System Reset

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Imagine if we built an economic system built on abundance rather than scarcity. Taking advantage of the latest digital tools, computational power, material science, biomimicry and a somewhat older idea - the commons - this new system could have the power to transform how we live and work. System Reset is a feature-length documentary which explores this story of change in our economy.

Shot in London, Amsterdam and Barcelona, this film is a DIF 2018 exclusive. It features some of the leading thinkers in materials, economics, the commons movement, FabLabs, digital citizenship, urban planning and architecture. Don't miss your opportunity to see them collectively weave a picture of how our economy could operate.

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Love this film. So many different threads coming together, reshaping the economy. It left me optimistic for the future!


Very good film :) Re the message and content, I would have liked to see more specific 'abundance' examples from within the economic system (ie. Air B+B and etc.) Specifically, what were the Fab-labs doing or producing? Exponential growth.... so they must be on to something?!


Mother Earth 🌍 is our home
Please focus on saving Mother Earth and the creatures that live here


Really great, thanks for sharing!Only the music is very annoying. 😅


Great movie, a slightly different question: Is it possible to see the soundtrack...especially around minute: 25 ? It is really good


Scarcity? When sharing commons, someone still needs to govern. Unfortunately the people who have designed the sharing of commons dont deserve to govern.


!Que ridículos¡, Cuanta fé ciega en la tecnología, estos nuevos productos y sistemas tecnológicos necesitan ser vendidos con las misma retorica de siempre y la mercadotecnia de innovación, sustentabilidad e inspiración en la naturaleza, nos venden una idea de un mundo mejor, casi parece un dogma.


doesnt scarcity create value and desire t attain it? rocks are abundant around here so no one picks them up or has them stored. no value. abundant resources would have to be based on love of god and love of your neighbor to share and not try to get powr over your fellowman. wont happen undermans efforts
