DAY 1 💥 of Day Trading with a $500 account 🚀 Small Account Challenge Ep 7

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Before we continue...👀

💰Remember, day trading is risky and most traders lose money. You should never trade with money you can’t afford to lose. Prove profitability in a simulator before trading with real money. 

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🍏 All of the content on our channel is for educational purposes only. No data, content, or information provided by Warrior Trading, the Site, or the other products and services of Warrior Trading, is intended, and shall not constitute or be construed as, advice or any recommendation to buy, sell or hold a particular security or pursue any particular investment strategy.

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Now let’s dig into some helpful information …

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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior
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Finally, someone making a video that actually teaching stuff, not just showing how amazing trader they are with all that only day stock trading that nobody knows of. Thank you so much for ur educative video


Ross I have the utmost respect for you that you actually read and respond to every comment !


Thanks for being so awesome, Ross. These videos (and many others) are where the real truth lies: making trades, some good, some great, some not so great, etc...excellent learning opportunity for so many traders, and deeply appreciated. Keep up the awesome work...


I must say I really enjoy re-watching all of these videos of yours because of how you show and explain your decision to take a trade using the level 2 and time and sales. Thanks a whole lot, Ross!


I just want to thank you for your knowledge, time, and effort. Its very insightful and fun to watch.


Awesome video, Ross. Congrats on a great 1st day.
Being able to see the level 2 in action is really freaking cool. Time and Sales is one thing but having Level 2 is such an edge. It was really great to see that. I havent seen too many videos that breakdown L2 and how one would use it to find strength and weakness of the stock.


Thanks for the live video footage of you trading. It's good to see your thought process live and the speed at which these trades take place.


Thanks Ross. Learning a lot by watching your videos. I like how you don’t make trading your life which is an easy trap to fall into. Everything in moderation.


Hey Ross! Great video's as always (second time watching this challenge for tips etc) with CMEG, how do you use hot keys? I just have the demo at the moment to see if I want to use the platform however the hot keys do not seem to be there, are you using a CMEG account in different software? Any help would be great, thank you!


Thank you for your hard work, I am finally ready to start trading after too many years of physical work, please teach me how to do it, I know you teach from the heart.


Hi Ross, if you decide to jump so quickly into Stock, do you fill with market order or limit order? And vice versa while sellling partial - these are all market orders?


Great video, and very informative! You're trading so fast, how do you determine your Stop loss? Are setting the loss in a template for 10 or 20 cents below the buy point? Thank you for the video!


I love this video. I watched it twice. Its should be shared and published on all "how to day trade" textbooks. The selection, execution, explanation, absolutely well explained. The only one thing it didn't show is the "sell at the ask" part : was that preset with a hot key button? The platform is Lightspeed? One thing to notice: The speed of this trade was fast, I'm sure it takes lot of practice to acquire that speed. Thank you Ross for teaching us.


Love how you show us what’s on your mind! Very informative!


phew that was an intense trade, awesome stuff


I jumped into your $5 intro to Warrior Pro chat room and have learned so much from you this week!


Hey Ross, quick question. i'm very new to all this, but couldn't you have put a limit order to sell it at 11 or more?


Hi I'am just wondering if you use leverage and how large is it?


Great recap and yes... great return for account size. Awesome day one :)


Greetz from Belgium, never late to discover some brillant people. Good continuation
