Why Men Pull Away When Things Are Going Well

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Why Men Pull Away When Things Are Going Well
Have you ever had that sinking feeling when someone you like just seems to be slipping away? The texts become fewer and fewer in between, and the man you’re really into, he stops making plans with you. Maybe he’ll respond to your texts or respond to any effort you put in, but he’s starting to pull away a little bit. He’s just not showing the same level of affection that he used to show. And the worst part is that you felt like things were going well and you’re compatible, and you have a close connection with each other, but everything seems just to be falling apart. If you’ve ever been in this situation, then you probably felt incredibly helpless. But never again. In this video, I’m going to be talking about why it is that men pull away and what it is that you can do moving forward.
Hey there, my name is Adam LoDolce. I’m the head Love Strategies, where we help single women successfully find long-lasting love with a proven strategy. Let’s jump into the three reasons why men pull away. And by the way, the first two reasons are things that you really can’t control if they happen, but you can control how you react to how they happen. The final reason men pull away is directly within your control and something that you can change. So, let’s jump right into it.
Reason number one is that he was always planning on pulling away. When you ignore the red flags at the beginning of a relationship, and you invest your time and your energy into an emotionally unavailable man, well, you pay the price later. If you find yourself in a situationship with a guy who tells you he doesn’t want a relationship, but you still keep seeing him, you always keep investing your energy into this guy and then you’re surprised later when he pulls away, well, that’s kind of on you now. I recognize that not all guys are that direct. And some guys may have kind of tricked you into thinking that they were interested, but they never had plans of ever being in a relationship with you.
Reason number two why men pull away is that he’s just legitimately busy in his own life. It’s not unusual for people to just get incredibly busy in their life. Whether it is with work or maybe it’s with school, or maybe it’s nothing going on with his family life. He is legitimately overwhelmed, it’s likely he’s going to put his energy elsewhere and maybe focus a little bit less on you. So, the best way to react to this situation, if a guy is legitimately overwhelmed, not just using it as an excuse, but legitimately overwhelmed, is just to show that you are there to support him and be there for him whenever he needs you.
And the final reason why men pull away is that you’re showing more interest in him than he’s showing in you. When you’re the one who’s constantly trying to push things forward and show interest and tell him how much you like him; well, what that does is it lowers your value. And on the other hand, when you let the man lead, well, you have all the power. Now, in love accelerator coaching, we actually have a specific step focused on what we call, pacing. Once you get to what we call little love step number five, which is pace the progression of your connections, we tell you to slow things down, even slower than the man wants to move forward. And what happens is the more that you slow things down, the faster he’s actually gonna wanna speed things up. It’s actually a little bit of a reverse effect. And I wanna be very clear, we don’t do this to play games or to manipulate men. We do this because the way to a healthy long-term relationship is to not dive into any relationship too quickly. It’s to slow things down, take your time, and really decide whether or not this guy is worth your time and energy. That’s what pacing is all about.
Now, regardless of the reason why he’s pulling away, what you wanna make sure you’re doing, is being incredibly intentional about the way that you react. It’s really easy in these situations to let your emotions get the best of you. And maybe you get a few drinks in you and then you wanna text him and vent your thoughts or your feelings towards him, but I urge you to not do that. And that’s a huge part of what love accelerator coaching is all about. It’s we hold you accountable to your goals. We help you stay intentional each step of the way throughout your dating life. And we have these group coaching sessions where we all work together and you actually connect with the other love accelerator coaching clients, so that you can really stay focused on what matters most—which is finding a long-term healthy relationship that serves you.