If compatibilism is true, EDD is too. If EDD is true, there is no "you." How convenient it is that God predestined you to do whatsoever you choose to do. Since, on EDD/Compatibilism, God's decree is 100% compulsory, you have no choice but to obey. However, if He decrees that you will sin against Himself, well now you're making obedience to God a sin. "Cawfee Tawlk. Tawlk amongst yuselves."


this discussion reminds me of a debate in the middle ages of how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. this has no relevance to anything, it is just a bunch of worldly wisdom of men in creating some high sound doctrinal catchphrase "Soteriology" and because this dogma has no relevance it is not even worth the time to google "Soteriology" to see what in the world this high sounding dogma word even means.

What matters is a one on one relationship with the Father through The Son, and becoming a doer of the Word and not saddled with doing God knows how many dogma's invented by man,
