The Narcissist's Greatest Fear

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You have more power than you realize. In this video, we look at the narcissist's and psychopath's greatest vulnerability and fear, which is to be found out for who they really are. Once you build yourself up with self-love, self-care and awareness and take your power back, you are no longer susceptible to their power games. Losing you as a source of supply is their greatest fear. Especially when more people join in the quiet revolution.


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Don't let people fool you into thinking the narcissist doesnt know what they are doing. They know exactly what they are doing is wrong. That's why when these vampires get you behind closed doors their fangs come out. If they didn't know what they were doing they wouldn't just abuse you when Noone else is watching.


When we accept ourselves, the game is over.


Everything that you have said is spot on. I have spend 19 years with a Narc and it took me 5 years to get out !!. They are the most evil people that you can come across . It has left me completely demoralised,  without confidence,  and suffer from PTSD. They destroy family, friends and even their own children.


its so painful to be discarded by a narcissist and it seems like its always the kindest sweetest people they do it to


Yea, it was a very dark moment when I realized that a bunch of narcissists and psychopaths have lots of power and help run the media, politics, finance and more.


I found you by accident 🙌🏻 it's been a very lucky day 😊


This is one of the most powerful and enlightening videos on the subject I have ever seen. Very educational. I am joining the resistance. I'm going no contact with my Narc starting today. Thank you so much


the only reason why the BIGGEST GIVER will attract the biggest taker is because the giver is not giving first to himself, once he/she becomes whole they will no longer attract that unhealthy person.


You have such a vast understanding of how this world is controlled by psychopaths. The way they control the world is to keep everyone in a state of fear and confusion. Wow. You are amazing at such a young age, of having such a grasp on this worldwide insanity. It takes years for some people to understand what you do, but sadly there are not enough years for most people.


They also fear being left alone, they don't like not having an audience


Eye opening moment: "He found out where I was starving & he fed me all of that."


My mother is NPD and my father is BPD. I made the mistake of contacting my mother after going no contact for a whole year. Regretting that totally now although I would have regretted not attempting to contact her before one of us dies. Immediately saw this time that she will not change or ever have empathy or be nurturing towards her own children. I'm healing slowly but still suffer from self-sabotage and doubting my intuition from all the gas lighting and abuse as well as the complete lack of boundaries. I feel like she would be happy if I died before her so she would be able to have the final say on the story of my life.


I agree in this experience, they find your weakness, your wound and later poke at it, stab it twist it. It is horrible. It seems out of no where but listen and observe. Be cautious what you reveal.


lets start saying "the Narc", not 'my narc' or 'our narc'. Lets not be identified with "the Narc" at all. Do not identify with the narc, once you realize what they are and how lost they are, do not identify with them at all. Because once you identify with them in any way, you will begin to lose yourself, you will begin to not trust yourself, your intuition and you will become lost. The only way the narc can feel satisfaction is by drawing you in and sucking out of you a sick sense of gratification, when you start doing any type of dance for them they feel gratified. Do not seek to punish them or school them on right living because they don't really care. All the good things you want show they narc, all the loving things you want to share with the narc "they will not share back" and they will act like they can be loving with others just remember that when they do that to others or children they are setting a "gratification trap" to suck gratification. You have to see that 'any story' they try to weave that includes them and you, or them and others and you are the little insignificant nobody is still "there story" they a drawing you in on. Do not be identified with "ANY" I repeat "ANY" of their stories.


I did tell one of my Narcs girlfriends "we need to work on our relationship because it's not going well". She said: "What are you talking about? It's going perfectly well (for her), we dont need counselling, this is stupid, let's watch television, I'm tired".
I swear this is how my conversation went. I still remember it word by word because the total lack of concern for my feelings just shocked me!


I cant believe someone has the courage to say what u say about narcs. u r spot on. thanks again!


They do not make sense, the callous rages are all premeditated that is why they are dangerous, normal people don't get aroused by destroying others,


Keep up your good work, it is just what is needed
God bless you


I feel proud after I've realized how much shit I took from various narcs and psychos, boy they've made me monstrously strong. Now is the time I tear them apart in seconds if they try to mess with me, they end up confused and avoiding me. We are damn strong, we just have to choose to appreciate ourselves, life gets incomparable quality when you know what you've survived and discover what is there to live for. They actually become like powerless prey when you are consistent with knowing and showing how powerful you are all by yourself, since all of their feeling of significance was built on the outside, they start to respect you in their own way, become curious or uninterested. If you just turn your back they see good chance to climb on it and ride you to hell.


So true once ur eyes are open and u know how to identify narcissists you realize they are everywhere and our current society glorifies them so now u have people striving to act like self absorbed narcissists. I think empathy attract them so when they wake up they realize they are surrounded and dysfunctional families seem to breed more of them
