How To Pray In The Holy Spirit

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How do you pray in the spirit? This video goes over everything you need to know about praying in the Holy Spirit. Praying in the Holy Spirit will forever transform your prayer life and strengthen your walk with God

1 Thessalonians 5:17 - Pray without ceasing.

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Who needs prayer request?

Edit: beware of fake profiles asking you to WhatsApp them, it’s not me


i pray everyone who sees this is has an extra layer of protection in this fight!


I had asked my job to let me have off on Saturdays because I am a Christian and wanted to honor the Sabbath. They refused and told me if I wanted to have off on Saturdays I would have to find another job. I asked God for help and after a few weeks decided that maybe I should stay with this job until I find another. That job ended up firing me for some nonsense saying I had fallen asleep on the job which wasn't true. I've been without a job for almost a month and was worried about rent and bills. I asked God for help and today I was confirmed to have two jobs both of which are off on Saturday.
Praise God always.


I praise God for waking me up, covering me with the lamb's blood, opening my eyes to sin by convicting me, etc. Praise your holy name God in Jesus name!!!


I had a situation last night at work where it became apparent that all my coworkers hated me. It was surreal. I’ve been on a journey since this time last year to finding Jesus and completely committing myself to our Father in heaven. I cried at work in the bathroom and debated walking out, but I knew that that would mean the demons inside them won. I thought about you Mark! I thought about how you said if someone is seeking god, people will hate them. Thank you for all your work. You’ve helped me in so many ways. God Bless you always. 🙏❤️


Your messages continue to help me grow spiritually. God is speaking through you, thank you for helping me fight the enemy daily. Praise be to God!!


Peace and blessings to everyone in the chat. Praying for you all


When I give praise in the spirit he blesses me so much more than I could ever return with works. I don't deserve it 😭 I receive it so lowly and humbly
My name is Amber, I need prayers to stop smoking cigarettes


God I can’t do it on my own. I never want to feel alone again. Thank you being my comforter, Father. Because of you I now know what love is.


Dear brother Marc, please pray for my 25 1/2 year old daughter MORIAH, for her healing Deliverance and Salvation please. Also for my brother Michael for this as well. Please pray for me regarding a health concern Yahweh knows about. Thank you!


Another Confirmation video 🙏❤️ Pray for my motivation ! I'm under attack too. Thanks you God bless 💓


Good morning Marc. Thank you and Amen🙏✨


What your doing for the kingdom is amazing to see . I remember when you only had a few subscribers literally. You’ve been able to touch so many souls by answering the call on your life . With that you’ll ignite a fire in someone else. I appreciate you bro and will continue to keep you in prayer.


May God continue to grant us the wisdom to resist walking according to the flesh, in walking according to the flesh, you cannot please God 🙏


Hi brother Marc, please pray for me. I moved to another state out of obedience to the Lord and its been really hard because He had me move out of complete faith. Started a Daniel Fast today to get closer to the Lord, be able to listen when He is comanding me to do something, healing, and spiritual wisdom, discernment and for Him to show me which spiritual gift He wants me to use and i haven't due to fears or insecurities.


Good afternoon, please pray for me Lisa Petersen, my husband name is Alston Petersen, my children Imani, Starleana and Edwin. Also my mom Elaine. My son Imani is in college and I’m believing God for him to be successful in all his classes and especially finances of course. It’s been a struggle financially especially with my son in school. Thank you and may God continue to bless you and your family.🙏


Amen Thank you God for Everyone who sees this and bless us all to stay on the right path with you in Jesus name. God is moving the comments 🙌🏾


I just realized this was yesterday But I’m Still happy to Listen to the word of God through you KEEP GOING WITH THIS


Thank for the video Marc! Please pray for my family and I. Im a backslider and have been given over to a reprobate mind. It’s strange that I love God, but I refuse to let go of the things of this world. As a result I’m plagued with strong holds and demonic oppression. I want to be free and to actually live for the father and not for myself. I send prayers and blessings to everyone who watches this video! Love you all my brothers and sisters in Christ!


I am struggling with my mental health on and off through most days it’s a tough one 😞 if your going through the same, give me a comment and I’ll pray for you too . Thanks for the knowledge once again Marc ❤, really appreciated
