10 Common Shadowboxing Mistakes You Must Avoid

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Avoid these 10 common shadowboxing mistakes when training to avoid repeating these mistakes in a real fight. These tips will give you a better workout and train you to be a better fighter.

10 Common Shadowboxing Mistakes to Avoid:
0:07 No Footwork
0:25 Looking Down
0:40 Offense Only
1:05 Unrealistic Combos
1:45 Blinking when Punching
2:20 Loose Fists
2:45 Jaw Open
3:05 No Target
3:25 Half Extension
3:45 Too Tense

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thanks shane, my shadow didn't stand a chance


My shadow is a black belt in BJJ, he choked me once so i dont know if i want to box with him again..


I'm so bad, I get knocked out while shadow boxing


That awkward moment when Shane has to show u how to beat up air


Mistake #1: Not shadow boxing!

This is a very important aspect of training and should NEVER be ignored. Period.


Mistake #1 [0:07] Planting your feet and not using footwork - Use your legs (in, out, pivot, side to side)
Mistake #2 [0:24] Looking down - Look forward and visualize
Mistake #3 [0:42] Only focusing on offense - Practice defending (parries, rolls, slips, faints, footwork)
Mistake #4 [1:07] Throwing unrealistic combos - Stick to things that will work in a real fight
Mistake #5 [1:46] Blinking while punching - Try stretching your eyes wide open to break this habit
Mistake #6 [2:20] Keeping loose fists all the time - Squeeze your fist upon impact (you can keep it loose when moving around)
Mistake #7 [2:50] Keeping your jaw open - Bite down on your mouthpiece (or pretend to)
Mistake #8 [3:07] Not aiming at a target - Visualize a real-life opponent and be accurate
Mistake #9 [3:26] Only punching half-way - Extend your punch fully
Mistake #10 [3:45] Tensing up and not breathing - Exhale on every single punch and relax

Thanks for the video! Left notes here because I've watched this multiple times and the next time I come back, at least I have notes. Oh and you might find it helpful too :)

Now get out there and train!


One of my coaches tells me to keep my chin down and look through my eyebrows. He told us a story of a time he let his head come up when he started out and his head got lurched really hard from taking a hook to the head.


I agree with everything he said except the part where he said to clench your fist in shadow at about 2:44. Here is my reasoning. When hitting a solid object like an opponent it will be automatic that you will clench and 'harden' your fist anyway. So there is no need to do it in practice, infact better if you dont cause one of the reasons shadow boxing is effective is cause you get into the habit of not tensing up your arms, body etc before (and during) throwing punches and that REALLY helps with speed and power. My opinion. I know my post seems a little strange but I am convinced of this . One of the ways you learn to 'throw' your energy - through- the target is not to tense up at all and shadow boxing teaches you that. Now of course you will always tense up a little no matter what, when you hitting something, but the less you do tense up, the faster and more powerful you will be. That is one of the reasons the best punches in sparring or in a fight are the ones that happen 'automatically'.



Sorry bruh, I am on that killer instinct ultra combo.


I remember my coach saying
"Woah what are you doing this aint tekken"


Nice to know that I've been doing all these already.


Hey Shane I'm an isshin Ryu fighter and I just want to say I've been watching your channel for some time. You have outstanding content. Keep up the good work.


You can’t throw 10 punch combination all the time.

Sugar ray Leonard:Hold my beer.


Thanks, Shane. I've watched most of your videos, and they're all helpful. I usually watch at night and apply your tips on my next workout. Keep it up, man!


Thanks!! Great advice. I really enjoy shadow boxing on days that I am working and don't have a lot of time.


Finally an expert said it out loud.. i was just amazed when i saw Floyd and Ali just waatching their opponents as they're fighting. They're super aware of what's in front of them


#11: Thinking that shadow boxing can account for any more than 10% of proper preparation for a fight. Most of the challenges in a real fight (particularly guys who don't fight much) are getting past fear and (if you can do that) seeing the other fighter. If you're afraid and don't want to fight, shadow boxing can provide a false sense of preparedness. Once someone's coming at you and you feel their power and speed, all of your dancing and air punching may feel like a useless ego boosting activity and you can easily lose confidence in yourself and get hurt. You have to be comfortable with the thought that real fists are flying and operate calmly. Also, the person who wins the fight is usually the one who can better master the other fighter's rhythmic movements, energy, awareness, reactions, goals, abilities, etc. This is the real art of fighting. When you see that the other guy's trying to take your head off with haymakers or trying to take you to the mat, or trying to win through counter strikes, or what have you; that tells you a lot about how to adapt, create setups, play on his weaknesses, etc.


Did I just hear a hitmarker at 1:37 ? lmao


#4 Unrealistic Combos: Ronda Rousey's boxing training


I have a little brother who's just starting to get into muay thai but im too lazy to teach him the basics so I just send him the link of this video about shadow boxing. So far this is the best one I've seen and even helped correct some of my bad habits when shadow boxing. thanks fightTIPS!
