This Syndrome Will Make You Question What Is Real (Alice In Wonderland Syndrome)

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Imagine living every day in a distorted reality almost like being under the influence of some kind of mind altering drug. It could be a living nightmare, and for some people it is a real disorder that prevents them from living a normal life. Scientists calls it "Alice in Wonderland Syndrome" and in today's video we are looking at what the disorder could actually do to someone.



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I’ve been diagnosed with this for a time and I’ve never met anyone else who has has this condition. It can be really scary. For me everything starts to be extremely fast and loud. Even my own thoughts sound like they are screaming at me. It’s very hard to explain the feeling but trust me it’s the worst.


I've actually had this on and off since I've been a child, and never even thought twice about it till I grew older and once saw a youtube video mentioning it, and my brain was blown.... I never told anyone because I thought everyone had that (because I experienced it as a small child) the older I grow the less I experience it, I've also told my therapists but they dont seem to believe me or truly listen, but it's one of the reasons I struggle with dept perception and don't drive a car or anything.
I personally don't experience it as scary since I'm so used to it, and when I was a child I just thought it was kinda funny seeing my moms head grow big and than small and me feeling like I would sometimes fit in my dollhouse or be as big as my stuffed animals, but I could totally understand people who are older experiencing it out of nowhere and thinking someone slipped you something.
Maybe I'll one day grow out of it or find a psychologist who believes me and can tell me more about it! I'd be very interested!


I took acid and shook my door handle like it was someone’s hand, thanking it for letting me in the house


Just thought I'd comment and give my take on it. I've had Alice in wonderland syndrome for as long as I can remember. It happened alot for frequently when I was a kid and in the last few years has only happened a handful of times. I always get it when I have a fever and sometimes when I'm trying to sleep. I will be laying down and all of a sudden the room starts to get bigger and bigger until the wall that is 2 feet away feels like it's 15 and the door to my room is like 30, the ceiling as well. Eventually it starts to feel like I am falling. This will last for 10 minutes to sometimes an hour. That's my experience with it anyway.


This happened to me several times during fevers when I was very young.


I’ve dealt a bit with this. The physical sizing didn’t seem to be affected for me too much, but definitely time distortion. It feels like randomly sounds get louder and very quiet, having significant peaks of random words, and time feels like it’s extremely slow when you’re not doing anything, but every tiny action you do feels like the biggest most intense movements, and walking feels like going 55 mph.


"Did someone spike my Kool Aid?"

Worse, you drank the Kool Aid.


This happens to me about once a week and has been going on as long as I can remember. Usually happens when I'm about to go sleep and I can sense the room changing even with my eyes closed.


Most similar thing I’ve experienced to this is having my vision “zoom out”, objects looking smaller for some reason, but never bigger.


Not just visual! My experience with it is when my eyes are closed, I get the sensation that my body is big like a balloon feeling and small like a toothpick, not visually but the feeling of it


Drug dealer: how high u wanna be?

Me: yes


Had this when i was a kid. I just figured out its name today. So weird that i can't explain what's going on back then and now this video is accurate in describing everything. Feels so weird when that syndrome triggers.


"5 minutes takes an hour to pass"

Yeah. In class.


I've experience this quite often for a couple of weeks now. Thanks for the clarification that I'm not alone! I never really did research.


I had this feeling sometimes when closing my eyes when I was younger. Always wonder why it happened.


finally someone that has put into sense what i used to go thru when i was younger! and it always happens when i was about to fall very sick!


So thats what happens when someone spikes your koolaid with the worlds strongest drug...


My friend actually had this happen to him! I remember being over one night and he just started TRIPPIN! I was so scared and felt so bad for him


Me: "Mom, I think everything around me is getting bigger and smaller"

Mom: "See this is what happens when you use your phone to much, we ain't going to a doctor ur gonna have to suffer ur consequences of you using your phone for hours every day"



I've experienced this many times. You can't judge sizes or distances. It feels like something very close could be miles away. The floor can seem far away. It can give you some vertigo. The voices in the distance, yes. It's been at least a year since I've had an episode, but it can be triggered by thinking about the last time it happened so I'm trying not to think about the feelings. It's so disorienting. The voices don't speak words. They're almost like the music in this video.
