Enshrouded - Combat Gameplay

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It's dangerous to go alone, take this! Check out our first deep dive video to learn more about the combat in Enshrouded, and choose the way you will triumph over your enemies!

You are Flameborn, last ember of hope of a dying race. Awaken, survive the terror of a corrupting fog, and reclaim the lost beauty of your kingdom. Venture into a vast world, vanquish punishing bosses, build grand halls and forge your path in this co-op survival action RPG for up to 16 players.

Рекомендации по теме

The most interesting thing in this game is the construction mode, if it is correct that it comes with construction in voxels that puts this game in a very high top, I look forward to its release


This has quickly overtaken several other games on my radar. My biggest gripe with Valheim is how janky the combat is, so this looking pretty responsive (albeit with some rigid looking animations at times) is super exciting!


Loving everything I'm seeing guys! The only gripe I have is that I hope you improve the animations for a lot of things. It looks a little rigid and clunky, but I know it's still early. I'm super excited!


you peeps should add the a pick up body mechanic. That way if someone is playing stealth they can hide the bodies so that patrolling enemies don't find their fallen comrades and get alerted. Just food for thought. Btw I absolutely love everything being shown with the game. I haven't been paying this close attention to any news or updates about a game in a while. Keep doing an awesome job <3 <3


I'm really looking forward to this game, dude. Not gonna lie, the combat system could use a little more "weight" to it, the lack of impact behind attacks make it look like it'll feel clunky, but no any worse than valheim. Still though, even with a bit of clunk the combat looks pretty damn fun, and the exploration and voxels are incredible.


This looks incredible! Great work. Looking forward to trying it out.


This looks amazing! A HUGE congratulations to the Devs!


Hi Keen Games, I'm really happy to see such a beautiful game and the awesome mechanics that you've put into it. However, I'm worried that the grenades seen between minute 1:15 and 1:20 are causing too much damage to the environment. Those holes are 2m deep, which doesn't make sense for a grenade. Please don't take my comment the wrong way; it's just my concern that it might destroy too much of the environment. Thank you for reading this, and I hope you consider this feedback. Thank you and your team for creating this game, and I will definitely play it when it comes out. Have a great day! 😊👍


Looks really cool so far.
My only concern is the enemy barely showing a reaction to being riposted after a parry.


I like the look of this so far!
Soulslike confirmed 😂
The enemies need to respond more to this hits because the dude going from glider to roll to hit had that enemy unphased.


Looks interesting:
+ building options
+ leveling and skills tree
+ crafting
+ combat options
We're waiting for open beta :)


This game looks great, especially the building. However, I heard the devs also made Portal Knights which had a lot of save corruption issues that they never bothered fixing. I'll be waiting for reviews before I even consider purchasing Enshrouded because save corruption is my #1 dealbreaker.


This looks very interesting to play with friends! already on wishlist !


The more it looks like Valheim, the more I fall in love


Would be cool if there was PVP to some capacity, makes me think about approaching the game like you would with minecraft with friends. Splitting up, building bases and fighting among each other. Would be a super cool concept.


Enemies could use some more life/reactions but this looks amazing


3:40 I can't wait to play together with *Otters* truly an untapped market, otters..


I know it's still in development, hope they add some more animation/life/reactivity to the enemies.

Some pacing/side to side bobbing or steps could be good to fill in the gaps between enemy attacks, so they don't feel too stiff or robotic between attacks.

Overall excited to see how this goes :D


They say it is zelda meets valheim, but i feel like there is also some inspiration from dark souls and dragon quest builders. I just love that you have a skilltree and "classes" or roles, that and the combat system is exactly the thing i miss in valheim


Looks really cool, no idea what's going on with the jerky rubberbanding when strafing while locked on but I'm assuming you're working on that. Everything else looks solid, might need some touching up on animations.
