5 MODULAR Builds For The MANUFACTURER | 06 | Satisfactory 1.0 | Lets Play

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Satisfactory​ is an FPS open-world factory building sim by CoffeeStain​ Studios. You play as an engineer on an alien planet as part of the ‘Save The Day’ program - a program whose goal is to construct a massive machine for a mysterious purpose. Conquer nature, build multi-story factories, and automate to satisfaction!


Available to Patreon supporters of rank Protector or higher

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I must say, It is working increadibly well that main bus idea, congrats for it.

An input of how to move through the bus without fly activated and being able to stop at any height, which you can not with the hypertube, is with a belt, the faster you have, at heigh 1 for it not to cross your lines input, and use it to speed up. I usualy put one belt in each direction with in a loop.


HMF probably never were easier than on this, rightly called, glorious bus build.
Great episode again showing the strengths of this approach. And also, it def feels more factory game than earlier attempts.

Keep em coming!


when placing blueprints their initial rotation is the same as they would be in the blueprint designer but the point of origin would be the front of the blueprint maker where the console is. the reason you always have to rotate your blueprints twice is because when your placing them you are facing 180 degrees in the opposite direction. so either rotating the blueprint platform or building from the opposite side should help you avoid inadvertent placements. hope i worded this well enough for understanding, love the episodes :)


Can you add FPS to your videos? Very curious to see how it changes as you scale up. Great video. I really like your bus.


So disappointing that the blueprint bug wasn't fixed in the 10 minutes, come on devs! I agree, that is a beautiful bus base. Great series, thanks!


6:46 You can leave the shredder always ON. When the dimensional depot is full and the container is full then the overflow goes from the intelligent splitter anyhow to the shredder. Not before. When the container or dimensional depot uses resources it will be filled automaticaly again from the intelligent splitter. When full again it goes to the shredder again. Easy and no runing around switching shredders on and off all the time :)


Slooping has saved my wife and I so much time. We've found 10 or 11, I think. Having the power for only 2 slooped and sharded assemblers and 1 manufacturer is just crazy. I'm just now realizing how lazy I've been so far. . . Gotta build some more actual factories now for t7&8 and just realized I've been surviving on a single t2 belt of copper.


Impressively efficient building style.


Really enjoying this content. Going to try a bus build in one of my playthroughs. ^^ Maybe the next one!


My suggestion to remove the leading three pillars, was to prevent the backwards placement... Immediately obvious on the subsequent blueprints, which one tacks on to the existing frame/floor of the "leading" end of the product line. I'm not sure what others were commenting on elsewhere, but placing those blueprints backwards just after pointing out the overlap isn't that big of a deal to you... kinda proves the point I'm trying to make.

A few extra concrete and iron plates or whatever goes into them is trivial at this point.


That blueprint designer bug is quite old, it's exists at least from the Update 8 launch. So I usually prefer to prepare all the blueprints that I might need in the near future at once and deconstruct the designer until the next time.


I feel like we are missing an episode where he shows/discusses his circuit board / AI limiter build. He pulls them from the bus, but I seem to have missed when he added them. I was curious what recipes he used!


I'm enjoying your bus build, so much so that I decided to do a similar design in Grass Fields from East to West. Unfortunately. I suspect I will have to fold the bus back on itself on a second floor above, as I will run out of room and begin building over the void...


Have you looked into making 5x5 blueprints? With the manufacturers, it adds so much more room


Can you please show an example of what you plan on doing when you need additional space for more, say RIP, and/or need additional iron bars when the existing bus is limited by it's belt throughput? Will you be adding a second layer vertically and merging down/up as needed? Great build!


I feel that what's missing is the accounting for the raw resources income. Other than that, your modules are awesome as usual


Que ves mis ojos, ese bus de facto, 👍. Solo puede a ver un rey, pero el principe no esta mal.


Actual and serious question as i am doing a similar bus in my save. Why not make iron plates, steel pipes etc at a module in the beggining so you dont have to make them each time? Thanks!


World’s most stubborn satisfactory player. But seriously, nice job on the bus.


Nilaus have you shown the blueprint for the starter module? Maybe I missed it. Where you appear to have a box the dimensional depot box and maybe an awesome sink? I can't tell from the videos
