How To Cook Egg Microwave Easy Simple 5 Ways

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In today's video we are taking a look at how we cooked egg or eggs 5 different ways in the microwave easy and simple, from scrambled, boiled, poached, sunny side up or a omelet.

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Cooking times can vary because of egg size and type or even water content. Each microwave wattage, strength and times are different . that is why we used increments to make this educational comedic demonstration a lot safer for us. we always use safety and wear protective gear when working with hot food. we also noticed in our experiment that giving more time than needed can damage the egg or appliance it can also cause a mess and can cause serious injury. that is why Any reliance you place on such information on this content is therefore strictly at your own risk.

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This Video is created for educational and entertainment purposes only. This video is only created to entertain for its comedic value .You should always contact a license professional when installing, repairing, creating, replacing, making a recipe, cooking, working in any project or replicating anything done on the video. This video is not intended to replace a professional advice, diagnosis or treatment. we hereby disclaim any and all liability to any party for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of the Video Content, which is provided as is, and without warranties. Any reliance you place on such information on this content is therefore strictly at your own risk. This video should only be taken as comedic entertainment. do not try this at home
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So many ways to cook an egg in the microwave, pure perfection and art every time. 🥚🍳


My hot plate broke yesterday. But thanks to your guide I can now safely hard boil eggs. Thank you.


0:30 Ingredients
1:00 Boiled Egg
2:15 Scrambled Eggs
3:35 Poached Egg
4:50 Sunny Side Up Eggs
5:40 Omlette


Fixing a microwave omelette was the first thing I taught my daughter to cook. She was so proud of herself. 😀


I’m a trucker and love my boiled eggs because for me it’s one of the safest easiest meal on the road vs fast food. I forgot my egg cooker recently, and tried doing an egg in the microwave. I thought I was smart and even places a small hole on the egg to relief the pressure. KABOOM😱 it was all over the microwave wall. I guess I forgot to add salt, is what i found out later in your vid. So thanks for that❤


It only occured after 20 years of cooking eggs that I could decide to be as lazy as possible and just do it in the microwave lol


Our oven went kaboom last year and I was forced to become a Microwave Master Chef until our new oven was delivered (about a month it took). The microwave transitioned from our coffee reheating device into a full-service oven.

It is possible to cook & bake anything in a microwave! It’s sad that most of us have / had no idea of how good microwave cooking is!

Once you get the hang of it, there’s a good chance you will use it almost exclusively! We do. Unless it’s a meal we make with a slow-cooker.


Perfect for a college student hahaha you are carrying my diet through college rn thank you


came for the egg, stayed for the commentary.. love this sm i subbed!


I really enjoyed your video. I was really impressed with whoever did the script. Informative with a little bit of humor.


Our stove has been broken for the past two weeks and I missed having eggs for breakfast! Thank you 😭❤️🙏🏽


Thanks for the tips. They’re really helpful. What I enjoyed the most though is your narration… very entertaining 🔥💯👌😄


Great way to teach the kids to make breakfast! Thanks for sharing😻


For anyone wondering, the best easy peel egg method for boiled is to use a pin and poke a hole right on the fat round end of the egg, then boil, the ice bath is icing on the cake for peeling but the pin always works for me


This is great for the barracks. I don't have a place to cook and most of the time I don't get to make it for chow in the morning. All I have in my room is a microwave.


You have a sense of humor. Thanks for the good video.


“Always peeking through the window to see what’s going on, Something that we highly encourage you NOT to do in real life” 😂😂 you funny . Love your vid😄🙌🏻


I love the accent and the cheeky comments “The sucker is still alive” 😂

My god.
This is the first time eat poached eggs.
They are SO GOOD.


Omg Tysm for this egg tutorial the omelet tasted so good with cheese and pepper!
