How to Live With Messy People (how to have your home clean in no time)

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How to live with a messy person when you're tidy? This is the question! Today I'm sharing specific ideas that will have your home clean and tidy in no time.

My favorite cleaning items (not sponsored!):

Filming equipment:

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(This video is about: how to live with messy people,how to live with a messy person when you're tidy,decluttering,organize,how to live with a roommate,what to do when you live with a messy person,cleaning and decluttering,messy house,cleaning tips,cleaning motivation 2024,cleaning tips house cleaning,cleaning tips and hacks,messy house cleaning motivation,cleaning and decluttering videos,cleaning and decluttering 2024,decluttering and organizing 2024)
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This is your top requested video!! How to live with a messy person when you're tidy? This is the question! Today I'm sharing specific ideas that will have your home clean and tidy in no time.


I realized, after years of frustration, that I was the only one who cared enough to clean the kitchen without cajoling or chore charts. I realized I cared enough to just make it my chore and not be resentful that they did not agree with my priorities. Now I like my kitchen again, and I declutter and organize at will. I took over.


I like stuff being tidy and I live with a messy person. Unfortunately, I am her and I can' therefore never get rid of her. Hoping this video will fix all my issues :D


Living with an ADHD spouse and child is rough. I can look in a room that they've been through and see a whole story unfold. Cabinet still hanging open from them grabbing a coffee cup, creamer still out on the counter next to a spoon... Stuff like that.


Aunt Taryn strikes again!
Great points about differences in standards, getting cleaning products/tools that reduce barriers, and having discussions about all of this plus splitting the chores fairly. My partner has ADHD so we've learned to work with that; he handles the big picture and I take care of the finer details. For example, he vacuums and I do the detail work that requires the smaller attachments.


Just got back from a week's holiday (away from my cluttered home!), and am now getting back into cleaning/clearing mode. What I realized after watching this is how wonderfully clear your floors are!, and how liberating that is. Our rooms have collections of stuff in the corners and behind furniture that are not room appropriate, so I need to tackle that. What I also realized is that I just don't have enough built in wall storage (with doors!), which really would help this issue. Thank you Taryn ~ your videos are always enlightening :)


Exactly, it’s important to negotiate your chores. Every few years we renegotiate when one of us starts feeling cranky.
These are great tips!


My name is Me. And I live with Myself and I. I is the cleanest, Myself loves to throw things around. And they stay pretty much where they land. Then there’s Me, well you can believe I always straightens up give both Me and Myself stink eye. I lets Me know how unorganized and messy our house is. So watching your channel is great for Me, Myself and I. We’ll get along, get organized and live happily ever after. 😂😂😂 Really I seriously have enjoyed watching. Have only myself to blame, well a cat and a dog, for my house being a bit crazy.


Hi Taryn, personally, it's kind of funny to hear all of this when I don't need it anymore. Don't get me wrong, I wish I had this video over 50 years ago, maybe more. I came from a culture where women were responsible for housechores, child rearing, errands, etc, etc, etc. As early as 10 years I had 3 brothers ages 8, 6, and 3. I was responsible for them because mom and dad had to work. Never mind me having to go to school. Thst did not count. Lol, long story short, if women back then, learned to teach everyone to be tidy, today we wouldn't have to deal with big messes. Nonetheless, this video is very helpful to young people especially those who are starting a family.


As my husband and I are moving into our 70s, I have found some zones are not going to get cleared away like before as both of us actually need the visual reminder the item is there and needs to be used. But I am still working on trying to get those things cleared away. My items at least.


Just a suggestion: let the mess pile up until they notice. Might be a nightmare but I bet that if you stop everything altogether and take care of your clothes only for example, they will end up noticing that they have no clean clothes left, that the garbage has not been taken care of, etc, And THEN, negociations can start..😂. As I said, just an idea....


I actually have tried number 1 already with my kids and it’s surprisingly made somewhat of a difference. The rule was no stuffed animals on the floor, and my 4 year old really loves it and when I have to remind her she rushes to pick them up 😅😅❤ obviously I’m not super strict if the toys are being played with on the floor but the rule is we can’t just leave them there to collect dust and dog hair.


I tell/told my husband what I need. He agrees, but he still doesn't do it.
He simply doesn't remember.


Thank you for all these tips! Love your videos.


I have left his piles of undone/part done paperwork for years. When I got rid of a pile of things waiting to go on EBay (mine) the space was full of his paperwork in a couple of. Days. Why bother - only the charity shop benefits. I’m a messy person too, but at least I’m working on it.


Thank you so much for this video! ❤️ 💙 💜


The dog rolls his eyes every time the vacuum cleaner turns on .


My husband retired a year ago. He has yet to keep up with the house. I work M-F and am mentally and physically tired every day. The basics pile up for me to do on the weekends. It is frustrating because i was a stay at home mom when the kids were young. I kept the house up WHILE raising 2 kids. I don't see why he can't. WHILE not raising 2 kids. Yes, I've asked him why not & he never answers me. He does that when he doesn't have an answer. We've been married for 39 years. I'm used to it, but I still don't like it when he does it.


Oh my gosh. Did I tell you about my dirty toilet? Oh wait my husband didn’t clean it. He told me that when we first got married I loved cleaning the toilet. lol. I didn’t. He definitely is t bothered by dirt and clutter. But he is a great guy. ❤


My clutter tolerance is low, my husband's is high. My clean tolerance is high and my husband's is lower. It's frustrating. I find I'm the one who keeps on top of things but I struggle as I have ADHD and autism, its a push me pull you on priorities and execution. When things get cluttered, I can't clean and neither can he, then I lose motivation, and then it gets so bad that I don't know where to start. To the point where the house is so bad I end up burning out after a massive house blitz. Or I'm living in constant stress over the state of my home. Not fun.

Oh and we can't work together easily because of our disabilities. Four Kids plus myself with autism and ADHD and a husband who is ntypical.
