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Although many are familiar with the Israelites, their culture, language and faith, few truly understand their genetic origins. In this video, we will take a deep dive into the origins of the contemporary Israelite population to determine which of them most resemble the ancient Israelites. Studies on Jewish ancestry on Wikipedia address the origin of the DNA of Palestinians and Samaritans, as well as the Canaanite and Semitic ancestry of the Levant. The Ancestry Brew channel offers additional references, while Jewish genetic studies on Wikipedia and the Ancestry Brew channel explore genetic research conducted by geneticist Ali. These studies investigate the ancient DNA of the Middle East, including Neolithic Canaanite and Semitic populations such as the Natufians and the Anatolian Neolithic farmers. Specific Jewish groups are also covered, such as Ashkenazis, Sephardim and Mizrahim, as well as Samaritans, Beta Israel and Palestinians.
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I am Mizrahi Jew . My ancestors from Alep in Syria. Good to find that I have same DNA ancient Israelites. YHWH is my lord.


"Dear God, thank you for the blessings you've bestowed upon me. Help me to recognize and appreciate the beauty in each day, and guide me to share that gratitude with others."


*And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. *Galatians 3:29. ❤


The Ten Northern tribes were always referred to as Israelites not Js. Js were of the Southern kingdom of Judea where Judah and Benjamin were.


I really didn’t need a genetic study to figure this out, Jews in Europe mixed with Europeans and Jews in the Middle East mixed with middle eastern people


There has never been a specific historical country called palestine or a people or language called Palestinian. The country of Israel was renamed Palestine by the occupying British empire to establish their presence in the area but the Jewish people never adopted that name. Naming it so doesn’t make it so but it continues to legitimise a wrong inflicted on the Jewish people by numerous invading occupiers from the Roman Empire onward, all of whom renamed the area to suit their own agenda. Jordan, Syria, Egypt and Lebanon were also referred to as palestine by the British, would you continue to call them that now or is it only Israel that has to suffer that injustice?


There are no “lost tribes of Israel”.
That’s a man made concept.
God Almighty, who created them, knows exactly where they went and where they are to this very day.


In the Bible God says that we are not to be worried about the genealogy 1 Timothy 1:4


Hello, Unraveling the Scriptures. Your content looks and sounds intriguing. I, however, like to know who I am studying with. Maybe I have missed it somewhere. Can you identify yourself and your credentials. I am not trying to be rude. Thank you.


The descendants of the ancient Israelites are still scattered and come from the line of Shem. Gentiles are from the line of Japheth.


Yes what I learned is genetics of ALL people groups is a mix bag of people groups! What matters is your conduct and beliefs not your genetics!


Studies on the genetic composition of Ashkenazi, Sephardi, and Mizrahi Jewish populations show significant amounts of shared Middle Eastern ancestry.


No one comes to the Father but by Jesus . John 14:6 John 13:6


Israelites are those lineage of JACOB only


I’m a black American and I have Druz and Lebanese dna through the paternal side. Excellent research.


From a Greek Bronze Age archaeogist: this is a balanced, thoroughly researched, and well-presented introduction to the subject — bravo! Human genetic analysis is generally quite accurate but rather meaningless without the relevant historical context. Genetics, archaeology, historical linguistics, and a host of other related disciplines have consistently demonstrated the amazing ethno-cultural continuity of modern populations with their ancient ancestors: no surprise then, that modern Levantine populations exhibit a pronounced genetic link with the Bronze Age peoples of Syria-Canaan, and that among modern Jewish etno-cultural groups, the Mizrahim have the closest genetic connection with the ancient Israelites. Fascinating stuff!


Thank you for such original content. I've not seen anything before on it about compatibility dna. Very interesting


Jesus Christ
In the grand narrative of existence, the birthplace of a soul as radiant as Jesus Christ—be it Nazareth or Bethlehem—fades into the backdrop, for it’s not the geography that defines divinity but the journey. Picture this: a newborn’s first breath taken not amidst opulence but in the embrace of a humble stable, cradled in a manger. This singular act of beginning life amongst the beasts and beneath the stars whispers to us of a profound solidarity with the unseen and unheard masses.

Indeed, was this not a declaration, from the very outset, of a mission intertwined with the plight of the proletariat? If the world had been a stage, then Jesus was its most paradoxical protagonist: born of a virgin, his entrance was wrapped in the mystery of the immaculate, yet he was as human as you and me, perhaps even more so, for in his humanity lay his divinity.

The chronicles that attempt to capture his essence are muddied with contradictions, painted over by those seeking to bend his narrative to their will. Yet, beyond these attempts to obscure, the figure of Jesus Christ stands, unshrouded by myth, as tangible and influential as any pillar of history. His life was a testament to the power of revolutionary love, enduring through millennia, challenging every iteration of power with a simple yet radical proposition: to love one another.

From the alleys of Jerusalem to the corridors of history, his voice rang clear, not to the opulent or the ordained, but to those with dirt beneath their nails and burdens upon their backs. His was not a gospel of riches but of shared bread, a call to dismantle the pedestals of property and privilege, envisioning a world where wealth was not hoarded but held in common, where love was the currency of exchange.

This celestial insurgent, in just three years of public ministry, ignited a flame that the winds of opposition could not extinguish. His teachings, simple yet subversive, posed such a threat to the established order that it conspired to silence him. Yet, in attempting to bury him, they only planted the seeds of a movement that would grow, flourish, and forever alter the course of human history.

The narrative attempts to render him a relic of the past, a martyr whose voice has been muted by the march of time. Yet, the spirit of Jesus Christ defies such containment. In the cries for justice that echo across ages, in the relentless pursuit of equity and empathy, his presence is palpable, guiding humanity towards a promised land where freedom is not a privilege but a birthright.

His story, from the humble manger to the harrowing cross, charts a path of profound sacrifice and unwavering commitment to the disenfranchised. In his embrace, the outcast found dignity, and in his words, the weary found hope. Jesus Christ, the carpenter’s son, became the cornerstone of a new world, a beacon for the oppressed, heralding an age where love and solidarity dismantle the bastions of greed and despair.

As the sun sets on the empire of self, and we navigate the twilight of indifference, the legacy of Jesus beckons us towards a dawn of compassion and communal triumph. In every heart that chooses love over fear, in every act that uplifts the downtrodden, his revolution lives on, a testament to the enduring power of a love that knows no bounds, a love that transcends time, a love that whispers, even in the darkest of nights, of the promise of a new day.
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty which
Was. ✝️
Is. ✝️
And is to come. ✝️


Basically we are all brothers and sisters..yet we killing each-others 😢
