How to Listen with the Body, with Jonathan Foust

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This talk explores the power of somatic inquiry.

You’ll learn how awareness of the body can be a means for steadying the mind as well as developing your capacity to be the non-judging observer. You’ll learn how you can develop your awareness of the ‘felt sense’ inside as powerful tuning fork for intuitive inquiry.

In the Buddhist tradition, the teachings are considered so precious as to be priceless. Thus, they are given freely with the invitation for participants to offer voluntary donations. Your support is the fuel that helps me continue what I do.

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Brilliant for me as a meditator and as a teacher. 🙏


Another excellent talk to help us deepen our inner understanding.🙏


Thank you Jonathan, for asking me "what's the most kind thing you could do for yourself right now?" Shouldn't we ask ourselves this everyday, and then take at least 15 minutes to do just that...?! We're so use to sweating it out, or at least I am, trying to do all things constructive, and working towards the goal of productivity. I do have to to work in a physical job, but I am trying to take a few minutes for quiet time during the day. I have always remembered this saying by Thich Nhat Hanh, which goes something like "slowing down, doing nothing, is a radical act" And for me, it so is!! Saying "no" to new projects is a good thing at this point, and I hope to get better at it. I need to slow down and meditate everyday to remind myself to SLOW DOWN, BREATHE, and LIVE IN THE MOMENT, don't miss the quiet and sanity of life in the name of keeping all those ducks in a row, let them be messy sometimes, it feels good.🥳 Sat Nam 🙏  
P.S. As you know, slackening our activity for most of us, is very threatening and scary, but since I have been slowing down more, life is much deeper and more meaningful, I am more aware of others, animals, the planet. Each of us decelerating, adding to the collective, could change the world!


Thanks Jonathan. I love the metaphor of the body as a tuning fork. That really reverberated. And I’ve heard emotions are signposts, they point you were the look. All Beautiful pointers. Look forward to you unpacking this in future talks. Great topic. More will be revealed…


Up close and personal sharing... very helpful! Thank you!


This video was everything I needed. I’ve studied meditation off and on for years but never put it to a long term practice. I think I’ve been scared to let go. You’ve connected so many dots in my mind about what meditation can look like and how I can use all the tools that I’ve learned. I really appreciate it.


I've learned prayer / meditation develops discipline of our mind. Fasting develops discipline of our body. Buddha told us to seek the light. Jesus said I AM the Light. Gratitude is everything. Putting Jesus in the driver's seat liberates us


Thank you, I very much enjoyed the wisdom & experiences you share here. I absorbed your powerful messages with ease, felt so calm & present in the moment, in my body, that I hardly noticed 45 minutes had passed!


Thank you for this special time you so freely South Africa ❤️


Beautiful, helpful talk. Thank you so much.


You talk very well of all those things


Wonderful talk!! Love the questions for inquiry into how to check in with the body.. I can’t wait to see how this topic develops in your future talks! 🙏❤️


Thank you for this, but... there are much too many words here, about too many peripheral concepts, compared to the title which promises something simple: body knowledge.

I'd wish you would either break this up into smaller talks, or give a more accurate title.

The information explosion requires ruthless editing. No one has time to listen to rambling, if they are focused on getting something done in life.
