Arm Swing Drill To Free Up Your Swing 🏌️‍♂️#shorts

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Do you open and crank your body to try and add distance to your golf swing? We've found this to be a major mistake when you compare it to the best pga golfers.

Instead, we've got a simple arm swing drill that will counteract your body crank, free up your swing , and you'll be SHOCKED with the results you see!

#golf #pga #athleticmotiongolf #golflesson #golfinstruction #golftok #shorts #golfshorts
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question for you. this seems to contradict some of the teachings of George Gankas where he likes to get body open while holding off the arms. Could you explain the difference between your method and his? or is it the same but just done differently


Love your video "shorts". All the great info and drills without the fluff.


That's a nice wear spot on that club, Shaun. I love that drill.


The free swing is fine as long as you're not casting the club, which is what you see most golfers do. The "trend" is to use exaggerated motion to get golfers to hold their wrist angle and release at the bottom of the swing as opposed to half into the downswing.


In getting the grip moving faster early. Should the pressuring of the grip start as you are recentering?
Or after your have recentered? Thanks


Always great helpful videos Thank You both 👍👍


Yes this is a balance though because tight muscles are slow, loose muscles are fast. Most golfers need to get this balance right and not just whack at it with the arms. I was able to pick up club speed by reducing tension in the arms and shoulders and wrists but yes there needs to be some structure there. Great tips as always.


This is very true and great instruction. Cameron Champ's swing is about the limit of being able to hold off the arms but they still have to pass the opening body at the last possible moment in order to square the clubface and keep force moving down the shaft line or the strike will seriously suffer.


Could you please explain the following which is so puzzling to me:
When you're swinging towards the ball, does your brain try to
1. swing the clubhead to a point in front of, a little outside, and below the ball (ie the low point of the swing), with sweet spot contact
2. aim to deliver the sweet spot to contact a certain point on the ball, with an arc of a certain descending angle, or
3. another target or path which you focus on?
I try to do 1., because I think that's the easiest for my brain to understand. If that is the correct way to do it, then when the ball position is moved because we are hitting a different club, should we aim for another low point based on the new ball position and using a slightly different path, or do we stick to hitting the original target in the ground (which was for the first ball)? And should the low point's distance from the ball and depth in the ground be different for each club? And how in heaven's name could anyone get it right?


I find myself struggling with the same. Would a decent rule of thumb be that your hands should be at (or just before impact) and your hips are roughly 30-40 degrees open?


Been doing that for about 6 months now. Very helpful when I get off track and open my body up way to early. Great tip.!!


Steve Elkington was huge on hitting balls with his feet together. Helps get on plane as well when you do this with a good pivot in a regular stance and swing, great drill!


So true! these folks need to look at Ernie Els swing in slow motion. It’s all there … and a beautiful thing


It’s a great drill when I get a bit slicey!


Great drill. Always gets me back to normal. Btw, you should have worn slides in this vid 😁


PS most golfers use or swing their arms far to much/early in the swing. Then never use them to keep control of the club when they change direction and never use them to strike through the ball.


body strike angle? I've been messin with "the bunny drop" legs raise in backswing then drop before downswing starts then raise again through "pressure miss" is my legs give out during downswing...prob because i'm driving into the ball to strike it....the legs have to be extending while striking the ball.


Finally someone has debunked the latest trends. Having been out of golf for 10 years I thought I would take up the latest trends on my return. Bad idea as I no longer used my arms and tried to be more body controlled.
I found without the arms I couldn’t control the club and create club head speed I had 10 years ago. Recently I started working my lower body with arms and wrists WITH LAG and I am now bombing the ball.


This is me. I do that. I can attest to this great drill. Now I hit high and straight 4 irons with little effort.


Nice video. How bout a video on getting rid of the chicken wing?
