The Best Book Ever Written on Linear Models

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In this video, I'm sharing the best Linear and Generalized Linear Models book for data scientists. This book covers the basics of Linear Models and how to use them to analyze data.

If you're a data scientist, then you need to know how to use Linear Models. This book will teach you the basics of Linear Models and help you to use them to analyze data. After watching this video, you'll have the knowledge you need to use Linear Models to analyze data and grow as a data scientist!

Alan Agresti has a reputation for being a fantastic textbook author. He is probably best known for Categorical Data Analysis. Having read "Categorical Data Analysis" and "Foundations of Linear and Generalized Linear Models" my opinion is that the later is his crowning achievement. Now this is a little like comparing apples and oranges because the topics are different. Have have so many positive feelings about this book. I love the matrix approach to many of his derivations. I like the full notes section at the end of each of his chapters. Taking time to explore some topics further and allow myself to get lost in some of his notes paid dividends. It is a good way to become generally informed with statistics overall. I would say his end-of-chapter notes are comparable in quality to what would be found in Computer Age Statistical Inference. I think the exercises are useful. At the end of the book he has a list of exercises for the reader to work out in R. I think that this is a good way to review the entire book. It is as if he is inviting the reader to have one last skim of the book and apply what was learned with the data sets he provides.


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Been a fan of Alan Agresti for many years! I first picked up his books back in 2013 when I was in education research evaluator :)


Thank you so much for your suggestion 🙂🙂🙂


Are you serious? His style of writing is horrifying. One has to read at least 3 times to understand what he tries to explain. Also when recalling something he rewrites it in a totally different manner. Easily the worst books if you are a student and not a seasoned expert in statistics.
