The panic in yo voice when you said “switch guns!” makes these videos funnier than they already were! Keep up the great work KG! GABAGOO
The panic in yo voice when you said “switch guns!” makes these videos funnier than they already were! Keep up the great work KG!
the absolute terror when he said SWITCH makes the whole video D..G.E.V.R
the absolute terror when he said SWITCH makes the whole video
KG, every time you upload a video my day gets better. Keep doing what you’re doing man. blankspace
KG, every time you upload a video my day gets better. Keep doing what you’re doing man.
4:55 It looked like the bull was dancing!😂 lukezell
4:55 It looked like the bull was dancing!😂
It’s always an amazing day when kg post who agrees👇 Brady_
It’s always an amazing day when kg post who agrees👇
It’s 2:18 in the morning and I’ve been watching your stuff the whole time since about 10 CountryBoi-roij
It’s 2:18 in the morning and I’ve been watching your stuff the whole time since about 10
get this man to one million subscribers! CMON!! TJHUNTZ
get this man to one million subscribers! CMON!!
Gaming channel is underrated as well as the other channels shenaniganswithshane
Gaming channel is underrated as well as the other channels
Kg is the best youTuber when it comes to Hunter call of the wild AndrewPerkins-veev
Kg is the best youTuber when it comes to Hunter call of the wild
How you said BaNgTaNg at the start is funny GOOBER
How you said BaNgTaNg at the start is funny
Your the best gamer kg keep up the good work Theoutdoorschannel
Your the best gamer kg keep up the good work
What a W Kendall deserves to be the best YouTuber for everything he has done for us even tho he already is but he deserves at least 100 million subs Goldfish-jsmn
What a W Kendall deserves to be the best YouTuber for everything he has done for us even tho he already is but he deserves at least 100 million subs
" bro why you're being like that" tick! hahahaha ItaAndyOfficial
" bro why you're being like that" tick! hahahaha
Dude KG you have to play the new map it is amazing thebrowns
Dude KG you have to play the new map it is amazing
hi kg thanks for just making my life better miniman
hi kg thanks for just making my life better
I still can’t believe I watch this 39 minutes after you posted it westonperkins
I still can’t believe I watch this 39 minutes after you posted it
Who else agrees with me kg is the best youtuber😊 StephanVanWyk-zeqg
Who else agrees with me kg is the best youtuber😊
Kendall you have been my favorite YouTuber ever since you started man you awsome I’m a big Christian boy from a small town called Damascus arkansas MylesPresley
Kendall you have been my favorite YouTuber ever since you started man you awsome I’m a big Christian boy from a small town called Damascus arkansas
Kg your the goat man I’m glad I found your channel 3 years ago S..T.L
Kg your the goat man I’m glad I found your channel 3 years ago
kendall would you care to bring back the hunting sim 2 series back plz _in_motion
kendall would you care to bring back the hunting sim 2 series back plz