How to whistle LOUDLY without fingers. New tips and tricks other videos don't have.

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#whistle #Wolf #whistling #how #howtowhistle
#howto #loud #LOUDLY
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Lovin’ these whistle videos. I work in construction and have been perpetually teased by my coworkers because of my lack of ability to cat call. Now I can whistle at all the mamis in a half mile radius.


I have been practicing for 2 days and it work
Good teacher 👊👊👊


Bro props to you as you taught me how to whistle with your first and second videos. I’m still watching because even if people know how to do it, it might not be that perfect, consistent, like myself and I recommend to keep watching to learn new tips and tricks, which is definitely helping me! Once you learn it’s such a great feeling! Cheers brother 🎉


No way the legend is back with pt. 2!! Literally haven't watched your other vid in years and came to check and you just posted that's crazy haha


Thank you for the help, man.
I'm 24 years old and never knew how to whistle.
And now I will be practicizing :D


It works! Very good explanation! great tips Thank you


thank you, Mat
your tips does help on my practice


lmao i remember starting learning this 5 years ago when u posted ur first vid and passing out each time because i tried so hard. well it did pay off in the end though and managed to master it in a month


Glad you're still whistling loud af


Jesus this works so good they started calling me juan I am now mexican


been trying to figure this out for 4 years.. watched all your previous whistle videos several years ago too. hopefully this is the one that helps me figure it out.

my father-in-law can do it perfectly but doesn't know how to explain it


I've been practicing this back and forth for a few years, but now I really need to it to teach my birds to come back in an emergency case.
I can see some improvement but nowhere near as a clear whistle.
I think I get the tongue placement and the lower lip on the teeth but I don't know how deep I should protude my jaw (where my 2 upper front teeth should be exactly)

Thanks for the vids


Watched your original videos about a month ago and am now consistently making a decent whistle sound (like you made at the end of the video), just now need to work on the volume. Any tips for making it louder? Is it just making the space the air can come out smaller with more pressure?


I've been trying for a long time... I'm gonna practice this exercises and see what It happens....


Hey there. Thank you so much for the video! Been practicing for a year... Some whistle sound does come out when I try (without using my bottom lip at all), but it's higher pitched than the sound you make at 2:18. Am I in the right direction?


The terms "apical", "laminal", "sub-apical" and "sulcal" are very useful when learning all the different T and TH and S and C and R sounds in languages, i'd find it helpful if musicians and beatboxers learned them 😅

Is the tip of my tongue apical? Laminal? At the alveolar ridge? Or dental? Not quite dental or alveolar? Is the back of my tongue supposed to be tense or lax?

I can whistle using only my tongue and larynx, not even my lips are involved - but it sounds like a tea kettle and I only get pitch and volume, no clean notes or distinguishable vowel formants.

Alternatively I can make my TH and S sounds whistle, in my toothless old man voice, which has led to accidental perfect whistles. Still cant quite get it down.

Maybe I need to get a tin of chewing tobacco and a job peanut farming with some Mexicans, one day it'll just happen and I'll forget i ever couldn't do it before...


I can get a whistle but not very loud. Do I need to be adjusting the air speed or tongue/lip shape to increase volume?
