It Took Me FOUR DAYS to Trim and Clean Up this Yard!

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One of my clients asked me for help again, I have previously made a video on how I do laurel hedge pruning of laurel hedges and now I am back to do winter pruning of hedges, shrubs and trees.
So on the first day I started trimming the hedge with a Stihl HSA 86 trimmer, after trimming for about two hours I started cleaning, but since I started in the afternoon it got dark very quickly so I had to finish cleaning without video.
On the second day I went back and started trimming the bushes, for which I used a Stihl KMA135 trimmer, then I took the chainsaw///// and started trimming the trees as the owner asked me to trim them to the height of the garden house, which I did, the only thing I was sorry to trim was a winter apple tree with miniature apples as it was very beautiful. When I trimmed the beech, I didn't notice one branch falling on the camera and didn't record the whole moment of trimming, then I trimmed another bush and ivy that was growing on the fence between the owner and the neighbor, then quickly removed the trimmings from the neighbor's side and continued trimming the ivy in the owner's yard, this was the end of the second day's work as it took me 5 hours.
The next day I decided to pick these apples and so I took a red bucket with me and filled it up. The third day was spent on taking all the cut branches to the dump, although my branch shredder would have been perfect for this task, but at that moment it was at my colleague's place who could not bring it back to me in time. So I threw in a full trailer, strapped it down and drove it to the dump, then came back and loaded another trailer, but by this time it was dark again.
On the fourth day I started blowing leaves out of the bushes with the Stihl BR800, and then packed everything into green bags, I also decided not to throw away the thicker cuttings and therefore decided to saw them and leave them to the owner for the fireplace, but taking the wheelbarrow I had to pump up the tire, which was completely flat, it's good that I always have a hand pump in my car. Not long before this, the owner asked to remove one tree with the root, as it was dry and old, so I took a hoe and a shovel with me and started digging, but despite the fact that the tree was not very big, I had to sweat a lot to dig and chop this root, which really exhausted me and it took 40 minutes, it was approaching evening and I still needed to do some pruning in front of the house, so after finishing with the tree, I quickly sawed everything into firewood and took the root to the trailer and immediately started further work, at this time a light rain passed but I had to finish everything, knocking down the weeds from the sidewalk, cutting lavender and two trees, I quickly removed everything and after finishing, as expected, I blew everything out.
After this work I got a little sick and didn't work for a whole week, maybe because of the changeable weather, as it was sometimes sunny and sometimes rainy, and also working on the video took much more time than I thought, because in these 4 days I had about 20 hours of work and I had to fit it all into at least 2 hours of video!
Also, unfortunately, I didn’t save a recording of what it looked like before, so the video only shows the result of the work done!
Рекомендации по теме

Wow, very manicured! I like it a lot, even though I was holding my breath while you were bringing down limb after limb, lol. I guess that sun-shading tree canopy isn’t nearly as prized over there as it is in the USA. We love our tree canopy, but you love your light & skies. Anyway, it’s very trim & spiffy. Looks well cared for! Greetings from Wisconsin.


You are the best hedge trimmer on YouTube period. And, you made quick work of all of those trees-Nice! Also, your camera angles and editing is really professional. You filmed yourself placing your vest on a bench early in the video then picking up your tools later in the video- so cool. I honestly feel like I am watching a movie. You must have a background in cinematography.


Hello from Mobile, Alabama, USA. I’ve watched numerous videos of people who do the kind of work that you do and no one comes close to you in terms of your skill. You always have the straightest lines and you always clean up your work area so well. You keep up the good work and we’ll keep watching.


Oh my God, the perfectionism on this one is absolutely second to none!! That tree was one hell of a stubborn thing!! You deserve an Ironman trophy!! Also, the filming on this one definitely deserves an Oscar! Absolutely impeccable!!


OMG where is your helper?, No wonder you got sick, I hope you’re feeling better after your rest.
You do an amazing job and your videos are never boring 😊
I hope you didn’t get hurt any during your mishaps. You could see the exhaustion taking over in several spots of the video.
I am always impressed by the cleanup that you do, you do an excellent job. I wish other people could be so thorough. Thank you for your great videos. I will be looking forward To the next one .


You go beyond everyone else’s work. Amazing job!


That's a whole lot of work for four days. Amazing job. Got moves with your work. Got tired and I wasn't even working lol . Beautiful.


and still works alone wowww, now 2 hours movie i have my drink and sit so i can watch you, on tv is nothing what i like so it is again youtube what my evening makes nice


Your hard work, trimming and pruning skills never cease to amaze me.
All the best.


♥🍀♥ Счастлива лежать под тëплым пледом и смотреть двухчасовое прекрасное расслабляющее видео... Я понимаю, для Вас это огромный труд, Кусторез. 🤗🍎А для нас всех - радость увидеть преображение заросшего участка. Так много труда... Зато потом такой восхитительный результат!!!
Понравилось, как бережно были собраны плоды, похожие на райские яблочки:)) И заготовленные дрова, сложенные в поленницу, приятно удивили, мы на даче в деревне тоже так делаем. Здоровья и всех благ Вам, великий труженик.🤗♥🍀


My man took out that tree with a shovel, a pick axe and sheer determination. Respect! Subscribed


Wow, that was a massive job for one person. Fantastic transformation. Great job. ❤


Как всегда:тяжёлый труд и превосходный результат! Берегите свое здоровье!


Almost 2 hours, really can't wait to see the transformation. You do such great, hard work, your videos are always very satisfying to watch. Greetings from Colombia


HOLY SMOKES!! 😮 This was a marathon, wasn't it? You are the Hedge Master!😍 I wish everyone took such pride in the their work. No wonder you weren't feeling well after this! FANTASTIC WORK. Glad that's over for you, though it made for EXCELLENT viewing. I always learn something. Take care of yourself! Blessings from Washington State💛🖤💛 Stacy




These jobs take a lot of arm and upper body strength. That’s probably why most people hire this work done because they can’t maintain these bushes on their own. You work hard and your finished product is amazing.


Very hardworking gentleman, never get tired, he's using a small knife to cut the grassed, god bless him.


That loading the trailer is a work of art.


Schön, dass Sie wieder da sind. Ich bewundere Ihre Arbeit.
