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Welcome to my youtube channel!:)
I'm sharing my love for fruit and veggies to help you become more vibrant and healthy!
Much love,
Eva :)

– – – – – – SHOP – – – – – – –


– – – – – ABOUT ME – – – – – –
Hi, I'm Eva.🌻
The fruit-based vegan lifestyle has CHANGED MY LIFE and that's why I started this channel!
Some things about me:
I stopped eating meat more than a decade ago!
I love the sun, summer, fruit, music, dancing, and trying out new things! I wish you a wonderful day and much love! :)

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– – – – – – NEWSLETTER – – – – – –

Do you want to stay inspired to become the best version of yourself? Perfect, because my emails will provide you with valuable, free, helpful, and life-changing information. NO SPAM!
***INTERESTED? then JOIN!***




– – – – – – DISCLAIMER – – – – – – – –

This video is for informational purposes only. The medical and/or nutritional information in this video is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have heard in this video.

If you made it all the way to the bottom of this description, I just wanna wish you a beautiful day!❣

#rawfood #rawvegan #detox
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Thank you so much for watching! I appreciate you being here.❤


Hi Eva 👋🏽👋🏽! Appreciate your honesty and words 😊. Love the message 🫶🏽


You can adapt your diet to your life circumstances, or you can adapt your circumstances to your diet. I am 10+ years 100% raw vegan (no salt oil, low fat, no garlic, onion or other strong spices), and before that 5 years 99% raw. There is no comparition how I feel when I eat fruit to when I ate potato. There were periods when my husband was also like me 100% raw vegan without garlic and onion, and the main difference is how he smells, and this makes for me physical contact with him much more pleasent. So yes, I would say 100% raw vegans who don't consume garlic, onion and other strong smelling spices and herbs are superior to others regarding physical aspect and how they smell. But this doesn't necesseraly mean that they are better persons.


love your relaxed, healthy mindset. There is something like the "raw vegan ego", which can also be observed when people say high fruit is the best diet, it's the only way and others who eat high greens and more seeds and nuts are wrong.


I love your approach to it and I feel similarly about loving the raw vegan lifestyle but not feeling like I need to stress out about being full raw atm :))

Lots of love to you Eva 🥰


And how is it that there are people who no longer eat, and are still alive?


Where did you do your certification dear? Love


So let me get this straight you got sick from eating a pineapple and decided you therefore needed to eat cooked food? I’m sorry, but that’s a bit ridiculous. If you’re sick, you’re going to recover and heal quickest on fruit, not cooked food. And on top of that, the very best thing you could do if you’re sick is to fast like animals in nature instinctively do, but we have lost the natural instinct for. Second of all with all due respect the fact that you’re a certified nutritionist worries me right away, it really just means that you’ve likely been formally miseducated. Our society doesn’t teach anyone nutritionists or doctors the truth about food and health. At the end of the day, it’s really simple, humans are primates and primates are frugivores. If you eat mostly fruit with some tender leafy greens, you will be incredibly physically and mentally healthy in the long run and have a much higher, quantity and quality of life. The transition can be long and difficult, but it is worth it. And as far as going back and having cooked food into your diet, maybe a little bit of it won’t really damage your health too much, but it is a very slippery slope. It is highly addictive and will usually eventually lead you to eating more and more of it in the long run. Good luck to you.
