What is justification?

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What is justification? How can I be justified before God? Why, on the basis of Christ’s death, can God declare us to be righteous?

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Thank you so so much for this short post... I'm liberated by it... I'm so grateful... ❤️🙌


I really enjoy your content. I use it often for reference while studying privately. May Yah continue to bless your ministry!


Justification is not only declared righteous BUT MADE RIGHTEOUS!

“For‭ as‭ by‭ one‭ man’s‭ disobedience‭ many‭ were made‭‭ sinners‭, so‭‭ by‭ the obedience‭ of one‭ shall‭‭ many‭ be ‭MADE‭‭‭ ‭RIGHTEOUS.” Romans 5:19

Justification is a regeneration.

“Not‭ by‭ works‭ of‭ righteousness‭ which‭ we‭ have done‭‭, but‭ according to‭ his‭ mercy‭ he saved‭‭ us‭, by‭ the washing‭ of regeneration‭, and‭ renewing‭ of the Holy‭ Ghost‭;‭
‭Which‭ he shed‭‭ on‭ us‭ abundantly‭ through‭ Jesus‭ Christ‭ our‭ Saviour‭;‭
‭That‭ being justified by‭‭ his‭ grace‭, we should be made‭‭ heirs‭ according to‭ the hope‭ of eternal‭ life‭.” Titus 3:5-7

This is what Jesus was talking about...

“... I say‭‭ unto thee‭, Except‭ a man‭ be born‭‭ again‭, he cannot‭‭‭ see‭‭ the kingdom‭ of God‭.” John 3:3

Paul says "Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. For he that is dead is freed from sin....Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 6:6, 7, 11

Those who are justified are freed from sin and are new creatures in Christ, regenerated by faith, and washed like a new born baby,


Thanks It helps me more on my research..God bless


Justification has two mean but different in context.. Justification by faith through the grace of God this faith can be understood by the faith of baptism. The principal cause of justification grace of God of the merit of Christ justification is that He, through His Holy passion has merited justification. That original sin is removed by the merits of Jesus Christ only through the baptism the merits of Christ are applied.. Titus 3:5-7..Justification is not only the remission of sin, but also the sanctification and renewal of the interior man..After we recieved the grace of baptism.. We cooperate Gods grace justification of good works titus 3:8-9 God give us to respond to his call to become children of God, adoptive sons, partakers of the divine nature..
Justification being live in a righteous life in accordance with theological virtues faith, hope and love
galacian 5:5-6...


FAITH must come alone in accepting/believing Christ Jesus thru God's Grace without any Man's way of work... but after FAITH has been established then it is ESSENTIAL to do or apply Good WORKS/ACTS/DEEDS to our neighbors/foes alike to justify our FAITH in Christ Jesus thru God's grace by Hope and Love...
Christ Jesus said (John 14:15/paraphrased), "If you LOVE Me (Christ), you must KEEP (verb = do, obey, follow, practice) my Commandments... St. Paul's Epistles to the Corinthians (Cor. 16:22/paraphrased)... "If anyone has NO LOVE (does not keep Christ's Commandments) for the LORD (Christ Jesus), let him be CURSED."... SALVATION is a PROCESS... Amen.


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Justification is from root justice to make it right.. Made acceptable to God by Redemption roma 3:22-23..
God grace is the source of justification is conferred in baptism we are justified by faith through baptism galacian 3:24-27... But the grace we received in baptism we call to cooperated God grace patakers of divine nature by good works titus 3:6-8. By the obedience to the divine will practicing the theological virtues galacian 5:6-7 faith, love and hope..and moral virtues 2 peter 1:4
Justification of good works is a long procees it depend our disposition and our effort with the help of Gods grace.. 4:05 4:05


Seriously, more expected actions for a refund?


Seriously wrong explanation of justification.
If we sin, we shall surely die. Satan's lie says we shall not die.
Jesus was sent to DELIVER us from sin, to destroy the head and works of Satan, to set us free indeed from sin and so MAKE us righteous and holy that sin may stop and we may not die. Without righteousness and holiness we shall not see God.


Be good if your mentionned this is from a protestant perspective.
