DIY Laundry Soap (Non-toxic, sustainable, affordable, easy to make!) *Essential Oils*

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Reducing toxins in your laundry room - so much easier than you thought!
One of the most toxic rooms in your house is NOT the garage, the bathroom, or even the basement… It's typically the laundry room.
This is from the heavily scented laundry detergent, fabric softener, dryer sheets (that are also not great for your dryer either), linen sprays, and fragranced beads.
The laundry room is littered with synthetic fragrances that can irritate your skin, trigger asthma, allergies, and eczema, contribute to indoor air pollution, and long term exposure to these fragrances can even lead to cancer for some people.
This is a lot of damaging side effects just to have your clothes smelling “mountain fresh.”
These DIY solutions are the all natural alternative that’ll have your laundry smelling fresh, feeling clean, and you’ll even save a few dollars in the process.
DIY Laundry Detergent:
Upcycled or glass container with pump
1 cup liquid Dr. Bronner's Soap- pure castile soap.
1cup baking soda.
20 drops Lavender essential oil.
10 drops Lemon essential oil.
Combine all ingredients in a container, stir.
Use ¼ C solution for every wash.
DIY Fabric Softener:
2 C Epsom Salts
1/2 C Baking Soda
20 Drops Lavender essential oil
Combine all ingredients in a jar, shake or stir so ingredients are evenly distributed.
Add 2-3 Tbls of mixture to every load of laundry.
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