6 paradigm-shifting recent discoveries about humanity and extraterrestrial life

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6 paradigm-shifting Discoveries About humanity and extraterrestrial life. Recent scientific discoveries have shattered our ideas about where we came from and where we are headed. They have mind blowing implications regarding what we thought we knew about our past, and more importantly, they tell us something about where we are headed.

6) Forget everything you think you know about Neanderthals. They were not ape-like, dumb brutes. They were in fact, just like us. And in a sense, they did not disappear 40,000 year ago. They evolved – into us. They interbred with us. That’s right, we had sex with them… and consequently 2% of all current human genes are Neanderthal genes. They gave us immunity from many diseases, and lighter skin colors. Yes, they were lighter skinned than us, not darker.

5) The original population of native Americans immigrated from Asia and went almost straight to South America hugging the West Coast of Canada and the United States, before a secondary migration into North America. You would have thought that if the first populations of Native Americans came from the far north, what is now the Bering strait, they should have expanded into North America first, before spreading to South America. But anthropological finds indicate that they went straight to South America first. This could have been because they followed warm weather or game migrations. Scientist think much of North America may still have been in recovery from the ice age 25,000 years ago when they first migrated there.

4) There are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on all the beaches of the world. And Every Star has at least one planet orbiting it. The Keppler telescope has confirmed this. This makes it mathematically impossible that there is not at least another world where life exists. There has to be other life in the universe. The math indicates that the earth being the only planet with life is 1 in 6 sextillion. 6 followed by 21 zeros. Based on Keppler data, Scientists estimate that there are at least 40 billion other planets the size of earth, and in the habitable zone of their stars in the Universe. If that is the case, then we may find life elsewhere very similar to our own here. We are not alone in the Universe folks. There is definitely life elsewhere, but whether any life is intelligent remains the big unknown.

3) Shortly before it lost contact, NASA’s Dawn spacecraft discovered lights on the dwarf planet Ceres. This planet is only 300 miles wide, about the size of Texas, and lies in the meteor belt between Jupiter and Mars. Among the theories to explain it: It could be ice volcanoes reflecting light. It could be huge patches of salt. But scientists have also speculated that it could be extraterrestrial lights, since they can be seen from 29,000 miles away by NASA’s Dawn.

2) There is flowing liquid water on Mars. Liquid water has been detected flowing on the side of mountains during periods of warm weather. This water freezes as soon as it gets cold though. This type of water can support algae, fungus and other microbes. So, it increases the chance of life on Mars considerably.

1) We will have first contact by 2040. Scientists predict that we will discover another intelligent life in about 20 years because of the powerful Keppler space telescope and the upcoming incredible James Webb telescope which will launch in 2021. It is much larger than Hubble, and is 100 times more powerful. Unfortunately, we will likely never meet them in person. We may be able to communicate with them over multiple years at the speed of light, but we will never actually encounter them? Why? because even the nearest star to is 4.5 light years away. It would take 185,000 years at the fastest speeds we can currently travel, about 17 kilometers/second, or 11 miles per second. But even this speed is slower than snail’s pace when considering galactic distances. And even our communications at light speed will take multiple years to reach them, and multiple years to reach back to us.
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I have to say, I don’t think estimations of likelihood of life occurring elsewhere in the universe based on number of planets alone represents anything close to accurate. We have no data to base the calculations on except how long it happened to take on earth. This in no way reflects the actual chance of it occurring.

We still don’t even know HOW it happened.

What was it, one in sextillion? Sit back for a moment and appreciate what we are, the fact that we’re currently discussing these topics collectively from around the globe on similar but not the same machines.

One in sextillion, it might not be that far fetched.


This guy is awesome. No bs. Very concise. No phony snarky irritating trying to be funny. He makes complicated concepts easier to understand and his curiosity and enthusiasm is contagious.


I like your channel Mr. Ash. Very entertaining and educational.


Simple and to the point..no fuss from Arvin Ash👍👌


always waiting for the last line as i know it will make my day xD


You're amazing! I love your channel!


As a kid I once saw a cartoon in a newspaper. It as two bugs on an apple, on a tree, in an orchard with apples everywhere, the caption was - 'Do you think there is life on other apples?' I think that kind of sums it up. When, not if will we make contact? But as Arvin suggests, comms over the huge distances might be a bit of an issues ;). Thanks as always.


Great videos, you are the best. Please make a video about humans modifications or mutations necesarry to adapt in other atmospheres and to tolerate intergalactic travel or other planets living.


Thanks for the reminder Ash :) ill watch when i get home, family trip now and no headphones around, cant wait


Never say never. You can’t travel interstellar by moving through space. You let space do the moving. Entanglement will solve the issue of communication over vast distance.


Really good Chanel in my opinion! 👩🏽‍🚀


You should watch the documentary called "Unacknowledged". There is already tons of evidence for ET's. They fully understand the physics of the universe and can travel interstellar distances very quickly. We should not presume to understand alien limitations because we've completed Physics 101. There's a lot more that we don't understand than the things we do.


Absolutely interesting. I always like your videos. They always have different information and perspective.


I now have a “New Perspective since watching& absorbing your wisdom led explain”


If there are so many stars in the universe, it seems very unlikely to me that not one star has no planets orbiting around it. We only have eight planets orbiting The Sun. Great video, Arvin.


Good video dude! I'm quite proud I knew about 4 of the five discoveries 😁 i mean i didn't know the math but i knew the likelyhood of there being no aliens were slim, i played the game elite dangerous and that's only our galexy and it gave a damn good impression on just how expansive space is, i highly recommend it if you're into astrology, it doesn't have aliens in it but there's enough space to explore to last well over 10 years to visit all the planets and stars and even the black hole. Plus if youre bored you can actually find the probes we sent to space in their acurate co-ordinates where they would be now. Arvin, definitly check that game out if ur interested, it's worth it bud! Wow that went from bragging to advertising a game i have nothing to do with! 😂


Like it. Thank you very much. Black holes please latest discovery. And DNA maybe?


Primitive life may even be a very common phenomenon in the universe, but intelligent life is a whole different story...


I don’t remember a THING about this video. The reason is, I have seen EVERY ONE of these examples A DOZEN TIMES, but don’t recall where. How about a list of topics covered?


Thank you very much for this immense of knowledge in reality difficult to digest.
