How To Properly ATG Split Squat

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In a rush just to stay STUCK..

One of the most common struggles people face in the ATG program,

Is being patient with regressions 💯

Especially since many of our members DO have a background of sports & lifting…

It can be tough to start as a beginner with a movement,

like the ATG Split Squat!

However, even from just a handful of sessions at the right PAIN-FREE level…

And you will find major mobility & joint ability gains 🔥


If you reach just too far, sacrificing form and missing perfect reps each session,

You can stay stuck at that level for a while 😵‍💫

Like with many things in life…

Slow is smooth & smooth is fast 🔥

Take your time just long enough…to do it right!

When it comes to the ATG Split Squat, this couldn’t be truer 💯

Once you achieve the your flat ground split squat…it becomes fun to add layers of strength & mobility every session after!

It’s the gift that keeps on giving 🙏

For more on pain-free athleticism, make sure to follow 👇

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Good video with good music. That 'ping!' sound in the beginning woke me right up 😉.


I feel like I wound up skipping the regressions because I *could* already do a kinda ok split squat. But anyone reading this should learn from that mistake, because I'm convinced that I'm going to have a way easier time going forward getting meaniningful volume through regressions.

Even if you can get some reps in. It's sometimes a good idea to walk it back. Take it from sets of 5 to 10 or even 15 or 20 depending.


Is the goal to hold the position at the bottom or to go down and up again for reps?


No matter the height of the surface I place my left front foot on or whether I use heel support, my left knee pops when my hamstring presses against my calf during the ATG split squat. It also pops when I’m lying on my back in bed, either when fully bending my knee or sometimes just from random movements.

Interestingly, I can sit comfortably in a deep Asian squat, with my butt almost touching the ground, without my left knee popping. I also have no issues getting in and out of supta virasana without using my hands.

What could be causing this, and how can I fix it?


What about those with SI joint instability? :/ it’s well researched and recommended to avoiding shearing movements and unilateral movements. Any alternatives??


Serious question, if I don’t have access to a wedge, is it safe to lift up my heal on my front foot?


is doing it on a chair a good regression?


Where did you get those stackable boxes?


Recommended set and rep scheme to progress?


Alright you got me I need to be person 2


It just sucks cuz Ben advertises zero equipment.... But if you need regressions then he has a list of shit you gotta buy


Person 1 vs person 2 who has extra money and decides to spend probably around 400$ on equipment 💯👌
