When is a Sin a MORTAL SIN? w/ Fr. Gregory Pine, OP

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In this video, Fr. Gregory explains what makes a sin a MORTAL SIN. It requires 3 components. Find out in this video!



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It's hard for scrupulous Catholics who are never sure if they entertained the thought or not (i.e. blasphemous and impure thoughts).


As someone who struggles with scrupulosity, this is so helpful, thank you and God bless you!


Thank you Father as a scrupulous person I have suffered with this thinking for a while


Ive noticed that if we are morally weak in our thoughts we need to mortify our bodies. Love of comfort and/or failure to sacrifice even little comforts makes us weak and easily overcome. Pride makes it hard to accept that we are really like this. Start making sacrifices of personal comfort and see how it overcomes these thoughts. ❤


“Crowd them out”. That approach seems to fit well with the Little Way of St. Therese. Thank-you.


I don't know where I heard/read this, but it was from a wise priest: MORTAL SIN IS LIKE A RAGING KNOW WHEN
I also used to suffer from scrupulosity. It was terrible during my teen years. I beat the problem (it was a slow process) by saying to
myself: The hell with it because this concern IS NOT NORMAL. It's wrecking the life God gave me....I'll just go on living like any
regular good person. I WAS THE PROBLEM by making God THE ogre in my life. I brought the problem to the Cross and asked God
to take care of it. My life SLOWLY became fine and normal.


Leaving the light on is a light thing. This is very true Fr. Pine. Very true indeed.


Grave matter | Full knowledge | Deliberate consent.

I'm pretty sure I was aware of the three conditions before yet I had been going to weekly confession thinking I was confessing mortal sins because I wasn't considering full knowledge and deliberate consent in my examination. I would just go through the 10 commandments and the seven capital sins in a binary fashion broken or not. I was starting to think it was impossible for anyone to be in a state of grace for more than a few hours/days.

For example, my brain was jumping at 3:00 screaming, he broke the 4th commandment. Of course, for it to be mortal it would require knowledge of the commandment, knowledge at the moment that this is what he's doing, and the willful choice to ignore the mother (so not out of forgetfulness or absent-mindedness).

Thank you, scrupulosity sucks. I'll be making the distinction now.


Thank you Father. Not getting hung up on whether a sin is mortal or venial is ok if you're about to go to confession. But one shouldn't take communion if one has committed a mortal sin. I go to confession on the first Saturday of each month and go to daily Mass. If I've committed a mortal sin, I can't take communion. That would be a mortal sin in itself!
Not being in a state of grace is risky business. I don't want to compound the issue.
And yet how many of us risk it every Sunday...
We should go to confession immediately after a mortal sin. But this requires knowing that it is one.
Then again going after every little venial sin just to be safe (in case it is mortal) seems a little over the top. Didn't Martin Luther drive his confessor crazy by going to confession many times throughout the day for the smallest of things?
How does one strike a healthy balance without losing our soul?
Knowing if a sin is venial or mortal is critical!


When you are scrupulous, telling the difference between Temptation and Sin is very difficult. Particularly with semi deliberate acts.


Thank you, Father Pine. This video is just what I needed at this point and time of my life. God bless.


Father Pine, I was actually able to understand your discussion today! Your intellect is light years ahead of mine, that is certain!
God Bless You!


My sins are uncountable. And it is only Christ that could possibly redeem me for them.


Thank you Fr. Pine this was somewhat helpful for me as a sufferer of scrupulosity. Please pray for me. May GOD continue to bless you and your ministry. ☦️🙏📿


Thank you fr. PINE for walking us through the thought and mind of inattention to something that triggers temptation to enjoyment of sin...and how the same inattention to grace of God can be cultivated that lifts and tucks us back to restoration, healing in His divine life. Thank you matt.


Sometimes I find myself thinking about weird things but they are not voluntary. When I realized that they are not good I make the sign of the cross. When you are in doubt st Alphonsus says does not count. This is specially when thoughts are obsessive. You have to ignore them.


I love the "crowd it out" vs "root it out" approach. I often struggle with scrupulousity and beating myself up over falling short. I get frustrated with being flawed even though that is my nature. That leads to the exhaustion mentioned in the video, but also despair. It leads me to think I'm hopeless and that God could never forgive me for not being able to fix myself. If, however, I grow closer to the Lord, my disordered affections will naturally become weaker. Going to adopt this method going forward. Please pray for me!


Thank you I have often wondered what a mortal sin is. I have not listened yet - so here we go.


Further up and further in! Beautiful Father. A truly edifying and exciting book: The Final Battle by C.S.Lewis


It is always easy to analyze this question with sexual sins, because their content is obvious, as is one’s intention to embrace them or not. Much more difficult are emotions over which a person cannot really exercise conscious will. Anger for example. You can’t will yourself into not being angry about something or at someone. When you become angry what would be a conscious thing you could do to avoid sin?
