Do works justify us before God or man? -

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Cherubim Church is an online ministry during the end times, exposing the deceptions of the last days using the Holy Text given to us by Jesus Christ. Kjv only.

How to get saved

Man is a sinner in the eyes of a Holy God.

Romans 3:23 – For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.

There is a price for our sin, the wage (what we earn) is death when we sin.

Romans 6:23 – For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Jesus Christ paid for all our sins, by dying on the cross, shedding His blood; Christ was buried and bodily rose again 3 days later.

Romans 5:8 – But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

By faith in Jesus Christ alone are we saved forever.

Ephesians 2:8 – For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

Faith alone in Christ alone. That is the gospel, it is simple, pure and it saves you eternally. You cannot lose salvation.

Do you trust that Jesus Christ is God come in the flesh? That He died for all your sins on the cross? That He was buried and 3 days later rose from the dead? If you do, you are now saved.
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I never get tired of hearing the gospel!!!


I’m saved by the blood of Christ. We are already sinners, there’s no changing that. We all deserve to rot in hell, but jesus saved us by his sacrifice, I will make it into heaven.


Amen, this was a great sermon and the pastor sounds very knowledgeable about God’s Word


This pastor in the video rejects young earth creation, which we disagree with, but their gospel is sound.


Let people think there is something more valuable than the spoils of war.


Lesson friend I didn't watch this video but I watched the Catholic answers video about salvation, here is an orthodox view on it. the knoledege that Jesus is god is not enough to go to heaven. I am orthodox and we believe that we do not earn salvation by works, but think about it this way Jesus's arms are open and you have to reach him to be saved and through works and other things you get closer to him and once you reach him you have been saved. You don't earn salvation you accept it by joining with god, you can learn how to join god by researching the oriental orthodox church.


No man can justify another man only God can justify mankind. The meaning of Biblical justification is when Jesus Christs blood washes away your sins. Then and only then can one be justified. This is why James 2: 24 is God justifying Abraham not man. " And the scripture was fulfilled which says, Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness. And he was called the friend of God." Verse 24 " You see then that a man is JUSTIFIED BY WORKS, AND NOT BY FAITH ALONE."

God justified Abraham's works not man. For Abraham's faith, was a living working perfect faith. This is the faith that will justify you NOT FAITH OR JUST BELIEF ALONE. James 2:22-24 " Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made perfect." Verse 24 " You see then that a man is justified(God can only justify man: To make one free from sin, to save one from their sins) by works, an not by FAITH ALONE."

For no man can justify( take the sins away from another man) BUT GOD!


The thing I wrote before, I was using as an example if you denied Jesus' Sonship, saying If people trust Jesus as the Son of God, not understanding the Trinity and not knowing that He is "God come in the flesh, " they'll go to HELL. There's not one scripture in the Bible that says it's a requirement to understand the Trinity for Salvation. And there are a number of scriptures that say if you trust Jesus as the Son of God, you can and will be Saved forever. Yes, Jesus is God in the physical and has always been. But knowing that is not a requirement for Salvation. Anyone who teaches that it is a requirement has denied his Sonship. How? Because if it's a requirement that people understand that Jesus is God in the flesh in order to be Saved, then that means they COULD NOT be Saved by trusting Jesus as the Son of God and would burn in HELL because they did not understand the Trinity. Which would then make God a liar for promising Eternal Life to whosoever believes on his Son. It just creates so much confusion when people say it's a requirement to understand the Trinity for Salvation. When witnessing to people who are unlearned, its best to tell them that Jesus is the Son of God and when he died on the cross and rose from the dead on the 3rd day, he Saved them from eternal HELL FIRE. And all they have to do is place their trust in Jesus Christ today and be Saved forever and have a guaranteed place in Heaven no matter what happens in their life. Then after they come to this knowledge that they are Saved eternally, then you can tell them more about the Bible and about the Trinity (The Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost). But you must be careful because you don't want to give a babe the MEAT of the word and cause them to be confused. I do apologize to you for what I wrote earlier, but I was just using it as an example. Greetings to you and your followers 🙏


May I also point out that there is no check list to salvation you must join god and know him. There is no sure way to be saved. Also judas knew that Jesus was god do you say he is in heaven


Cherubim Church. When I finally have my own YouTube channel please let me download your YouTube videos that I want to download into my YouTube channel so people in this world can see your YouTube videos in my YouTube channel and also please let me download the same YouTube videos of yours into my YouTube channel more than once so people in this world can see the exact same YouTube videos of yours but different titles of your YouTube videos in my YouTube channel there is a reason why I will and want to download your YouTube videos that I want to download into my YouTube channel but I will not let anyone know what my reason is so please let me download your YouTube videos that I want to download into my YouTube channel.


So you think you’re immortal with Christ? This life doesn’t matter as much, does it?
You’ll have all you want, just turn the cheek.
Religion is a human construction.
You have been blinded by beauty.
Made things all easy for the wicked folk,
The ones who know they’re mortal.
