Stop Being Pathetic. -Jocko Willink (From The Underground)

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Jocko Underground 036
The True Importance of Controlling emotions.
Value of pull-ups.
Balancing Your Life.
How to deal with Self Doubt
Managing the hierarchy.
Working in an environment filled with slackers... again
Join the conversation on Twitter/Instagram: @jockowillink @echocharles
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16 year old me needed to hear this. 40 year old me still needed to hear this. Thank you Jocko & Echo.


Jocko, you helped me overcome a breakup, and instead of killing myself, I got better and stronger as a man. Got back out there and started my own family, now I'm a Dad.


We are in this beautiful new age where those of us who didn’t have good role models, fathers, etc. as children can seek out men like these to make ourselves better. I’m grateful.


When the majority of people in your life get overly emotional about almost everything, it makes you look like the odd one, in my experience. You get called things like “robot” or in the corporate world; “disconnected” or “slow to action”.


This helps me remember to check my frustration when my 8 and 6 year old are being 8 and 6 year olds. Other day my daughter was yelling at her brother but he was ignoring her. Each yell she got louder and louder. I popped in the room and told her that yelling over and over isn’t going to help get him to listen to you. She tuned without missing a beat and said, “you do it to me” felt like a knife in the heart. Sat down and took ownership of poor way I had approached her in the past and we agreed to work on it together.


I look up to Jocko And Echo like they're My Dad and Uncle, lol. I've truly been turning into a person I never knew I could even be with the advice of MEN like these two. Thank you for being here for the ones of us who don't have "Good" Dad's or fathers to look up to.

Thank You BOTH for your Service 🫂 On and Off the Battlefield. Yall are saving lives and don't even know it.


There's something I learned about emotional control. The *only* way to learn how to "control you emotions" is by putting yourself under situations that stimulates such emotions constantly, consistently, during a long period of time. Jocko is able to be calm and collected under stressful situations because that's what he's been doing his entire career.
Knowing about emotional control is not enough. We have to pile effort upon effort, and put ourselves under rough situations, and learn how to enjoy that.


As someone who is very calm I do realize my fatal flaw is that I stockpile resentment, which is anger in passive mode that might blow up in the future. That's where the stoic philosophy comes in handy, It's been helping me let go on the things that are absolutely out of my control without fretting and taking effective actions to manage what I can manage. Emotions should be treated as mere signals but never a call to action


When I realized that being weak and being kind aren’t the same thing my whole life changed.


The biggest part about this is realizing you are not your emotions.. you detach from them instead of suppressing them.


This time is the best time to start becoming strong, and stop being pathetic. Believe me, if you start training physically, not only it helps physically, it also helps a lot with your mental health, you start feeling more humble inside of you, you understand better the difficulties of life by starting feeling physical pain. You start to understand strong people and why they do not show their emotions.


I lost my son years ago. Not sure how to explain it but after that event things inside just became numb in a way. I still enjoy life and all but when it comes to things like the deaths of my parents and others, I'm just not really as moved as I guess I should be. I've heard comments get back to me that I'm cold and such. But I will say this, I have learned to appreciate the numbness and not having to deal with the sorrows that many have to deal with, I guess when it comes to sadness I feel like I've already hit the bottom. Nowhere to go but up right? I will say this I cherish every day with my family now. Every fkn second.


Jocko: “they loosing their mind.”

Also Jocko: *holding a knife*


Thanks for this advice from one of our most disciplined, controlled and experienced heroes. Ego and emotional control are important for yourself and those around you. Great for present and future decision making.


Man Jocko when I heard your first sentence about these groups acting against you and your brand I had some choice words I was going to use in this chat for them. Then you started about emotional control and I realized I have made some progress but still have work to do. We support you. We support your message. Thank you sir!


That's key to me. Don't focus on how catastrophic it is or how good or bad it is. Focus on what can be done about it. It's not about dismissing feelings I don't think. It's about keeping your head in the fight.


Life is good when you learn to control your emotions, especially when having to make life decisions. The first goal in a competitive situation is to get the other party into an emotional state, get under their skin, this leads them to make poor decisions. Keep up the great work brothers.


Such a fan of Jocko and all he has to share. Extreme Ownership!!


I have so much respect for Jocko.. I love how level headed he is


As someone who has had a hard time controlling their emotions. The only thing that helped was taking full control of my schedule. Jocko is the same way. Go to bed and wake up at the same time as much as reasonable. Have a routine at the end and beginning of your day. If you control your schedule your emotions become easier to control.
