#003 What is Fibromyalgia?

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In this video, we're going to talk about what fibromyalgia is and what it is not. We'll also discuss the symptoms of fibromyalgia and how to treat it.

If you're looking for a detailed explanation of what fibromyalgia is and how to treat it, then you're in the right place! This video will provide you with all the information you need to understand what fibromyalgia is and how to treat it. So please subscribe to our channel, and then make sure to watch this video to learn more about fibromyalgia!

What is fibromyalgia? What causes fibromylagia? What are the treatments for fibromyalgia? Is there a cure for fibromyalgia?

#drAndreaFurlan #DrFurlan #DoctorFurlan

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ALERT: This video is not intended to replace medical
advice. If you think you have a condition that is
causing you pain, please consult with your doctor
to get a diagnosis and a treatment plan for you.
The intent of this video is only for educational
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Thank you for doing this video! I fought for nearly 5 yrs against this diagnosis, it was exhausting in every way. Now I have it, there is actually no support through it. I can't exercise alone so it is a struggle. This gave me everything my health professionals haven't in quite this way. Thank you


I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia but I stopped telling healthcare professional about it. I got sick of being treating like I’m a hypochondriac. Too many doctors don’t understand fibromyalgia. I’ve been mistreated by so many doctor, I’ve given up.


On top of the pain, is the soul stealing fatigue of most chronic pain issues. 😫


Thank you for this video. You really get it! Whew.
I’ve had fibromyalgia for 30 years. I won’t bore you with the details. You know them. I wouldn’t have made it much longer…Cannabis saved me. It’s the *only* thing that helped me get to a place that I could move with less pain. I sleep better and finally have something to alleviate IBS pain, anxiety, and severe migraine symptoms, etc…. (I do all the other stuff as well.) It has improved my quality of life exponentially.


Folks I’ve been battling w fibro for 20 years. Best treatment is to exercise, drink spring mountain (naturally alkaline) water, make sure you take calcium/magnesium rich foods and above all TRUST JESUS for your healing. I know trauma, rejection, loss, depression and UNFORGIVENESS all play a role. Get rid of all these feelings as they can seriously block your healing


I have had fibromyalgia for a long time. I am female, so I was treated as a hysteric, as menopausal, as a liar and faker. I had been an athlete for most of my life, so its onset was terrifying, literally terrifying. I am highly educated in a number of fields one being the sciences, so I am acquainted with the human body, but I have been treated like I am an idiot. Because I don't "look handicapped", I have been called a mental case, to the point where I won a groundbreaking lawsuit against a state agency. Did not matter. I have a handicapped placard on my car- and people have spit on me. My service dog and I have been physically ejected from stores, because I do not "look"ill. My doctor, instead of working through this with me to find a less painful life, just gives me 10 minutes and whatever pills. One day, she said, "oh, you have been on this 3 years? Should have only been 3 weeks."- and she had been seeing me for 19 years. I do my own sometimes it is all too much.


This woman is great! She's the 1st person who described exactly how my fibro symptoms started at 14 - thinking my wisdom teeth were trying to come in because of the aching in my face, neck, shoulders. Until I got my wisdom teeth removed and the aching was still there.


I’ve had Fibromyalgia since I was in my 30’s - (70 now). I am glad there’s more known now about it. One of my most bothersome symptoms is misophonia which I’ve had since a child and it’s gotten worse. Even the music on your video was difficult to listen to. People would tell me to just ignore the sounds, but that was not possible. I’m saying this just in the hope that sounds will be carefully evaluated. Thank you.


One of the better Fibromyalgia podcast I have seen in a nutshell all in a short podcast. Great job!


Thank God I found you🙏🏼 We need more doctor like you and my doctor. I have RA and Fibromyalgia. We need more doctors who believe in this condition so they can help their patients, because living in constant pain is very frustrating. Thank you so much for the information💖👍🏼👍🏼🙋🏻‍♀️


I have had fibro for many years, any form of exercise can leave me in so much pain that I have to stay in bed to rest it out. I often wonder if the pains in my knees at the age of 3 yrs old was an onset of the unknown fibro, I was diagnosed with “growing pains” which I’d hilarious because years later and at the age of 65yrs old I only ever reached 5 feet tall! I’ve suffered all my life, and now have other problems to..high blood pressure, diabetes, under active thyroid, I had a stroke whilst having a stent put in, and to be honest I’ve had enough. But thank you for your video, you have taught me far more than I have ever been told. Doctors in my area of England just seem ignorant of fibro, don’t believe you, or couldn’t give a dam.


I’ve spent years having to wear only the softest of materials because a lot of clothing is like wearing sandpaper.


Noone really understands this condition. Thanks Dr. for detailed information. I have visited umpteen doctors. I am the most strongest woman i know, I love to be active. I want to be known for my energy and a person like me being called lazy hurts the core of me. The multiple joints pain, the fatigue, tenderness, morning sickness, struggling to sleep every night- has killed me for years. I need more doctors to be educated about this . The struggle is real. The moment when you want to do a lot but your body doesn't allow you to, that constant low feeling hurts 😭😭😭😭
My elbow joints hurt after writing 2 pages of my assignment and people don't understand things like that .

People with fibromyalgia are alone in their life but we are in this together😭


Finally I was diagnosed at 44 after decades of pain since childhood. The PMR doc said I had the 2nd worst case he'd ever seen. Disabled at age 50, even with meds, I still hurt all over. My greatest wish? Medicare would pay for accupuncture and therapeutic massage. I did so well with those! My insurance paid for the massage, I paid for the accupuncture for 4 months 3x/wk at $50 per session. There went my savings, and disability followed.


This is without doubt the most helpful short educational video on this subject that I have ever come across. Thank you so much, Dr Furlan.


A great in depth explanation of fibromyalgia. I’ve learned so much about my condition watching your videos. 💞


Cannabis has worked out very well for me. Fibromyalgia, psoriatic arthritis and complex PTSD, for almost 30 years.I will never again be on opioids long term again. Thank you for this video 🤠. I think you're amazing 😍. Also I have found for CBD to work I need a larger dose than normal, and you have to calm your brain down. Makes so much more sense now.


I want to thank you also. Your information is so helpful. I am in my 50s and have been trying all my adult life to be pain free. I have added more and more to my toolbox but your videos are the most helpful of all. I love the explanation of each pain cause, the exercise videos and all other aspects you talk about. I wish I knew this information in my twenties but very grateful to have it now!!!


I have chronic pain and I also have fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis. It’s hard on my body I get tired very easily. I ran all the test and they all came back to that. I’m also battling breast cancer at the age of 49. It’s been a rough year for me but I’m optimistic but my body pain is just gotten worse to where I get up in the morning and I try to be active because the more active you are it’s better for your body. But about 1 o’clock in the afternoon my body screaming at me to where I need to go lay down for about an hour and rest. Fibromyalgia is really hard on the body because you’re in constant pain with the sweats in the just aggravation that comes with it because you don’t know how to express your pain to your partner and sometimes I don’t understand where your mindset is. I really like this video because I shared it with my husband so he understand it a lot better. I am so excited that I got to find your videos because it helped me a lot to understand it more because my doctor didn’t really understand fibromyalgia. My pain started as IBS with constipation and then it started out with my fibromyalgia. So that’s how my fibromyalgia surge out with crazy


I have had fibromyalgia for 8 years, also I have chiari brain malformation type 1, and a syrinx of spinal cord . And I have osteoarthritis.
I apply for SSD and they deny it over and over again . And I can’t work, my pain is horrible, I don’t have energy at all and I feel like tired off everything. Just God give me that strength to continue living . God bless you every one 👋🏼
