HUMANITY'S Shift COMING Sooner Than We Thought! URGENT Channeled Message REVEALED | Belinda Womack

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Belinda J. Womack has been a clear and trustworthy messenger for the 12 Archangels of the Central Sun for 30 years. She offers many online courses, zoom webinars, and advanced training overflowing with the ageless and practical wisdom of the Angels. Belinda lives in Montana with her husband and three pets.

You are personally invited by the 12 Archangels to receive all that you desire from Source, especially the true happiness that often seems out of reach. Your Soul has the clear guidance and tools to help you move from lack to abundance and attract wealth and healing, and the Archangels will show you how.

Speaking through Belinda Womack, who has been a channel for the 12 Archangels for more than 30 years, the Angels explain the root issue behind our lack of abundance is the fear of not having enough. Sharing 63 healing visualizations, the Angels guide you to dissolve the deep subconscious layers of guilt and shame that keep you stuck in a fear-induced lack of wealth and become receptive to the infinite bounty of the Universe. Reading the visualizations from the 12 Archangels with intention helps you tap into the singing colors, and undiluted love of the Central Sun mirrored in your chakras. The visualizations raise the vibration of your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs to attract wealth—not only financial gain but all that you need to receive from Source to feel safe, happy, healthy, and free.

The 12 Archangels share lessons on the relationship between money and Divine Law, cultivating your garden of intuition and creativity, and resolving a financial debt with understanding and love. They offer nighttime practices that support your transformation into a vessel to receive the full blessings of Source. They also offer advanced practices on harnessing your innate power to transform suffering.

Helping you connect with the boundless care and “deep pockets” of your Soul to transform financial struggles and eliminate self-doubt, the 12 Archangels show that life keeps improving when you make room for the vast flow of creative genius and abundance coming from the Universe through the Divine Feminine.

Please enjoy my conversation with Belinda Womack.

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I'm vibrating off the chair! Deepest gratitude to you, Alex, for creating this space and bringing forward such wonderful guests. Their messages are uplifting, restorative, and fuel for my soul. ❤️


This is how I got my husband. ❤️❤️❤️I tried and tried for years, and didn’t do well. Finally I told god, I’m not very good at this. Pls send me the person I suppose to be. Within one week we met, started dating, and got married. The nicest guy on the planet. Thank you god. 🙏🏻🌎❤️


Thank you Alex. I am 63 years old. I had a stroke and I don't walk well. I feel like I will pass soon, but your show has lowered my level of fear about death. Now, I look forward to it.


This episode truly resonated with me. I am now realising I have lived my whole life in fear, leaving only the day to day functioning side of me, relentlessly pursuing work goals which has blocked most other things out of my life.This episode has woken me up. I feel there is a different path I want to find. So at 67 years old I start my journey. To Alex and Belinda a huge thank you from my heart, you are both truly inspirational.


I was on the bottom, real bottom. It was October 2019 that I started to see the shift. By March 2020 I knew without a doubt that there’s was Divine intervention in my life. I trust that and I’m grateful every second of my life. ✨


A guardian angel come with you at birth and stays with you until you die. I know ths because I saw my guardian angel at a very young age, never forgot her name. At 60 when I was in a dark place she appeared to me again. I immediately felt amazing - she gave me an answer and then left, after telling me she is always with me. My first time listening to your channel - love it.


To the ArchAngels, i have so much fear. so much Loneliness, feel so alone, and abandoned. it looks like i am living a life of death. no meaning, no destination, no progress. just fear and death.

i ask you Archangels. Please Guide myself and All who are litening in, nad who are in your need. i donot know which way to turn, and how to live now, how to accept and live happily here on Mother Earth. it is tough for myself and ll of us.

Please show us a way of finding this love, and not feeling so alone, so cold, so abandoned.
Pleas guide us, come viist us, come show us where you are, what we are. what to do, and GIVE US HOPE PLEASE. we feel hopelessness here on Earth. Give us the ultimate hope of knowing please.

I thank you ArchAngels. Respect and Love to you All. I am waiting for your direct, personal, as well as global, love adn kindness and help... bring us home please. Thank you oh Great Ones...


Thank You Belinda, 12 Arch Angels and Alex for bringing us this Message!!🙏🏻❤️


My heart chakra opened and my crown chakra ignited with a rotating violet flame. My eyes filled with tears of joy as the tears rolled out in gratitude 🙏🏻 🧬🪬☀️


Love the channel,
I have always felt like an old soul. I have always connected with the earth. Dirt, rocks, trees, plants. Etc
I am dyslexic and have a very abstract view on reality/life. Roughly 7 years ago, I started a journey of healing myself of the trauma cried in mini sessions. On my path of healing I went through EMDR sessions in those sessions I stepped into another realm of consciousness. I was able to stand or be with my eight+year old me. Or younger me as if it was happening simultaneously, I was able to comfort my child’s self even have brief conversations. I would leave those sessions with the loss of time. The Therapist having a hard time, bringing me back and having to cancel her next session. Feeling like I was ran over by a train hardly being able to walk to my car. Having to sit there. Until I was fully present. I have recently started to meditate and excited for the future. I tell my wife that I am always flooded with information. My sensory system is always overloaded. So I drowned it out with Podcasts and music. Find myself a little scared of actually sorting out the over abundance of thoughts that flow through me.

Thank you for what you do.


Alex beyond thankful for your podcasts and finding them…but then their are no coincidences….


Unconditional Love Light Peace to All of you beautiful souls and all beings 💜🌏🤍


I am so glad that you both made the decision to be of service and in service to inspire and uplift us. Thank you both for being in my world. Grateful here !


This interview was so beautiful it brought tears to my eyes. Truly wonderful, what a gift you and Belinda are to the world.


Hi Alex, LOVE your programs. They are the only spiritual programs I watch. You have wonderful guests, and you ask thoughtful questions. You give guests the time to fully answer questions, so we, the viewers, can understand the answers. Everything is clear and concise, no "mumbo jumbo". I've had two near death experiences separated by 40 years. Your show helps me fill in some of the missing pieces I've wondered about. You are putting a continuous stream of good energy into our world. Thank you. ☺💙🌎


Sitting watching in hospital after giving birth to our daughter sofia ❤ thank you for sharing this beautiful podcast through arch angels 😇 " our central sun the heart of creation 🌻"... Beautiful message 😊


Thank you Alex and your guest Belinda and your SPECIAL guests the Archangels!! What an honor! Thank you for the beautiful, simplistic, uplifting and heartwarming messages to humanity. Love is the answer! ❤️


Thank you for your service to humanity 🙏


What a beautiful guest and story!!! Thank You, Alex and Belinda!!! 🙏✨✨🤍🤍💎💎🤗🤗
I had my enlightenment experience in my biology lab also on nanotechnology subject when the liquid golden love experience embraced me and lasted for 3 days ✨🤗✨🤍✨💎✨🙏😇
Sending Love Light Peace and Harmony to All Living


I’ve been praying that I can look at all people around me through eyes of love. Then the archangels said “look through different lenses. Look through lenses of love.” Then she said right after that, that the angels know who will be watching this. It felt like my own personal reinforcement from the angels. Thanks Alex and Belinda.
