38 Tips to get you through Enshrouded!

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In this video I share 38 tips for both advanced and beginner players that are bound to help you navigate and survive the awesome new world of Enshrouded.
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Be aware that the Devs have been very active in updating Enshrouded since I made this video and some of this information is no longer correct/relevant. Most of the tips will still be of value though!

Hope you're all enjoying the Frozen Frontier update!


Most channels give up 5-10 useless tips and stretch it into a 20 minute video. You gave us 38 tips and the video is just under 10 minutes. Props to you


Perfect way to do a tips video - concise, no-nonsense and useful. I learned a lot from this. Thanks!


This is probably the only useful Enshrouded tip video that I’ve watched and I’ve watched dozens.


I have to agree with everyone else, this vid is great for beginners and shows how much detail the game really has


I have watched so many Enshrouded vids. There have been some great ones but this is BY FAR the most helpful one I have seen. Thank you.


lots of good tips in a short video. Awesome. Concise and easy :) love it!


i watched this not expecting to learn anything new, since im already level 6 and a little bit into the game. however, almost every single tip took me by surprise, and i love how clear and concise each one was. amazing video.


Nice vid. Other tip videos I've watched say asinine things like "Eat food for buffs" (duh...) but watching this I actually learned valuable things that are not so obvious. Thanks a ton. :)


Best compilation of tips that are really not obvious. Great work!


Two pointers everyone should know if they didn't already: The Ring of Rapacity is stupid broken for mages and can be found in Willow Crush in the Revelwoods underneath one of the grinding mills. Makes mana costs null

Second is that if you don't have quite enough height when gliding, you can actually spam the Updraft ability by using the aforementioned ring to regen the mana and mid-air cancelling and gliding again instead of touching the ground to have Updraft available. Make sure you don't have a shield/ward equipped when doing this though because it gives you a second or two before you can glide instead of instantly


excellent! sent to my game buddies! been at it for 90 hrs, know most of the things - but the density and coherences are top notch! thx a bunch!


Just started playing this week and this was well worth the watch! Thanks for the info!


These are some of the best tips I have heard for Enshrouded I only knew about 40% of them. One thing I would caution when playing co-op with friends and have a base close by to each other is NOT to use the magic chest! If one of you has a magic chest all other players will have access to and automatically use your items in that chest. So if you have any rare resources that you have worked very hard to farm, they can be gone in a flash without you knowing it just due to proximity. I have a base right next to my friends, and we make sure to evenly split all treasure and resources. He built a magic chest before I did and when I went to build something on the workbench it listed items available that I did not have on me. The same thing is true for crafting with an NPC.


Fantastic video and great tips! I've learned a lot of this the hard way over the past few weeks, but taking over buildings with the flame altar isn't something I had thought of before. Thanks!


on the topic of blocking with a shield:
im not sure if anyone noticed but with a shield and a wand you can hold rightclick to block and then just leftclick to attack, your character will just shortly drop the shield but immediatly raise it again, im not sure if ive just gotten incredibly lucky so far but i havent been hit by a single attack while doing this even with 3 or 4 enemies, (ofc this only applies to individual attacks not combo attacks, if you attack in the middle of a combo attack you will eat that combo)


Great tips, short video. Very much appreciated!


This game is so good.. it really feels open world. I can mine stairs out of the earth when I get stuck.. you can take over a home as your base, the building is truly amazing. love it


The barrows tip is a life saver for me.
I also found that the smallest trees in the Revelwood forests give each 2 twigs. Using up an entire axe nets you roundabout 150 twigs.


This is the first video with a few tips I didnt learn on my own. Thanks!
