Large Family LAUNDRY SOAP | How to Make Your Own LIQUID LAUNDRY SOAP |

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Rather than spending $10 for “clean” laundry soap that’s probably greenwashed - make your own in a 5 gallon bucket for pennies! I use this non-toxic laundry soap for everything for our family of 6 - cloth diapers, dirty farm clothes, my husband’s work clothes - it works great and is so easy to make.

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00:00 non-toxic liquid laundry soap
05:00 making a lemon balm infusion
06:36 castile soap for making laundry soap
07:30 how to make liquid laundry soap

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I'm Steph, wife of John & mom of 4 living on a 5th generation homestead. My husband's great-grandparents bought this farm in rural Missouri in 1942. My husband was supposed to take the farm over after high school - but he decided to go a different direction and moved out on his own. At that time he said he'd never get married or have kids. But here we are - 4 kids later and back on the farm. I grew up in town - so farm life has been a new adventure for me and I absolutely love it. I'm learning as I go and opting out of as many broken systems as I can along the way. We've lived here almost five years now, we homeschool our kids here, raise and grow more of our own food all the time, and our last baby was even born here on the farm - my first home birth. Learn with me as I share glimpses into our life on the farm.
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Just going to throw this out there. You did this while caring for a sick child, you did all the camera work by yourself, you have chickens and a garden, you look like you work out, I'm giving you Mom of the year! If anyone agrees second the motion. Good video, I didn't realize the Fels Naptha had toxins. Thanks 👍


Fantastic. Thanks.
Here's my summary-
4 cups water
1.5 bars castile soap

Boil water and dissolve grated soap into it on a pot on the stove

20 litres water
1 cup borax
1 cup washing soda

Half fill 20l bucket with hot water.
Add borax, washing soda, and soap water and mix.
Fill bucket with hot water and seal with lid.
Leave overnight.

Stir before using.
1/2 cup per washing load.


People like you who lead these clean wholesome lifestyles are usually very beautiful. Silky hair. Glowing skin and eyes. A living testament to how we were intended to live in this world. ❤


Line drying helps as sunshine is a wonderful natural disinfectant itself.


Thanks for sharing!
FYI. You can make your own washing soda. Spread baking soda on a shallow sided cooking sheet. Place in a 200° oven, stirring occasionally.
When it turns gray, it will have converted to washing soda.
I like to buy baking soda in bulk, at Costco to save even more money.
I hope this helps.


OK. So we're now on our 2nd batch of your amazing laundry wash liquid and to be honest the wife and I are amazed at how clean and fresh our clothes and towels feels. Not to mention how fresh our washing machine now smells. Thanks a million


Can we just take a moment to appreciate this womans beauty both inside and out?!? Beautiful!!!


I made 5 gallons of your recipe on 7/24/23. I have maybe enough liquid laundry soap for two more loads of laundry. We are a small household of 3 senior adults. I made 5 gallons for the coming year yesterday (7/1/2024). Thanks for making this post for a really easy laundry soap that worked really well for us!


Line drying is good for NOT setting stains in clothes and it also helps ALL your clothes last longer!


White vinegar makes an excellent rinse as it removes soap residue and sanitizes the laundry.


I made my first batch 5 months ago, and am stating my second today. THANK YOU FOR THIS!!! It’s been such a great detergent for my family, and I’ve had zero issues with stains, dirty clothes not getting clean, smells…this has been such a great change for my family!


Just made my first 5 gallon bucket of laundry detergent! The three ingredients came out to be $13.88 at Wal Mart! Have plenty of Borax and Washing Soda left and just enough soap to do another 5 gallon bucket once this runs out!


I love seeing young people learn to make things instead of depending on stores; especially nowadays. As a child we made lye soap and it was used for everything from laundry, dishes and baths. When I started making my own laundry detergent, I used the standard recipe; fels naphtha, washing soda and borax. Then I learned borax was degrading my elastic and started keeping that out and only adding it to heavy soiled loads. Then I went to Ivory soap instead of fels naphtha. Then I started using my homemade soap scraps instead of buying Ivory. Life is a live and learn process.


If you heat baking soda in a low oven until it loses its sheen, a chemical reaction occurs to create washing soda 😊


You are a Proverbs 31 woman for sure! The Lord Jesus bless you!❤


Farm life has to go on regardless and nevertheless. My grandma was born in 1918. My grandma used to make homemade soap. Nothing like a little bit of wood ash soaked and made into soap using Tallow from the animals that you butchered. Her white clothes were always the whitest to the day she did not do her laundry. Even in her late eighties that woman never sat down hardly ever unless it was to sew or did you hand work that was necessary to keep a family and a home running. They did not shove their children at babysitters they did not use the schools to babysit. They can their food they made their food from scratch as there was not boxes of food and deli items for you to go and collect. You canned your food as you lived a day trip at least if not further from town. The luxuries that you have today that you take for granted we're not there many years ago. Yes she is amazing woman but that is family life when you live on a farm. Here's your reality they get paid very little for what they grow its the middle man that makes all the money and they work very hard to help put food and products on the table for the rest of America you need to profoundly thank these hard-working families. I could go on forever as I was very close to my grandma. I learned how to pinch a Penny I to a dollar. I'm so grateful for those life lessons.


I've been making my homemade liquid laundry soap using the same recipe for over 20 years now. While I love the lemon balm, I have a huge surplus of chocolate mint growing this my next few batches will be AMAZING!
Prior to leaving my farm, I found that this recipe would not only remove grease, blood and manure, but it was SO GOOD at cleaning our clothing and barn towels of animal amniotic fluid, which any farm wife will tell you is darn near impossible.


I was wondering, "What is that twisted garment she is wearing🤔??" And then I noticed the baby in the back! 😅 That's so adorable. 🥰


Just came here to say I made my first batch at the end of May and I literally just ran out today, October 16th! I do atleast one load of laundry a day too, so this stuff lasts and it works! Our clothes smell clean, not masked with artificial and toxic perfumes! Waiting on my lavender to infuse and making another batch today.


I would love to just be able to lie down and take a nap with my child and get up when he gets up and just live my life as a true stay at home mom.
