Avoid these 10 Beginner Metal Detecting Mistakes!

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10 Metal detecting mistakes to avoid when you first start out metal deteting.





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If you happen to have about all of the different types of metal, even the ones you do t want, I highly recommend novices to have someone put the items in small numbered paper envelopes, separate them out on the ground, ground your machine and on a note pad, once you’ve scanned them all a d written down what you think is in each one, check your note pad as you open each one. You can check your skills against the sounds and any notifications your detect gives you, if any and learn the different sounds faster that way. That’s how I learned how to use my Garrett when I was overseas in the Philippines. It was a lot of fun.


Ladies(and some gents)...take your rings and bracelets off...second time out I never thought about this and spent nearly an hour chasing the rings on my right and only to swap and then chase the rings on my left with my pin pointer. It wasn't until I gave up on the hole and sat to have a cup of coffee that I realised what I had done.


I'm brand new to the metal detecting game & I'm here just trying to soak up as much knowledge as humanly possible!!


i have been metal detecting for 3 days and yesterday i found a gold cufflink and 2 days ago i found a silver dime.


The title, avoiding ten beginner mistakes. Well, I've been detecting ten years now, and thought I would read this just to see now much this guys knows. Well, I'm here to tell you, I agree with all you points, and find myself repeating one point over and over again. It's, I get in a hurry to find something good and have to slow down and let my machine do it's thing. This makes a good refresher coarse for us experts too. Thank you for sharing.


Just started this with my 6 year old -- he has a kids detector and I have a Garrett. Took us about half an hour of exciting bleeps leading to nothing before we realized that we were walking too close to each other and each detector was detecting the other one! 🤪


Big newbie tip. People think they should block out the iron (iron bias) so do something like Fe 6-8. Better to take a few junky nails then miss a huge find within some junk


I'm a newbie at metal detecting 3 weeks into it. I spent the first day in my backyard digging every signal to learn sounds and pinpointing. I would also say location, location location, do your research if possible. Thanks for the extra tips, cheers from Canada!


Great advice. My advice is to find a fairly common item to target and collect. Old buttons for example. This way you don't get skunked too often. Rare coins and jewelry are great, but uncommon. I have one spot, it's an open field where a railroad was in the 1800s. For some reason, there's tons of old square nails. I've got an old jug that I put them in. One day, I'll find something cool there, until then, more old square nails.


I just got my metal detector last week . Went to the wetlands ( near Denver Colorado) and had much fun as it went off often . My daughter and I look forward to learning all we can and making this a regular hobby ! Thank you for all the tips ! Can’t wait to explore some more !


One of my first lessons learned was not to get my detector or pin pointer too close to my left knee. I had a knee replacement several years ago. When I found a target I used my pin pointer as I was kneeling on the ground and the thing went crazy! I thought for sure I had found a large treasure chest of coins because as I kept backing up on the ground the pin pointer kept going off. I finally realized it was too close to my knee.


Hey guy a Canadian here, if i may add to the, what to take list .i always take a n old t-shit or you could take an old towel to l put by the howl your about to dig, particularly if you are in grounds that are kept up or taken care of like schools or playgrounds, soccer fields and such .as that way you can put your shovel fulls of dirt on the towel, root through the dirt, then when you are done you can poor back the dirt into the hole and flip back the plug as i always leave one side of the plug still attached, then hammer the plug tight with the butt end of my little shovel, then rack the grass with my fingers to freshen the grass .so if you do it right, it leave the aria nice and clean ..all most like you were never there.


It's pretty easy figuring out what to do, but knowing what *NOT* to do is much more important! The benefit of learning from others mistakes is invaluable! I never assume I can do something just because it looks really easy.
Great information here! Thanks brother!


I loved the California weather reference. Having been through 2 tornadoes here in Northern California along with unpredictable Sierra Nevada weather, I can tell you it does get pretty wild and wet here. Also, I'd add a couple of points for your list of dos and don'ts: First: Practice Situational Awareness, meaning stop and assess the location you are hunting in and take in the big picture before you start and also during your hunt - Just good to know what is going on around you at all times for safety's sake and to perhaps not miss something that might do you some good. I cannot tell you how many hunts have had me score good finds just by stopping and looking around and also how many rattlesnakes I avoided by carefully looking before moving about. Secondly: Carry a good first aid kit with all the basics on your person. I've had many times where having that on hand not only for me, but people I was hunting with saw this come in very handy. It's the old Scouting motto: "Be Prepared". Good video and many happy hunts to you!


Perseverance. When I first started detecting all I seemed to get was rubbish and nothing else. I kept going and now I seem to get my share of the good finds. Finding rubbish seems to be part of the apprentiship you need to go through while learning your machine, when and where to go. Cheers John


I just wanted to say as someone who is taking up this new hobby you are providing a great service in showing a novice like me the right way of going about metal detecting I haven’t as yet been out as I am slowly acquiring the equipment and the better weather to hit the beaches and to find suitable fields around me.
Keep up the good work and wishing you a happy New Year for 2021 kind regards.


Try leaving the site looking better then it looked when you got there,
BACK FILL YOUR HOLES! After you find your target.
"Put the dirt back in the hole".


I just got my metal detector, I'm definitely in learning stage and I am doing my homework before going out with it. Thank you for the tips and honesty (not a know it all). I'm so excited to use my metal detector!


Get a good pin pointer to go along. It will really help
