Avoid These 10 Mistakes That HARM Your Betta Fish!

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Items mentioned in the video:


***My Recommended Budget Betta Fish Starter Kit***


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Another tip: If you have hard decorations that feel sharp sandpaper is your best friend.


Good to see another video from you. I've watched a lot of videos from different youtubers over the last 15 months, and I honestly think you have the best videos on betta care. Keep them coming! You should try to show us all your fish sometime soon.


Bro you have the perfect approach to these videos no filler just straight information and a great YouTube voice


~ Yesterday, I got a bettta that a family member gave me suddenly - she didn't want to take care of him anymore.. And I didn't have a cycled tank - but I put him in my empty five gallon with a bit of stress coat, and I put pothos stem with roots ( that I had been growing already ) in the tank so that there is a live plant to feed on Ammonia, Nitrates, ect.
~ I use a thermometer as well to keep a constant monitor of the water temperature - it's within the range the bettas like because my bedroom stays warm. This morning, he had a bubble nest at the top.. 😅

~ He's not eating yet, due to being moved to a bigger and new environment, but once he relaxes and learns he's environment, I'm sure he'll start eating again.. It'll just take time.. 😌


Cutting the test strips in half?! HAX. LOVE IT!


Piggy backing on leaving enough airspace at the top of the tank- make sure you leave enough room between the surface of the water and the filter so the surface tension breaks and oxygenates the water! (Unless of course you have a sponge filter/airstone).
I recently had an incident with suffocating my fish by accident 😢 After I did a water change I forgot to pull my filter back up enough, and it was level with the surface of the water. When I went to check on him the next day he was gasping at the bottom of the tank 😭 I quickly realized my mistake and fixed it- he was fine within 10 minute. But the stress I think almost killed him because he hid and did not eat for almost a week. Poor guy 😔 he seems to have made a recovery though thankfully!


Such a great video!! Your video should be seen by anyone who wants more education on Bettas and even ones who have owned fish before. You are honest, speak well, and humble. Thank you!


I've seen a lot of your other videos. Thank you so much for spreading awareness on how to properly take care of a betta.


Amen@ Cycle, cycle, cycle FIRST. Anything less is cruel at the least. A death sentence at worst!!! Don't disgard any of the other advise either! It's all NECESSARY.


Hi! I'm a first time viewer. I got a betta about 8 months ago and added a rabbit snail and 4 glowlight tetras into my 10 gallon. I just want to say that I have these neat little stick-on water testers. They last you a year and one measures the pH and one the ammonia. It probably won't work as well as the API or tetra test kits, but they last a whole year which is super nifty.


I had a siamese fighter nd he absolutely loved my ship wreck on the day I got my first siamese fighter I searched for him nd stressed but then I realised he was chilling inside the ship nd he often put his head through the hole and layed in it


Actually pretty useful information here. I appreciate the content 🙏


You have to put an Indian Almond dry leaves for protection in bacteria or fungus in tank another benefits for betta is for quality of water having good apetite


Wooohoooo welcome back! I was wondering if you had moved or had another large life change. Hope everything is going well, and it's delightful to see your videos again, whenever you are able to manage them.


Yesterday, I suddenly got a betta fish from a family member who didn't want to take care of him anymore.. She kept him in a 1 gallon bowl.. So when I got him, I set up a 5 gallon I already had and placed some pothos plants (only the roots and stem, not leaves) in the tank with him to help with ammonia, nitrates, ect - I also put some Stress Coat in the water to help him relax after the move...
I have a floating thermometer in the water to constantly keep check of the water temp.. My bedroom is naturally warm, so the water stays within the temp that bettas like (which is between 75 - 80 °F).. He's doing okay, and is active.. and he is very nosy.. When I'm near his tank, he comes to the front to see what I'm doing.. LoL..
This morning I found a bubble nest on the water's surface. I'm not getting him a girlfriend.. 😅


Omg my poor betta got stuck behind the filter once and I legit thought he died. But once I removed the filter from the side of the tank, he came shooting out! Hes fine. I put a little aquarium salt in his tank in case he injured himself, but he still ate for me shortly after the incident. Needless to say, I made sure there was more space there so he wouldnt get stuck again. I was so happy yet so pissed at him 😅


As a hobbyist who was "scouted" by a petco asst mngr to be stores aquatic specialist after having a candid fish my rambling caught his attention. Me being blunt, whitty and humorous asks; " So would I get fired if I told guests all these little tanks should be illegal?"
While kindly suggesting they could be a nice hospital tank, or small scaped shrimp tank even at that anything under 3G not advisable.
🙄 I got the bettas are found in hoove prints long expired bs answer.
😊 I replied: you could put me in a small closet w light, air, feed me, and give me a bucket to potty in, at some point it's it'll stress me, cause illness, my happiness would fade, maybe I become aggressive, out of character but gets ignored, boredom sets in, until I lose hope and die.
I'm not able to take the position currently anyway, it's wonderful to know my knowledge caught his attention and unfortunate his um.. knowledge caught mine.


Awesome videos man, it’s helped me a lot to set up my beta tanks 👍


One of the too small tanks wasn't even a tank. Those cages are usually used for bugs. I use them for bugs anyway. I give them to my rat sometimes. People, do not use bug cages for fish..


I have a question. Can I place a 10-gallon tank against an outside wall? It's a Sourthern-facing wall. It would be 2 feet from a window with a blind that I never open or raise the blind.
