Elaine Pagels In Person interviews on MythVision

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Please help us make history by interviewing Professor Elaine Pagels

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Elaine Pagels, is an American religious historian. She is the Harrington Spear Paine Professor of Religion at Princeton University. Pagels has conducted extensive research into early Christianity and Gnosticism.

Her best-selling book The Gnostic Gospels (1979) examines the divisions in the early Christian church, and the way that women have been viewed throughout Jewish history and Christian history. Modern Library named it as one of the 100 best books of the twentieth century.

#MythVision #ElainePagels
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Wow !! MVP is the BEST !!! Prof Pagels was on an NPR special that was AMAZING !!!
You seriously rock dude


Love everything about this... but, #teamSONY!!! Love what you’re doing, brother! Can’t wait to see it. The Dr. Josh deal sounds awesome!


Looking forward to this. Loved Elaine Pagels “Gnostic Gospels”. MythVision just keeps getting better and better. So glad I decided to become a Patreon.


I donated through PPal. I like the prospect of Richard Carrier replying to Bart Ehrman.


This is great news Derek. Also have to say I really liked the lighting in this clip. Nice and dramatic! It suits the importance of the content announcements. This is going to be a great summer!


Do christians watch your channel? I'm curious because your content is spectacular. Great production, no swearing, clean, insightful, and you take this seriously. This should be able to cross audiences.


Pagels, Krauss, Shermer, Carrier, Ehrman, , , dude youre getting heavy hitters. awesome


I have a dozen or so questions for Elaine : you can point her to this post rather than have to read it to her in full...

Can we speak of ‘the Mysteries of haMeshia’q’ (= Mysteries of Christ) in any meaningful way in the earliest Church?

Can we prove from their own texts that the Dead Sea Sectarians had any overt ‘Mystery Religion and /or ‘gnostic’ leanings ?

Was the later Pauline breakaway gentile-loving non-Torah ‘churches’ in the Diaspora the first Christian splinter group to use Mystery Religious terminology reminiscent of the Mithraic Mysteries or is it latent (or overt) in the Torah-Abiding teachings of James the Just or the Book of Revelation ?

Does Saul / Paul coming as he did from Tarsus, the Roman Mithraic Gnostic cult centre in Cilicia that introduc’d Mithraic Gnosticism into Rome via the Cilician pirates in 63 BCE, have any bearing on his introducing Mystery Elements & Terminology into his own kind of re-wired gentile-friendly non Torah Abiding non Circumcision Christianity ? e.g. the Eucharist description in 1 Corinthians 15 &c.

Did R. Yehoshua bar Yosef the Galilean Nazir himself (in your opinion) really say something like ‘to you my disciples is given to understand the Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven but to all outsiders, everything must only be express’d in Riddles? Or was this logion a later post Pauline addition by a 2nd century church forgerer? Or is it merely a reflection of the later Rabinnic teaching on ‘things conceal’d & ‘things reveal’d?’

Can we find any primitive Judea-Christian Gnostic or Mystery Religious Tendenz in the ‘Gospel of Thomas’ either in the earlier Greek fragments (c. 85 CE) or the later mangl’d Coptic translation from some earlier Greek text —judging from what was dug up at Nag Hammadi in Egypt (text from c. 260 CE) in 1945?


Meanwhile the real Gnostic Cowboys remain hidden! and hidden! and hidden!

Rodeos like Alan Wallace, Daniel Ingram, Shinzen Young and Bhante Vimalaramsi reveal practice-enlightenment.

There is no beginning to practice nor end to enlightenment; There is no beginning to enlightenment nor end to practice.

