What can we cook using only 5 INGREDIENTS?

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What can you possibly cook with ONLY 5 INGREDIENTS?! Today we find out when we put our normals to ANOTHER ULTIMATE BATTLE!! Who will be your winner? Comment Below!

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Mike did 2 things that not even Ebbers had done before and pulled them off. Even if the tempered chocolate was a flop, that's gotta be worth a badge of some sort.


GIVE MIKE A BADGE - he boldly went where no Sorted member (at least on camera) has ever gone before.


Mike should've gotten a technique badge for that successful water ganache imo. Great video as always thoughhh <3


I don't usually comment, but I agree with everyone else―Mike deserved a badge on this one.


Mike deserves a badge for attempting and succeeding at something that Ben hasn't approached yet.


I always feel Mike tends to get done over in these challenges, because he tends to pick things which are tricky rather than showy and then tends to suffer, while Barry and Jamie are probably better at managing to pick things which they can execute to look and taste good and which are fairly low risk in the grand scheme of things. Still think he deserves a badge for managing to make an edible water ganache, because even if the idea isn't his, the execution is evidently quite hard.


Mike deserve a badge!! Yes I am a chocoholic but still only four ingredients and techniques that Ben have never done. The dessert looks amazing!


Mike was robbed! He definitely deserved a badge! 2 techniques that hadn’t been done before on the channel and both worked! Barry’s looked delicious but it was very much a safe dish to make.


Mike 100% deserves a badge. Overall dessert isn't creative but the choices in execution were, especially since ebbers hasn't tried some of the techniques


Time to add my voice to this: Mike ABSOLUTELY deserves a badge for that water ganache.


Jamie choosing to do dessert and absolutely nailing it was amazing. Honestly with how he was pitching his dish at first I had some serious doubts if he could pull it off, but he came through


Mike's dish is the most impressive and it was done with the least amount of ingredients. He deserves some sort of badge for what he did.


It’s so heart warming to see everyone standing up for Mike. Sorted community at its best.
MIKE NOW DESERVES 2 BADGES - Creativity Badge and Community Backed Badge.


Barry makes a dish that he regularly makes at home and gets a creativity badge, Mike attempts and succeds with something new and enticing for him and gets the short end of the stick.... Math checks out?


Mike should have got a badge. He did 2 components that Ebbers had never done, that's got to be worth something


Ben: “I want espresso.”
Mike: ”I want some f**king badges, Ebbers.”

Great note to end on 😂


This is the first time in a while I’ve disagreed with your judgement Ben. Mike definitely deserved a creativity badge. He did things you yourself have admitted you’ve never done before or thought of trying and he succeeded on those parts (the ganache while truffle like was successful and you liked the white chocolate and olive oil. The only thing he didn’t quite do right was tempering chocolate which wasn’t one of the creative pieces). I would also argue it’s more creative than listening to you regarding frying tomato skins. And honestly, as someone that can’t eat chocolate, I would have wanted a slice of Mike’s dessert over the other two plates any day of the week. Like, I’m actually wanting to try making Mike’s now.


Honestly I'd call it as Mike had creative technique with the water ganache, really impressive, while Jamie had relatively simple techniques, but very creative use of different ingredients, especially with that syrup.


Was glad to see Jamie win this one. When he found himself with extra time on his hands, he immediately went into F around and find out mode. If that isn't the heart of creativity, I don't know what is. Whether any individual experiment went on the plate in the end matters less than the actual experimentation.


You can really see how far Jamie and Mike have come since starting this channel.

I wouldn't say I was disappointed in Barry's dish, it looked great, but it seemed like something Barry could also have made 4 years ago.

Jamie and mike's on the other hand were fantastic.
Mike using really inventive techniques to achieve his idea, and Jamie experimenting and adapting mid battle, but still ending up with a very nuanced and we'll balanced dish, superb.
