Heal from Trauma and Abuse, Stop Blaming Yourself and Forgive

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One thing that almost all abusers do is, they make their victims feel like the abuse they endured was their fault. This doesn't just have to be physical abuse either. We can be abused verbally, emotionally, psychological, sexually, intellectually or even spiritually. Abuse can come from a partner, or it can be from a coworker or stranger.

But the truth is, not one single person on earth deserves to be abused. Some people, like criminals, may need to be removed from society so they can no longer be a danger to themselves or others. But no one deserves violence, manipulation, cruelty or deception. Especially you.

In this YouTube video, I talk about how abuse lives on in our minds and bodies long after the incident. I discuss how we can heal our inner wounds, how we can move forward, learn to trust others again, how we can protect ourselves in the future, and how we can even forgive our abusers so that we no longer carry hate around with is.

Remember, forgiveness doesn't mean going back to live with your abuser. It means no longer letting your abuser live inside of you.

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Music by Macaque Healing
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Oh wow. Childhood trauma broke me down, and I was medicated at 13. I'm 49 and I'm about 9 months free from 7 psyche meds. I just got crazier and they piled more and more meds on me. I finally cracked, and had a spiritual awakening. I have no words what it was like coming off just Klonopin, much less 6 more. I chose to use alternative means to pharmaceuticals, and was able to heal my trauma, which is the reason I was medicated in the first place. I'm healed, whole, and love myself. I had so much hate for myself. Ty


I’ve heard this a lot that the brain and thoughts are not us! This resonates!


The divine bliss in your voice and the calmness you radiates, is simply intoxicating.


Thank's For this kind Reminder, My Ego Blame ME, it's Really Complicated, Everything Need Our Attention!!


Some tips to settle for meditation, increase stillness in calm abiding (shamatha) and lengthen meditation time.

. Wake up early and meditate in the still of the night or early morning for extra quiet. Especially helpful for starting a practice or when unable to sleep or get still.

. Try turning on a fan for white noise.

. Close eyes gently, relaxed. Let it be dark.

. A few deep slow breaths with the out breath a little longer than the in breath to relax and lower heart rate.

. Scan the body, focusing on each part to feel and release any tension.

. Slowly take a deep in-breath and sing ohm or ooh or aah on the out-breath. Repeat a few times to cleanse and settle the mind. Feel tingling energy and settling.

. Allow breath to become automatic.

. Let the jaw relax with the tongue relaxed at the bottom of the mouth.

. Pay attention to the object of meditation. Examples:
The breath in the abdomen, chest, back of the throat, or nose
or the heart beat
or continually monitoring and relaxing the body.

. Allow any thoughts that arise to pass away and return attention to the object of meditation.

Some other objects of meditation:
Emotion - witness and open to emotions arising and passing, while relaxed.
Watch the mind to see each thought as it arises and let it pass without looking at the content of it.
If sounds are present, listen to them arise and fade away.

Remain open, observe, relax, release.


My ex told me I was too nice and that everyone would abuse me. I am now too scared to look for another relationship. I feel very lonely at times. I m 53 and feel like I will grow old alone.


Great advice Todd. All that you talked about, sits well. One question....the background music is so peaceful. What is the name of the track and musician please?


This is amazing! Thanks for sharing this. I can listen to you all day 🎧


New sub from Eastern France. Who you are resonates with me. Thanks for your channel.


Is it with that larger perspective, stepping back, trusting we have unknown unseen reasons behind whatever we face, think and value...?
And that larger perspective is possible as we stay and observe everything from the empty ( non judgemental, unreactive, away from issues, addictions and distractions) space? Away from the object of problem, even if it's ( perceived) self?
Thankyou for the rich deep and serene understandings/ videos.


As an addict in recovery with seven years clean I have listened to many of these talks. I want you to know that your understanding, empathetic, and intelligent delivery of this information is unmatched. It is beautifully said and truly has the ability to change lives. Thank you for the time and effort you have put into yourself that allowed the creation of these thoughts.


I need to heal somewhere far away from my past.i would love to record make a documentary of my self before and my awakening new life .


Are we "meant" to be happy, or at peace, all the time? We can't gauge our perception of reality without contrast in that perspective...the brightest light is only thought so until a brighter light is seen, right?


Thank you for this beautiful reminder💚🙏🏻, i needed to hear exactly these words today! May a transcendental hug & gratitude travel your way.


I have resolved to contemplate this wonderful message until I'm totally there! With tears of Joy I thank you! May peace be within all. 🙏❤😎


Wow, thank you for helping me, I honestly thought I was going mad with my thoughts, but I understand it all now what an amazing guy, many thanks


Today I listened a podcast about AL intelligence. Scientists are supposed to work on instilling consciousness into this intelligence... I don't know how they would succeed, but I know that the only thing that separates us from AL intelligence is our consciousness. There is even the thought that scientists have already done this. A terrible thought, but possible. Despite everything, this does not explain the consciousness and the force from where it would be. Mainly.. If we succeed, and of course we will, in realizing what we are, yes, then there is no longer any reason for any concern, wars, violence... But we are of course on our way to the point where we will be able to look at it from all angels. And angels of course even do not exist🙃 Ha ha


I experienced the recognition of the true self and have been contemplating how to navigate this illusion since. Your words certainly resonate. Thank you.


I see. I forget. I remember. Tears flow, and I am grateful. 🙏
