The Most Terrifying Plane Landings Ever Captured On Camera | Super Scary Plane Landings

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On "Super Scary Plane Landings" - The average person now flies out on two holidays per year. But as many have learned – and filmed on phones and personal cameras – arriving in one piece is not as easy as we like to think. We want safe travel to faraway holiday havens, but that means pilots flying ever more perilous journeys, landing on runways sandwiched between ocean and mountains or inches from skyscrapers or even on water.

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Credit to pilots and flight attendants for keeping these passengers safe during these terrifying moments. Many would freeze up, but they spring into action. Be nice to your flight attendants, they save lives.


Shoutout to the "First time in New York" guy. What a legend


A Canadian legend from 1983- “The Gimli Glider”. The jumbo jet ran out of fuel halfway through its trip, lost all power, and luckily, the pilot was also an experienced glider pilot who was able to safely glide it to land at an abandoned Air Force runway in Gimli, Manitoba (also missing two boys on bikes and a local amateur race club who were there by just a few hours!).


I think that even if the pilot's daughter had not been on the plane, the pilot would have tried his best.


"Everyone's desperate to get out!" Especially after waiting for the first ten people to grab their bags from the overhead storage.


The guy in the intro who said that he remembered hoping that they wouldn’t land in a school or hospital seems like a good person. Even in a moment where his life could easily be taken if they crashed he was thinking about others


People who evacuate an aircraft with their luggage in an emergency egress should be charged with a crime for jeopardizing the safe evacuation of other passengers.


I love how this video goes into detail on why each of these incidents happens and doesn't just list them and maybe a cause. Asking a pilot to take a look at the report and do a simulation of the flight? Top notch effort! Also, love the breakcore bongos!


My 16 year old son directed me to this, and as a long time pilot ( and still flying triple 7 aircraft) I have something to say. Your just as awesome as Hollywood at making movies. I will give you some credit. The ground dwellers add a degree of true entertainment.


3:44 - "...took a while ... before anyone did anything." They likely were getting the engines shut down. You DO NOT want to go out most parts of the plane with the engines still running unless you're literally about to die in the cabin, and those things don't exactly stop like a car engine.


I just wanna thank every pilot who has flown me, from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for getting me to my destinations safely every time.


Whether his daughter was on the plane or not that was a badass landing.


On my very first flight ever, we experienced tons of turbulence, and landed with big *BANG* that felt like the plane bottomed out. People were actually screaming. The guy next to me told me that was the scariest flight he has ever taken in his life, but since I had never flown before I didn't know how bad it was until I flew again and had a smooth experience. Wild.


Plane is smoking and no one knows if it might explode or what but thankfully that guy was able to get his laptop bag on his way out.


Time 23:30…. As a pilot of 40 years I’ve been on many flights where the entire cabin is screaming like it is here.
The fact is, the aircraft itself is fine. No one should be screaming and panicking. The way most people get hurt, is because they don’t have their seatbelt fastened properly. Or, on rare occasion from flying debris.
People have the foolish idea that their seatbelt is there to save them if the plane crashes. It is NOT. The seatbelts main purpose, is to tightly hold you in your seat when the plane enters turbulence. During moderate to severe turbulence you can become weightless and if not strapped down you will fly out of your seat and smash against the ceiling of the aircraft. Your seatbelt is there to keep that from happening. The turbulence encountered, is harder on the human body than on the airplane. The plane can take much more turbulence and be perfectly safe, while people unbelted are flying around getting seriously injured.
The point is, always wear your seat belt and always have it snugged down to hold you in place, and you’ll do fine through turbulence.


I have flown into St .Barts not once, but twice. Both times, the pilots did a flawless job. Not going to lie It was scary as hell. I didn't realize how difficult that landing strip really was, even experiencing it firsthand as a passenger. Bravo to the pilots who got us safely down. We definitely owe our lives to you.


That piece of the engine finally collapsing down at 28:13 felt like the plane was sighing in relief. Also, it's frightening to see how many plane crashes are caused by maintenance errors or faulty repairs.


"scary landings can be fun, just provided you're not on the plane" IKR 💯💯💯💯


I actually have really bad anxiety when it comes to flying (I've only had good flights btw). This channel believe it or not actually helps because it makes me realize how strict airlines are with safety.


I watch these types of videos all the time and the second story with the landing gear stuck, really stood out to me. To land safe like that really took a great pilot. Landing is always the scary part for me, everyone is excited to land, and they start getting their stuff ready so they can hurry and move out, and I am just freaking out inside and I can't move or let go of the arm rest till the airplane is at a full stop.
