Complexity and Gravity II - Leonard Susskind

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Prospects in Theoretical Physics 2018: From Qubits to Spacetime

Topic: Complexity and Gravity II
Speaker: Leonard Susskind
Date: July 26, 2018

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all respect and love to prof Leonard susskind I hope to stay healthy and well..💕


Leonard Susskind is on a really hot new thing.
Brilliant. That's what keeps the world moving.
It is important to follow that.


The good old Lenny talks about the complexity of the thermodynamics of Gravity. Really enjoyed.


There is a fundamental misinterpretation of spacetime, geometry, and gravity in general relativity: what physicists typically call 'curved spacetime' is more accurately a geometric representation of the strength of the relativistic gravitational field, as general relativity is a classical gauge theory. In quantum gravity, when they say that 'spacetime ought to be quantised or discrete', they really mean that the 'relativistic gravitational field ought to be quantised'. This already has a corresponding analogue in second quantisation and the development of quantum electrodynamics from classical electrodynamics, which also has a geometric interpretation (the dirac matrices could be thought of as unit vectors in a 3+1 dimensional geometric spacetime), but which does not mean that electric charges physically curve spacetime or caused spacetime to be quantised. The statement ER=EPR is more accurately stated as 'a wormhole is a geometric representation of entanglement between two particles'; this does not mean that wormholes actually exist in the real world, only that the strength and directions of the gravitational field is determined by the entanglement of the particles inside the field.


I had been waiting for a long time for this lecture, that not only talked about ADS/CFT correspondence by Maldacena, but also touched on the most important aspects of complexity, self-error correcting, infinite dimensional, algorithm unknown, self-simulating quantum computing function, leading to production of fine tuned particles/strings, creating life with perfection and with probability one. Proving QM is completely deterministic. Feynman would have loved to watch part 1 and 11. Part 1 started with a wave function, reminiscent of Hartle-Hawking no boundary universe theory.

Life is also a QC function, enabling us to repair/regenerate 50-70 billion cells damaged daily at 99.99 % efficiency and at lightning speed. Implying divine purpose, empowering us to comprehend what is incomprehensible.


Watching this in 2022 with those epidemic analogies becoming real epidemics


Yes, even a student learning Einstein's equations notices that they look like thermodynamic equations. So what? People have been saying that for over half a century now with zero progress in actual physics.


About 19:38 into the video:
Possibly when entropy stops growing, the intensity grows. "If" a threshold is reached, possibly whatever was 'entropied', flies everywhere. Basically a black hole 'bang'. Otherwise, without any threshold, the intensity would infinitely grow with no place to go.

Another possibility might be that when a threshold is reached, possibly whatever was 'entropied', collapses back in upon itself.

Another possibility might be that when a threshold is reached, possibly whatever was 'entropied', changes it's state of existence.


if time can be mathmaticaly expressed as a function of mass as you oberve in a sandglass flow of the grains following gravity then it can also be understood as something multidimensional as masses and gravity is spread through out the universe in different positons in space, thus time


36:40 into the video:
What if there are more than one wormholes that interconnect with other 'dimensions'?
For example, let's say that the 'gem' photon is the energy unit of this universe and all 3 modalities of the energy unit basically interact at 90 degrees to each other in a unified way. Two worm holes would always be dependent upon the third wormhole and the third wormhole would always be dependent upon the other two worm holes. (The 'wormholes' interconnecting the different modalities of the 3 in 1 energy unit with each other in some unified fashion.)


A geometric description for Universe is in the book: ‘’ THE BEGINNING, THE


Author: Constantinos Krikos


1:15:00 I picture myself putting on my 'God' gloves, moving up close to a black hole, and giving it a quick thump with one finger to see what happens.
(The gloves are so I don't lose a finger.)


Anyone know "g lads" definition?


22:49 into the video:
If we are talking about 'gravitational' black holes, then what exactly is 'gravity' and how exactly does it do what it does?

For example: The current narrative says that gravity is matter bending the fabric of space time.
(Of which also raises questions, what exactly is space, what exactly is time, how exactly does space time 'bend'?)

But okay, accepting that for now, then:
a. Why don't all the individual pieces of matter orbiting Saturn in Saturn's rings fall down to Saturn's surface, as the 'dent' in the fabric of space time would be greater at Saturn's surface than the 'dent' in the rings?
b. Is our solar system being pulled toward our galactic center due to the 'dent' in the fabric of space time that all the matter in the center of the galaxy makes? And if so, what eventually happens? "Big crunch"?


This is a very basic presentation, are there any more in-depth studies?


1:25:37 into the video:
Decreasing entropy: Consider the following:
a. The hexagon on Saturn. From disorder, order arises.
b. An active universe interacting with itself, a black hole arises. From disorder, order arises.
c. From a supposed 'big bang' the forces of nature supposedly arise. From disorder, order arises.
d. From a supposed 'big bang' matter itself arises. From disorder, order arises.


Trancendental Meditation, correspondence and Geometrical Drawing and Perspective Projection. Wordless recognition required after the lectures.., "think for yourself".

Observation of WYSIWYG QM-TIME Completeness cause-effect leads inevitably to the probabilistic "Laws of Precedent", the con-sequence of this sum-of-all-histories Event here-now-forever, composed of elemental e-Pi-i sync-duration wave-envelope Math-Phys-Chem and Geometry phenomena. It depends on the degree of legitimacy in density-intensity real-numberness condensation, how "physical" the Event is interpreted.

We are, individually, of/in inside-outside this Mind-Body Universal (Life) Principle.

Gravity and Perspective are AM-FM Fluxion-Integral Corpuscle-aspects of ONE-INFINITY Singularity, floating vertical phase-locked frequency integration/alignment of trancendental Reciproction-recirculation, in an i-reflection transverse cross-sectional synthetic relative-timing Apature.., holography.


If gravity is caused by mass warping spacetime then how is it possible that gravity exists in space that has no mass?


Don't read the comments, here only madness lies


Thankful for Leonard Susskind explaining Physics in simplified terms, so that more People can get some understanding of their World and Universe. I wonder if this helps explain how the DNA Double Helix is built in the 3rd Dimension? Perhaps the Black Hole is a 4th Dimensional  Space, where a Double Helix is being built. The White Hole and 'butterfly' scenario,  could explain mutations in DNA to build new Species.
