5 Habits of Successful DoorDash Drivers: 2024 Tips & Learning the DoorDash App

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Many New Dashers Fail and Leave the App before they can even Learn it!
Try these 5 Things to have More Success.

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1. Be respectful to everyone
2. Communication
3. Know your audience


1. Know your market not your app and find a good parking area surrounded by locations. If getting no orders then move around.
2. Put a towel or something on you car seat to block stains from food or drinks! (I learned hard way after getting grease in my seat. It will happen when trying to juggle alot of drinks)...$3 six cup holder from Michaels helps with drinks btw
3. Restart app from time to time if not getting orders.
4. Dont go to hotspots unless you get there within the first 2 minutes it refreshes. If not dashers already in the spot will get all the orders in first 2 minutes and you wont see one for next 8 mins.
5. Take your time and be safe, your not driving around a organ for a transplant!


Had a $6.75+ order for 3.5 miles. I took it. Most others wouldn't have taken it because it was less than $7. It turned out that there was a $30 tip on it. Not bad for being platinum and in the right spot when it came in. I made $83 in 2.5 hours.


A few more tips from a veteran. Try to accept orders where the customer lives near other restaurants and/or is still in your zone. Also, try to keep hot food hot and cold food cold. What I do is that I have a 0 degree sleeping bag in the trunk with a heating pad from Amazon in it. I then plug it into a deep cycle battery from Walmart when doing a order, then I unplug it at drop off. To keep food cold, I have a cooler with frozen igloo bars that I swapped out of the freezer every night. Maybe I should make a video about that as well. Lol Thanks Pedro for sharing.


The most important tip is documenting every successful final delivery as proof of delivery.


Just few
1. Know your market’s restaurant in term of fast or slow
2. Get a fuel friendly vehicle
3. Know the right time to start
4. Make Schedule for the day


Man I finally got Platinum after being stuck on 69% for 4 days and oh boy is it worth it! I only declined 1 order today bc every other order was atlesst 2x $ per mile!


Thanks Pedro. I’m a 68 year old female and dash occasionally to keep my brain going if that makes any sense. I’ve had to learn the hard way on nearly everything I’ve experienced delivering. I always come home with interesting stories and very little money but it can be fun at times.


Be fast! Set cruise control at 2 mph over the limit, learn your apartment complexes, and carry a good flashlight. Take shortcuts if you know your city. Always use the freeway if possible. Make your presence known at restaurants, don't be shy, be assertive without being rude. Avoid long drive-thru lines. Click arrived at store as soon as the option is there (usually a quarter mile away), and don't be afraid to unassign the order penalty-free after 10 minutes if the option is there, unless you know the order is nearly done. The main goal I have is 3 or 4 completed orders per hour, or 2 good $10+ orders in an hour.


One thing that has worked well for me I haven’t seen mentioned, when bonus pay is being offered I will usually stay in a zone which is slightly lower bonus pay. For example, one zone is offer $3 and another next to it is offering $2 go to the $2 zone. The highest pay will get more people from the nearby zones to flock to it. While you aren’t making as much bonus per delivery there will be more orders available due to few drivers being in the area. Typically you’ll get more orders with less wait time in between.


Never take an upside down order and $2= no tip


Platinum status is so worth it. I cleared 100 last night in 4 hours.


I’m a veteran driver on DoorDash and UberEats and I have told people before that you take short trips high rewards and if you take long trips do $2 per mile is a rule of thumb for me. Also bring snacks and drinks with you have a little cooler in the back seats for soda or whatever drink your into.


Ive been a part time dasher for 4 years in a small town, i like your tips most of mine are the same 1. Find your sweet spot, dont chase hotspots they dont mean anything to me 2. Stay positive not everyday is going to be great 3. Dont take orders where miles outweighs the dollar amount, i have to double miles since its very unlikely to get an order on the way back to my sweet spot 4. Dont cherry pick to much, nobody wants to go 6 miles for 8$ but i will and you never know might get an additional order 5. If you can get to know your town ive had dd tell me an order is 5 miles but theres a fsster route and it turns out to only be 2 miles


I am doing this for extra cash. When I started out, I took EVERYTHING and have a One note for things like neighborhoods, slow restraunts codes for apartments, and bad customers. I amnlucky to live in a triangle. 10 mile radius, so I move depending on times.
I learned what neighborhoods take me to dead drives back. Avoid them till the end of the night.


Beginner here. Thank you all for the tips!


Make sure you put the other apps on HOLD when using one or the other.
I had Uber Eats on one time while in the middle of doing an instacart order. It was for 59 dollars. I wanted to cry because I could not take it lol


I am lucky enough to only need the one app .I can only work evenings . I cant shop or I would cry . Kudos to all the shoppers, I salute you .


Avoid accepting orders from shitty restaurants like Popeyes and Taco Bell..


My ratings - AR 76% Completion R- 99% Customer R- 4.95 On time delivery- 98%
If you have a V6 or V8 car DONT do DoorDash. If you do buy a E-bike. (You won’t get shop and deliver) orders. Know your city, drive on a Saturday afternoon see where a LOT of people hang out at. Downtown? Uptown?
