The BEST Way To Learn and Practice Scales on Guitar!
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Hey kids, its your good buddy Uncle Ben Eller! One of the questions i get asked the most is "what is the best way to learn and practice scales and modes on the guitar?"; the answer is easy: you gotta take em to the DRONE ZONE!!!
Practicing scales to a drone with help you understand and hear the harmony of that particular scale, plus free you from the obligation of keeping up with a metronome or jam track while you're still wrapping your fingers around it. It also helped me immensely cut down on "joyriding", aimlessly playing through patterns, and really help me with note targeting for SUPER melodic playing! Plus its definitely a lot more fun than just playing by yourself.
Over the major chord drones, you can practice:
-phrygian dominant
-lydian dominant
-major pentatonic
-altered scale
-half/whole diminished
and more!
and over the minor chord drones, try:
-minor/natural minor/aeolian
-minor pentatonic
-melodic minor
-harmonic minor
In this video i'm gonna show you just how effective drone practicing is, so grab that guitar and hang on!
Suhr Modern T with Woodshed pickups
Mosky Obsessive overdrive (OCD clone)
Fractal Audio Axe FX 3