5 Reasons Why Men Pull Away After Getting Close 😣😥

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This video covers why men pull away after getting close.

When it comes to the topic of why men pull away, ghosting and dating advice for women, it's important to understand that men pull away even in good relationships.

In fact, most relationship advice for women doesn't really make it clear that the reason why guys pull away might not be a problem at all, it might even be a good sign for the health of your relationship.

Now granted, I'm not talking about those occasions where someone ghosted who never really was that interested in the first place. That kind of thing happens with dating and general dating tips cover this kind of thing, so that's not what I'm addressing when I talk about when men pull away in a relationship.

What's important is why he pulls away and specifically why he pulls away when everything is great.

Much of the time, things are great and there's no problem. In these cases, the answer to why do men pull away has nothing to do with you or your relationship, so the biggest thing to understand is not to take it personally and create a problem where there is none.

So why do guys pull away? Why does a guy pull away when things are going well? Why men pull away in relationships when they say nothing is wrong?

That's what we'll cover here in this video and trust me, as a relationship expert I can tell you this is must-know information!

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Also, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask them here in the comments! I read all of them and I try to reply to as many as I'm able to as well.

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I have experienced this many times. The point is, we just need to accept things as they are. Whatever it is in front of you just believe and accept it. No analysing no overthinking, this will save a lot of your energy girls. Running after only makes it worse and makes a guy pulls away. I can’t emphasise it enough!!! Believe what a guy tells you or shows u! If he tells u he’s not ready or ghosting u just accept it and go on with your life! Who is meant to stay will stay or come back to you anyhow. There’s no point thinking or giving two shits bout it. Let things be as it is and you’ll be surprised to see things turned around and works in your favour! Both ways you’re doing yourself a favour!! If he’s a right one he will come back and if not then you have been working on yourself for your goals anyhow. So it’s a win win situation. Be patient and let things unfold on its own. Universe has its own way to distance you from certain people, which will only benefit you in the long run! I know it’s hard I kno it’s difficult but trust me, everything will be for your own good. Time shows everything! U will thank me I promise. Just focus on your life and move on.


This was a great video… Especially the very end, where you said, talk yourself through calming down.
I’ve been stressing all day, and this video truly did help me. Thank you.


I admitted that I liked him and inmediatly he just pull away and yes I found that strange, I started thinking really hard what is happening .learning this from you let me feel so much more better thank you.


The main reason for males to pull away is we all need love, but they ate enough, a few days later, they'll start getting hungry again


I’ve decided not to wait very long when a guy does this. Either show up to be present in my life or I’ll find someone else that will..🤷🏼‍♀️


Sabrina, you are amazing. The man I'm seeing has taught me a lot about men...he actually will occasionally just tell me what men want and need and it almost always matches what you say. Keep up the great advice!


This is the type of advice I come to youtube for


Thank you for giving your gluten exposure example. That really helped clarify that fear/panic feeling. Love the way your therapist had you process that out. Very helpful.


it’s literally what i’m going through you just make it so easy to understand what’s going on, thank you


Sabrina Alexis! Oh how I love you woman! You have given me so much needed advice and such a new perspective … not only about romantic relationships but also about myself! I simply want to say thank you for giving me “a new mode”!!! You are appreciated! ❤️


currently growing through this. it’s been almost three weeks and it’s killing me😩😩


Such a strange message to women. I think we’re omitting the importance of communication. Why can’t we just have a conversation form our hearts? I think it’s too complicated and unfair that I (women) have to suppress my thoughts and emotions because he (men) is “wired like this”. I think that, In a relationship were both ends respect each other, they would be loving and genuinely reassuring to the other person, because that’s what they want, and they communicate it. Anyone in a relationship should be able to say “I am here. I’m not going anywhere”, and it comes from the heart. They are choosing every single day to be there, in a partnership. They don’t need to see each other every day (unless they’re married or living together). They have to have trust, communication and emotional maturity. I recently (literally yesterday) broke it off with someone I really wanted in my life. It hurts and I know I will be fine. I don’t have time to sit down, chill and wait for him to feel comfortable to get close again. I’m going about my day and my routine (work, gym, family, friends, etc), but I’m going to be clear towards him about my standards, as I hope he does the same. If he can’t have this conversation, he doesn’t seem to be sure of what he wants, and he’s being all wishy-washy, I’m out.


Oh ....I'm not rush him to reply me. I leave him alone for 2 days then.I ask him how are you my love. And he tell me about his stressed and he said he sorry for not text me. Woooow!!! This video is really useful. Thanks 💖 something women are good at insecure sometimes it's not that bad but we just think too much.


Exactly the thing I was racking my brain with and then this video gets uploaded! Thank you!!!


I asked him, if we are in a relationship or not... He said, he's afraid, that he cannot fulfill my needing a and he is too busy to meet me often enough. Now he's backing up, not reacting to invitations in a positive way etc. I don't know what to do now. Does he just want to have a friendship with benefits? I absolutely don't want that, because I really startet to catch feelings🙁


This is random, and not really part of the video (although I LOVE all of your video topics and watch them all!) but I was totally experiencing those dizzy/fuzzy/about to faint or collapse feelings you were saying. I'm so glad I'm not the only one! It happened to me once when I was walking and it scared me so much. I thought I was dying! I was so afraid of it happening again and it became an anxiety for me and I would keep getting the dizzy spells when I thought about it! I was able to overcome it after some therapy as well. Just wanted to share. Our mind can really play tricks on us and we have to remember that we are in control and we WILL be ok no matter what!


Went through this . It killed me. It’s been 4 months now n I realized he ain’t coming back. Especially after he heard I was dating someone else. He text me that he’s really happy for me. Which is nice of him to say but that sealed my fate with him


Wow I recently got rejected several times by this guy who I obsessed over, this video is so amazing it’s a video I feel like I manifested by trying to not let my obsession overtake me. You are so beautiful and wise. Thank you so much, I love reading your emails too because I’m subscribed to your newsletter. 😘


I wish I saw this 2 weeks ago before I ended things with someone LOL. I apologised and said I'm sorry and I wanted him back and he doesn't want to be back now LOL. But going to take the advice from this video and move forward! If he comes back, then great we can talk, but otherwise, things happen for a reason and I am sure I will meet someone even more incredible in the future!
