LGBT Snapshots: The Miracle of Forgiveness

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"The Miracle of Forgiveness" by then-apostle (and later prophet and president) Spencer Kimball detailed all of the ways in which a human being could sin.

The chapter on homosexuality, titled "Crime Against Nature", was especially damning, and presented homosexuality as a choice that one could, with enough faith and prayer, be cured of.
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I love the LDS Week intro!! Well done, guys.


The girl I like is reading this book right now, I told her it's a destructive book, but she's pretty much an orthodox Mormon.


The title of his book should be called "Forgiveness? It would take a miracle." !

I hope president Kimball understands that Jesus better have enough grace to take care of french kissing to extramarital sex, from lusting after a 68 Camaro to sitting in the wrong seat on the school bus and therefore missing out on a predestined obligation to testify to that dopey kid who played the tuba. If Jesus doesn't have enough grace to take care of those things, what kind of savior is he?
