The Mystery Of Ancient Israelite DNA

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In this captivating video, we delve into the fascinating world of ancient Israelite DNA to uncover the genetic origins of the ancient Israelites and their connections to contemporary populations. Join us on an expedition through time and genetic research as we explore the shared genetic heritage between ancient Levantines, including Bedouins, and present-day Palestinians. Discover the genetic link between various Arabic-speaking groups in the region and the ancient Israelites. Explore the genetic makeup of Ashkenazi Jews, Sephardic Jews, and Mizrahi Jews, and understand the interplay between ancient Israelite DNA and European influences. Uncover the genetic continuity between Bronze Age Palestinians and Israelites, shedding light on their shared history. This video provides captivating insights into genetic studies, ancestral connections, and the rich tapestry of the ancient Israelite DNA.
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Can't wait to see more researchers being released in the future. Thank you for this informationtive video! 🙏


thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.


Quite the contrary. I don’t think of today’s Jewish people as having anything to do with ancient Israel because they don’t. The Bible makes clear who today’s Israelis are. They are in no way ancient Israelites.


Straight away - going on the computer generated imagery and the tone of the narrators voice, I am preparing myself for a dubious presentation of facts.


You failed to mention actual Jewish migration to Europe, which was mostly through Greece and Italy, and in the mid evil period coming from Mesopotamia via land.


How that possible when

Jeremiah 51:27
New International Version
27 “Lift up a banner in the land!
Blow the trumpet among the nations!
Prepare the nations for battle against her;
summon against her these kingdoms:
Ararat, Minni and Ashkenaz.
Appoint a commander against her;
send up horses like a swarm of locusts.


Confused that this states that Israel came from the Canaanite’s when it was the Canaanite’s and other tribes they drove out and wiped out of the land as commanded my GOD? The Israelites came out of the descendants of three men. Abraham, Issac and Jacob. Jacob whose name was changed by GOD to Israel and his sons were where the 12 tribes of Israel got their names. Abraham was called out of the land of UR. The Canaanites are best known from the biblical accounts that portray them as a hostile, pre-Israelite indigenous population residing in the “promised land” who were conquered by the tribes of Israel under the leadership of Joshua following their Exodus from Egypt.


Comical. When you start with the wrong control group you get incorrect results!


and route to middle east is from ancient india..match the dnass..


When you have interbreeding for centuries this happen. Akanaken's followers. 😏


Classification an individual as either Jewish or not-Jewish is based much more on religion and culture than on genetics. While many individuals who identify as Jewish as a subjective emotional or religious truth do have some ancestors who lived in the Middle East roughly two to three thousand years ago, many individuals who do not identify as Jewish also have ancestors who lived in the Middle East in that time period. As a matter of objective scientific truth there is not a single genetically distinct group of people alive today that could be considered to be genetically "Jewish".


This video acts as if they had a choice and migrated! They were deported while in the diaspora!


Israelites have a sort of signature of genetic composition. They have the G y hg from Assyrians the E y hg from Egyptians and possibly Canaanites the T y hg from the Phoenicians and the R1a from Ashkenaz and R1b from the Mediterranean descendants of Riphath. They also have the Q y hg from the Medes who became Jews in the book of Ester. J2 y hg is Judaic J1 y hg is other Israelite tribes and other descendants of Hebrews and Arabs. I1 y hg is the tribe of Dan. I2 y hg is the tribe of Asher.

The actual historical record shows that everyone spread out from Mesopotamia. Ancient history is essential for everyone to know, especially the sixteen original civilizations… from the sixteen grandsons of Noah. Learn ancient history before trying to learn science.

1. The first inhabitants of Italy (K) Tubal
2. Thracians (L) Tiras
3. Siberians (N) Meshek
4. East Asians (O) Magog
5. Medes (PQ) Madai
6.. Western Europeans (R) Gomer
7. Mediterranean Greek sea people (T) Javan
8. Hebrews and Arabic (IJ) Arphaxad
9. Elamites (H) Elam
10. Assyrians (G) Asshur
11. Arameans (F1) Aram
12. Lydians (F2) Lud
13. Cushites (AB, C) Cush
14. Egyptians (E3) Mitzrayim
15. Canaanites (E2, D) Canaan
16. Original North African Phoenicians (E1) Phut

The D haplogroup descendants of Canaan migrated east through Tibet all the way to Japan. The C haplogroup descendants of Nimrod migrated to South Asia, the Pacific, Mongolia and all the way to the Americas along with Q haplogroup descendants of Madai ancestor of the Medes.

The A maternal mtDNA haplogroup belonging to the Semitic N lineage accompanied the Eurasian Q paternal haplogroup in the Americas. The C&D maternal haplogroups belonging to the Eurasian M lineage also accompanied the Atlantic crossing of the Q paternal haplogroup Medes to Central America. The Semitic B maternal haplogroup seems to have crossed the Pacific Ocean to South America.

The Mediterranean paternal R1b and the maternal X2a also found in Galilee represent an Atlantic crossing of the Phoenicians in the days of King Solomon considering also the Mediterranean paternal haplogroups of T, G, I1, I2, J1, J2, E and B in addition to the R1b in Native American Populations. J1 and J2 is Arabs and Jews. (I1 is Dan, I2 is Asher)

Of course there is also the Cohen modal haplotype of J1 P58 as well which identifies the IJ lineage of Hebrews and Arabs that are descended from Arphaxad. J2 M172 is the descendants of the House of David and Solomon.
