Fingerless Whistle Tutorial - How to Perform a Fingerless Whistle

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Ever want to whistle like Dr. Cox? Ever need to instantly get your kid's attention? If so, a fingerless wolf whistle is what you need! In this video I show you how to perform a loud fingerless whistle.. This is a perfect personal development skill to learn and practice during quarantine!

0:00 Intro
0:40 Tutorial
5:38 Practice Tips
6:22 Encouragement :)

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"Even if it takes 6 months to do it, these six months are going to pass anyway, so do it"
Dude... I searched for fingerless whistle, ended up with the best motivation quote for life. Thank you!


Finally found what to do during the quarantine


Darn it still cant do it ..will grow beard and try again!!


Tomorrow I have a big final exam, in literature...and here I am, learning how to whistle 🤘🏽god help me, I want to be a great whistler


Didn't know Kratos was a whistling coach


Took me four days of hissing like a snek and spitting all over the place, but i've got it down now. Feels great to be able to finally whistle all over te place. Thx man!


I ended up spitting all over my screen


Learned it in a week. I d say the most important thing is understanding the airflow. Air goes from lungs to the small opening between tongue tip and front teeth. From there air goes to the "pocket" under the tongue and out. When I understod that it took me few days to master it. Just keep experimenting and you ll get it eventually. Good luck!


Bro you have no idea how long I've been trying to learn this...and I finally got it because of this video


I was so surprised by the young mans voice. So full and clear, doesn't stand behind his sisters angelic voice! Great job!


Amazing! After 44 clueless years I finally stumble in your video and Got it. G O T I T. I have my new superpower and it is great! AWESOME!
Life changer! My dog can't ignore me any more with this thunder in my mouth. Never ever!
My sons can scream and shout at any height but nothing can resist when I release the THUNDER-WHISTLE!!!


Bald jake gyllenhaal teaching me how to whistle nice


Instruction not clear
Grew a beard instead


Spent a year and a half of practicing while driving and I finally did it thanks to this video! Appreciate ya!


got me looking like a crack head practicing this at Starbucks 😂


As a professional trumpet player (who has wanted to learn this for years) I can certainly relate to the strain that this puts on your muscles in your cheeks, etc. I can tell it's gonna take me a little bit to get this, but the process is everything! Thanks for the great tutorial!


The beard has reached need to do a video on growing epic beards.


I love how this guy doesnt say “You wont get anything good from those videos”

But instead he says to go there to get tips and tricks and helping other youtubers


I saw a woman hail a cab from a block a way in New York city about 30 years ago and thought that was the COOLEST thing ever. Wanted to learn ever since but no one could explain it well enough. I'm giving this a go! Thank you! 😊


I watched several videos and this was one of the most important ones for me to get this whistle! You are a great teacher! I have been trying to get this whistle my entire life and just figured some people have the right mouth structure and not everyone can do it, etc. NOPE! I practiced every day for over a week and I finally can make a whistle sound. It's not loud, but I know this will grow as I learn to control it. Thanks again!

I've continued practiced this whistle over the last several months and am SO GLAD I did! My whistle is so loud that my own ears ring when I do it! When I first started I couldn't even make a faint whistle sound and I wanted to give up. Then, a week later, I got a teeny-tiny little sound and it over the last six months it continued to grow louder and stronger. I did not have a "magical moment" where I figured it out. Rather, it was many realizations that added up to a strong whistle. The key to the whole thing (for most people) is building up the strength in your tongue. Then, you have to experiment with your tongue placement and jaw placement. Whatever you do, KEEP GOING! Even if you take a few weeks off, just come back to it. I am so glad I learned how to whistle loudly without having to put my fingers in my mouth! You can do it, like he says, the time is going to pass anyway, so just practice even if you don't want to! Don't give up!!!!
