Match Your Arm Swing To Your Body Turn🏌️‍♂️ ⤴️

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We normally see two distinct patterns - either all arms or a complete body turn.

In Today's video... we're going to show you the in between to find that SWEET spot that matches your arm swing to your body turn PERFECTLY.

Let's sync up your body & arm movement!

#SynchronizedGolfSwing #SyncUpYourBodyAndArmsInGolfSwing #BodySpeedvsArmSpeedGolf
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Watching your videos have revolutionized my golf game! Can you do a video on nailing the alignment down every time?


This video changed my life! Put many pieces together. Amazing lesson. Thank you guys for sharing!!!


Something you don’t mention but I can see that you do as you swing the club: I see your feet working as you shift your weight in concert with swinging the arm(s). I’ve been doing these one arm drills for a couple of years and found that feeling my weight shift in my feet while doing these drills can significantly improve and ingrain synchronizing the arm swing with the pivot (turn-shift-turn). I never swing a club without feeling the pivot in my feet, no matter how small of a swing I do.


Your video is a perfect example that shows my point of view of why and how I swing my golf club.

To start with: The axis of our golf swing in not our spine or sternal notch as been repeatedly said over the years. In truth the axis of our swing is shared by the two stabilized scapula bones that must move opposite of the other as we are swinging our club back and forth.

To explain a little further the humerus bones of our upper arms are the only levers that moves our stabilized scapulas the opposite direction of each other. Our shoulders sockets or scapula should never be allowed to move independently of our swinging with our alternating upper arms swinging our golf club as they will move every which way and loose causing especially the dreaded over the top move

Believe it or not! Golf is truly 1percent action on our part and 99 percent reaction on our body’s part.

To execute a perfect golf swing as we are set up to our neutral square golf posture. All we need to do is alternate with the swinging motion of our UPPER ARMS. For our backswing we simply swing with our ´trail upper arm’ to the top of our swing and let our entire body including all the hinges and appendages of our body to react naturally and then on the downswing we simply swing with our lead ‘ upper arm’ all the way to the finish of our classic swing. Our ball simply gets in the way.

At age 73 I discovered this perfect swing and I invite anyone to discover it for themselves. You might think I am crazy telling you this; but anyone would be crazy not to at least try it once without a golf club then with a golf club and see for themselves the magic of their new swing happen. Cheers


You guys do an incredible job of explaining various things in the golf swing. Been playing for 20 years, hdcp fluctuates between a constant state of striving to improve... and I love your videos. Thanks and Keep them coming!


At 48 years old, I’ve never hit a golf ball better in 30 years. Thank you for putting out such good information ⛳️🏌️


I wonder how come you don't have +500k subscribers guys!


Only recently come accross your chanel. I’ve played golf for over 40 years and seen hundreds of Youtube videos but you two are the best instructors I’ve come accross. Matching your body and arm action is one of the fundamentals of golf. Thank you guys👏


I've been a 1.2, struggling to keep a 9.5 now. Loved this video for the mere fact I have been over swing the clubs. I'm still a great putter, but am now once again, at age 67, looking forward to playing the next few tournaments with my buddies. Much thanks.


PS ive only watched a few minutes of this video and I already think its probably your best ever and could have saved me 5 yrs of hard work!


So many teachers want to take out the right arm/hand saying left hand is the control. I always strugled with that i do everything in life right handed. Love the show thanks..


Discovered your website perhaps 2-3 months ago. ALL of your videos are superb, and well-articulated. This might be the most impactful one for me, as I took it to my mat in the backyard, , , and everything clicked. FINALLY! Balls are poppin’ off my 7 iron.... Thank you!!!


This is such a great video! It explains and demonstrates so simply and clearly the essential big movements of the golf swing. As a British PGA Advanced Fellow Professional I use it all the time with my Clients and recommend it to all golfers to review.


I play a TON of golf each year and right around the mid-summer months I tend to develop a case of the dreaded "sh**ks" and feel like I cannot remember how to swing the club around my body. Most of my fixes you address in this video. Time and patience are two factors that I also employ to fix my ailing swing! Good stuff as always gents!


Hi Gentlemen
In this video using the single arm swing, what is the purpose of putting the opposite arm on the shoulder? Please expand on the why you do this. I absolutely love your explanations and the demonstrations in your teachings of the ams and body synch. You are miles ahead of the rest! Thank you.


This video will cure what ails your game—and I’ve seen them all. Required viewing for all handicaps.


I really liked this lesson. It seems to cover most of the golf swing. NICE JOB!


It's really funny you guys posted this video yesterday. I played on Sunday and was struggling, but went back to some basic swing thoughts to get me back on track. I had seen a video of Mike Malaska doing the exact same thing Sean does in this armed swings hinging and unhinging the club...a few weeks ago. It helps relax the body (especially the arms and shoulders), and helps me focus on what's most important. I immediately started contacting the ball more crisply. I do pull/hook the ball a bit more when I do this, but that's just a matter of proper timing and more practice. Thanks as always for the excellent video :)


Hey guys, that's awesome. I find myself picking up a lot of drills from you, gentlemen. Please keep up the good work.


Excellent Instruction 👌
This really helped a lot.
Thank you so much! 🏌‍♂️
