Best Books for Learning Linear Algebra

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In this video I go over the best books for learning linear algebra. Now there are lots of other really good linear algebra books so I just wanted to pick a few to discuss.

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Gilbert Strang, Introduction to Linear Algebra is also awesome, as well as his lectures on MIT


Currently reading "Linear Algebra and its Applications" by David Lay. It's very well written and I would recommend it to engineer majors because there are application sections at the end of each chapter. Reading these real-life applications help me with other classes such as modeling (numerical) methods for aerospace engineering.


I used Linear Algebra Done Right by sheldon axler. It's concentrates more on theory than applications. If you're willing to take the time, it's a pretty good read for a beginner


Anton: "Here are the 100 axioms from which the entire field of linear algebra may be derived. We'll leave it as an exercise for you to derive them."


Hi! As someone just getting into advanced math, I've been noticing small problem solving tips to prove exercises like perhaps recalling past theorems and looking at proofs mentioned before in the textbook, constructing new functions or objects that can help simplify your problem, and other clever techniques that help one come to a proof. Over the years, I'm sure you too have amassed general methods to prove statements, so I would love if you did a video on your favorite problem solving strategies!!


Thanks for the suggestions, I've read some part of Anton's book and it's really good but now I'm in a proof based course and I'll start with last one you suggested, I hope it will help me grasp the abstract part of Linear Algebra, thanks again 👍.


I really appreciate these videos, I am an undergrad student and these recommendations have been a great help to me and also thanks to the people commenting down the book they used to learn the topics.


I like your enthusiasm and energy you have for mathematics.


At Brazil, we use 2 great references: Linear Algebra, by Hoffman and Kunze (if I remember well, they both were professors at MIT and the book was designed for a not so rigorous course) and Álgebra Linear, by Elon Lages Lima (this is the major reference for every single master or doctorate program. It has won a prize for it's methodology and is selled for a very cheap price, the only problem is the transportation costs. But it only costs something like 5 dollars, a the new edition, out of the box)


I learned out of the Spence book for my proof-based course it a pretty smooth read.


I've tried schaums outlines on linear algebra, very informative


Love this video. I need to go over some notions and found out I lost my favorite algebra book (the Gourdon - Algebra). Thank you for these.


"I got it for about 5 dollars including shipping"
Amazon: $80 without shipping.


This textbook is long out of print, but Linear Algebra with Applications by Steven Roman is my favorite in Math, Physics, or Chemistry. Roman does a great job of motivating each topic and laying out a roadmap of Linear Algebra. At the beginning of each chapter and section, he explains how what we're about to learn follows from what came before it. And then at the conclusion, he hints at the next development. Apparently, Roman also has an Advanced Linear Algebra textbook. So, the two should not be confused.


Vector calculus, linear algebra and diffrential forms by Hubbard is suprisingly really good. I currently self studying it for Calc 3 and linear algebra (My school doesn't offer math above AP Calculus). They gives almost all the proofs and comments to the theorem which really helps me understand the mechanics behind it. Even though I still struggling with the calculus part since limited experience with proofs and also the use of notation Di F (i is a subscript) to denote partial derivative instead of curly df/dx which I got used to from Calculus.
It also helps that there is a solution manual to all odd numbered problems!


Thanks for the awesome video. My linear algebra course is going to start next week. Can't wait to learn about linear equations in higher dimensions. Just ordered the Schaum's book. Plan to couple it with my No BS guide to Linear Algebra( yes, its an actual book) hahaha while I study. Again thanks for the awesome video. Keep passing down the knowledge. I feel it gives us all more strength to push forward with our maths


Linear Algebra Step by Step - Kuldeep Singh...
Finally a writer who understands that what is "obvious" to seasoned mathematicians isn't at all obvious to the mathematically challenged in their first year of university.


Totally agree, I have a 10th edition of Anton's book bought some 10 years ago. I have just finished doing 60% up to Chapter 6 of the book. I have also bought a solution manual (11th edition) which is available on Amazon. It is important to have a solution manual to check answers after you have done some exercises. Anton's writing is clear on all linear algebra concepts in his book. The exercises are not difficult once you have mastered the contents. I had learnt linear algebra a few times before using books written by Strang (60% read), Blyth and Robertson (100% read), Banchoff and Wermer (80% read) and Schaum Series by Lipschutz (95% read). Despite, I don't feel I really master the subject contents totally until after I have read Anton's book, it finally clears up many of my confusions. This morning, I am on chapter 7 and I plan to finish it in 2 weeks.


*Linear Algebra books*
To view particular books, just click on blue-lit times below.

0:24 *Elementary Linear Algebra* by Howard Anton.
1:31 *Linear Algebra* by Seymour Lipschutz and Marc Lipson.
2:12 *Linear Algebra* by Stephen Friedberg.


A great one is Gilbert Strang's Linear Algebra!
