Why I'm Closing Down Rawfully Organic After 11 Years

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Know why After 11 Years, why I am closing down Rawfully Organic. Many of you know me as the girl who carried around 80 lb. watermelons and started a raw food community co-operative around fruits and vegetables in Texas and who educated people on how to change their health. Much has changed during the recent year, and despite my sadness in this video, I have SO MUCH HOPE for good things to come. I encourage everyone to PLEASE SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL AND ORGANIC FARMERS. Your dollar makes a difference. Small businesses like mine go under everyday. Think about what really matters. Don't compromise your health. I want to say a very special thank you to EVERYONE, the co-op community and volunteers, for loving this beautiful larger than life co-op as much as me, for all of your time and support and hugs. It has meant the world. Me making this video is truly because I need to share with my co-op family what I happening and I feel the need to be open and authentic, in hopes it can help to create more positive change. I took time to make this video. I will continue to make videos and recipes. Much is in store. I truly appreciate your compassion and support during this time. Much love.

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About FullyRawKristina:
Kristina Carrillo-Bucaram lives to inspire a FullyRaw or 100% raw vegan healthy lifestyle. Raw veganism incorporates fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Kristina posts new videos every week that include recipes, tips, tricks, vlogs, motivational, fitness, exercise, and inspiration on how to be the best version of yourself!
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I don't care what other people say about her, but I am 56 years old and thanks to her I change the way I eat. If you change one life that is a success. Thank you Kristina, muchas gracias. :)


In March of this year I felt the need for drastic change. I really felt like I was just waiting to die. I am 56 and weighed 314 pounds. Because of you I started being fully raw. I didn't do it one meal a week I went in full time all the way. Like a Phoenix, from the ashes I am reborn! I have lost 48 pounds and feel fantastic. This is all because of you. So now you have a drastic change in front of you. I know you will be great at whatever you do. Much love TamaRAW


I went to your co op in 2015... it was a beautiful experience. Everyone hugged me, including you. Thank you for keeping it alive for so long! ❤️ I'm excited to see the next chapter of your life and where you take your channel next :)


my dear come over here to Ghana. we need beautiful souls like you. our land is nourished and blessed. Africa is life changing. and despite our shortcomings we keep dancing and smiling. we will liven up your soul . god bless


Kristina I was a part of your coop on and off 6 years ago, and although I no longer live in Houston, I really valued and appreciated having the option for farm to table organic fruits and veggies for myself and my family- I didn't think anything like that could exist in Houston! I also got so much out of your classes. What I see here is a huge opportunity, you are brilliant, passionate, you have so much potential and drive, you got really far in an environment where people would say it isn't possible. I say watch out world, because the coop may have been holding you back from your true potential!!! Please ignore any negativity and haters, they are such a waste of energy!! I think you are on the edge of just beginning something amazing, and what you got out of the coop will always stay with you. I wish you all the best! PS Portland loves coops!! :)


The synchronicity I received from this video last night when it was uploaded, after I got back from standing on my feet for 18 hrs at my raw vegan shop. I have been shedding a lot of tears because recently I have felt like I am not receiving much needed support from family members. Doing everything by myself, building my business from the ground up, investing so much money in QUALITY ORGANIC PRODUCE from local farmers, thus to create expensive recipes in its raw form, doing long lists of spreadsheets for inventory, going hours and days without eating just to reinvest the money back into the business, walking 3 hour distances to my shop with grocery bags, getting on my hands and knees to do the dirty work of cleaning my shop floors, having to deal with employees who do not even respect the back breaking work that it took me to make my business flourish. I also feel as though many of my customers take for granted the high quality food that is being served to them at the low price that does not match the labor nor prices that I am paying to get this food to them, all because I wanted people to better their health by having access to healthy, high quality, and great tasting food. They do not see the dirty work, the long hours of waking up at 4am and not sitting down until it is time to go home at 9pm! They do not see the lost of support, the financial hardships, the blood, sweat, and tears. When adversity pops up and everything is telling you no, your heart keeps pushing you toward your purpose, and then you realize that no one cares for the business you have, BUT YOU! AND ITS HARD!!! IT MAKES YOU FEEL SO ALONE. There was also something that was told to me yesterday the same day this video was uploaded, that nothing is happening to me, BUT FOR ME, and those words hit my heart full force, which is what I needed to hear, so it was de ja vu once you had repeated those same words after hearing that from a good person earlier in my day. I shed a few tears during this video last night, and I have returned to post that you are not alone! This also motivated me to keep going with my raw vegan shop and stay strong through the hardships that I am now facing, this shop is all I have, and all the time I tell myself that my customers are my biggest investors because their dollar is what is allowing this shop to be open week after week despite all of the other short comings with finances, if only they knew! Thank you so much Kristina <3


I watched you for 2 or 3 years before going vegan. Because of you I've been vegan for a year! And I will never go back. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! 💜 you have changed so many people's lives, and you will continue to change more !!


I'm a part of the online community you have created and I'm in Western Australia. Its thanks to you and other raw foodists online that I have been able to begin, and stay strong on my journey. Thankyou!


Watching her cry breaks my heart. She's the reason why I went raw vegan. It's been almost two years now. This is just so heartbreaking to watch. I'm so sorry Kristina. Take your time everyone heals and mourns differently. Don't ever stop sharing your light, you made a huge difference in my life


Please don't feel like a failure. Focus on how many people you have helped! That is invaluable. I'm sorry to hear the co-op is closing.


I am naturopath doctor n I know & I can understand ur love towards nature. darling don't be so sad.. everything will be ok one day


Steve Jobs said that leaving Apple was one of the best things that could have happened to him because he evolved and learned so much. Maybe maybe maybe this could lead to the best thing ever 🖤💕
Stay hopeful. We all need you.


Hey, why don't you open a cafe shop with all your recipes in your area? The comunity will see how good this is and start buying raw, organic products to reproduce those delicious meals. In time, you may even work towards a Raw fast food restaurant chain like Leon in the UK. I believe you have all the "know how" to do it, plus you can try a crowdfunding. Good luck in higher goals!


I honestly don't know all the reasons why she closed it, but I can say this from my perspective, the perspective of a poor, low wage-earning woman who lives in an urban environment. Most people, common people, like myself, don't have close, immediate access to quality organic food, or any co-ops. You don't relate to the common man. You don't know what it's like to decide between getting what's cheaper or what's quality. Many of the people I work with are poor also and can't afford top organic food.They also use public transportation as their sole way to get around, and there are limits as to where these buses can take you. There's always a disconnect between those who have a lot and those who are just scraping by.


I DID NOT SELL MY COMPANY. Never in the video did I say that, and that comment seems to be everywhere here. I would never sellout. People keep asking why, but I clearly state in it the video. Please listen to the many points I discuss before you're quick to judge. There's not just ONE REASON. It's not black and white. It's been a slow and steady declining process over the years. We lost the community over time. People are choosing to purchase from larger chains and aren't supporting local and organic. This effects the smaller businesses such as myself. It's convenience and quantity over quality and homegrown. This is why I wrote in the video, "PLEASE SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL AND ORGANIC FARMERS. This is becoming a dying race." For everyone calling me a spoiled brat and saying that I'm not taking responsibility for my failure, you couldn't be MORE wrong. I've worked my butt off for 11 years building this company...doing things many of you wouldn't probably do—late night deliveries, sacrificing much, sludge work, doing the dirty work—things behind the scenes you DON'T see. Nothing was given, it was earned. Those who judge don't know my circumstances or my journey in what's it's taken to build up to this point. Please look at your own life before you decide to judge mine. I'm not going to sit here and blame anyone, and I won't blame myself. I held on so tightly until I couldn't anymore. And I don't need to further explain myself past that point. It took SO much of me to make this video and talk about it. I didn't even have to talk about me closing it. I could have just moved on with my life and not said a word. But I didn't because this coop has meant the world to me and it's meant so much to so many others. It is worth CELEBRATING and CHERISHING. I choose to cherish it and will never take it for granted. This co-op has given me so much life and happiness and JOY. I choose to keep these memories positive. I feel my message in this video is beautiful and vulnerable and very open and real and authentic. HATERS: please stop trying to pick away at something that just isn't there. Compassion in his time is needed. TO EVERYONE who had written a supportive and kind comment...THANK YOU. I've read EVERY SINGLE COMMENT. Most have brought me to tears. You're the reason why I am still here. Thank you for your prayers and support. I hope to continue to be here for you too. 🙏🏽💓✨


Don't you ever feel like a failure, you have change so many peoples lives around the world with your passion and your interest in going raw vegan. You tremendously helped so many people, so, never feel like a failure. 
Just look at this journey as a higher transition of transcendence.


You were a leader and ahead of your time. Organics weren't available at Safeway 11 years ago. In Sonoma, there are many local farms that are thriving. Ur in Houston, move to like Sonoma, Napa or like Sebastopol and continue on...


You didn't fail Kristina - You SUCCEEDED!! ELEVEN years sister friend, ELEVEN years in a hard business where one would do well to make it ONE. Changes like that DO feel like a death. I can relate. And then we redefine ourselves with all the things that were sown in us for those year, for that time - and we become a better version of us, and somehow can contribute even more. Can't wait to hear more about your journey. Love ya girl<3


Dear Kristina, you have inspired me for many years and even though you might FEEL like a failure I will NEVER see you as one, and I bet thousands of your fans feel like I do. It's not your business that makes you a success, it's your VISION, your LIFESTYLE, the EXAMPLE you set to others and your stunning COMMUNICATION SKILLS. You are UNIQUE and I've often wished I could be more like you. I watch one of your videos at least once per day to inspire me to live healthier, even though I have not been very successful. You are one of the most colorful, creative & entertaining vegan personalities on the web and the world is your oyster, the possibilities are endless only because of WHO YOU ARE. I got tears in my eyes seeing yours, as I feel you should be the LAST person on this earth to go through pain. Keep your positive attitude (as your grandfather has said so often) and please don't give up. Take your time to heal, but stay enthusiastic as you are still so young, so healthy with such a supportive family to back you and healthy, organic eating has become more popular recent years (world-wide) this is only the end of a season. Not the end of your journey. The time you had with your business was indeed a miracle for someone at such a young age, but maybe things happened for a reason as sometimes when one door closes, only then other doors can open. You will rise again With love, from Abu Dhabi


It is so sad to me that the government subsidizes food that is unhealthy rather than organic fruits and vegetables when they can so easily do so. Doing this makes healthy food complete inaccessible to those living below the poverty line. This is why it is the duty of those of us with disposable income and economic power to use our dollars to support local business and create a demand for quality fruits and vegetables so one day giant corporations have no other option but to begin meeting this demand and lowering the price of quality food. I hope one day to see a world where a healthy and filling salad costs as little as a hamburger!
