2nd Toe Capsulitis, Claw Toe & Hammer Toe RELIEF [Taping & Treatment]

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🦶Do you have second toe capsulitis, a plantar plate injury or a second toe hammer toe?🦶

Video Guide links for the specific ball of the foot conditions:

We have you covered with our second capsulitis taping treatment, second toe plantar plate treatment, and second toe hammer toe treatment guide!

This can also be known as second toe predislocation syndrome. We will show you the best home treatment for this second toe capsulitis and second toe predislocation syndrome taping. Focus on 2nd toe exercises, second toe massage & 2nd toe stretches!

👉-- Shoes --👈
Our Recommended Shoes:

👉-- LINKS --👈
(With some links, we use affiliate links and may earn a commission. Check with your doctor before using any product!)

Hammer toes:

Best Orthotics:


How to Stretch Shoes:

Gel Pads & Thin Socks:

📢Disclaimer:📢 This video and description contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, we may receive a commission. We will specifically indicate if we have received any sponsorship.

This is opinion only:
For the viewer or reader: Do not consider this video as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. We strongly urge you to contact your own physician with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition. If you are having an emergency, call 911 immediately or see your physician. Do not allow this information to let you disregard your professionals medical advice or delay seeking based on information from this content. Do not rely on information provided by this general education video.

Healthcare practitioners: The content here is for education purposes only. The authors have done their best to provide the most up to date evidence-based information, but this content should definitely not be considered any type of medical standard. It does not reflect individual practices in other geographic areas.

This is strictly for medical education purposes only, it is not intended for diagnosis or treatment. The information in these videos is the opinion of the author only and is not an official opinion of any organizations that the authors may be a part of. The authors or speakers are not associated with any of the above products.

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I want to follow up on my original post I did 2 years ago.
I started searching for help on youtube as a last ditch effort for a major foot problem I had.
It felt like a was stepping on a pebble, it was achy and discomforting, and it had a chain effect, went up from my foot to my back. I'd also experience knee problems like it was weak and unstable. Lower back problems and sciatica. I dealt with this for a long time at least a year.
I was messed up to say the least.
I won't go into details on how the injury occurred bc it doesn't matter. I got an xray that came up negative. I shouldve got an MRI, but never did.
So I dont know exactly what was wrong.
That was long winded, sorry, but here comes the success story.
This video introduced me to ribbon taping.
The very first time I ribbon taped my toe (second toe was all my problems) I noticed an immediate improvement.
I stuck with it.
It hurt at times, im not sure if I was too extreme with the taping or it was my foot bones and ligaments rejoining.
Stayed with the ribbon taping for over a year, changing it when necessary.
My foot is now healed! Pebble sensation completely gone and the strength in my foot and leg is completely back.
So if anyone out there is dealing with the same problem and is in despair, TRY RIBBON TAPING.
Use and anchor piece of tape as well to hold the ribbon tape together and keep it from moving. I became a master with the taping technique.
Sorry for the long post.
Anyone out there in the same boat give it a shot and expect to tape for a while, its not a one week thing.


My landlord pushed my couch against my bare foot thinking there was a space under the couch... there wasn't! I cried out in pain!!! THAT was several years ago. My toes have been in pain ever since. Eventually I developed a hammer toe and the one next to it crossed under the second toe. I've been working on my bunion on that foot, but I recently found you. I'm hopeful again!


I just want to say I find your videos so informative.
I injured myself like 4yrs ago. Felt a pop doing burpees and collapsed.
The pain I felt had me wanting to chop my leg off.
I got an x-ray a couple days after and nothing showed up!
So ever since then I have been rehabbing by myself (no insurance).
I have suffered back, hip, knee, and most of all ball of foot pain.
Feels like pebbles under my foot.
Things have gotten better, but like I said this happened yrs ago.
I still have lingering issues, I'm a red blooded American male but it's breaking me down to the point of crying lol.
I want my right leg to feel like my left, healthy.
Anyway, I digress.
Your tip about the ribbon taping has had a profound effect, my foot feels the best it has in years.
I've done everything else you recommended, the tape proves to be the most effective.

Thank you great channel.


You’ve taught me so much about my foot issue. Thank you so much!


I have always had flat feet but until March of this year I was able to run on a treadmill 3 times a week. In March a shooting pain began as I was walking. Emanating around the second toe of my right foot. Foot pain turned quickly into ankle and shin pain also.
It is a long road back and some of these treatments are new so thank you very much doctor


Just finished the video. Very informative. Really well done. I was originally diagnosed at an urgent care by a DO with a neuroma. Prednisone and metatarsal pads with new insoles seemed to help. Second flare up last Friday, but this time I noticed the pain started under the second toe knuckle. Found this video today. Seems more likely to be capsulitis, but I won't pretend to be a doctor. I do have an appointment with a podiatrist, but not for six weeks.


Thank you so much for this video. I've been suffering with this condition for about 10 years. I've been to 4 different podiatrists and they all give me a different diagnosis. One of them did mention Capsulitis! I'm going to try the things you've shared here and will let you know how it turns out. Thank You!


Awesome Doc! 61 male Morton’s toe. Right foot second toe, tight calf’s. You spoke precisely to me!
I realize now I need to get out of my zero drop shoes and introduce some heal height.
Thank you! ❤


My left foot has been in pain, like it is broke for all most 2 years. My regular doctor, and foot doctor just keep doing x-rays. Then they say its still not broke. The foot doctor keeps saying he is going to do an ultrasound, but he never does. I am trying to get time to get a new doctor, but I have to work all the time. Now I have a lump on the joint on the bottom of my second toe closer to my foot, and between my second toe and big toe. The top of my foot is in so much pain, and now I have a lump in front of my heal. The pain radiates up to my knee. I have went to too other doctors, and they push on my leg, and say they dont think I have a blood clot. I really get worried I am going to loose my foot. Watching you youtube channel helps me learn things to help. Thank you.😁⭐️⭐️


I suffered from hammer toes all my life and I had surgery on my feet in 2016. I had at least 8 toes total that needed to be fixed. The best advice I would give anybody is to keep stretching your muscles and toes, and if you get the surgery, keep stretching, because I noticed my toes are starting to arch again.


This was so wonderful and informative, thanks so much


the toe taping... genius and so low cost. thank you.


I was diagnosed with capsulitis synovitus of my second toe. I went to a Podiatrist who injected it with Cortisone. It ruined my toe and it is now almost completely torn. I tape it daily now for support.


Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you,


Thank you for this video! I got a plantar injury from a pair of the new carbon plated shoes that have these energy rods in them that mimics your metatarsals… never had any foot issues and those shoes injured me! Look up the adidas Adizero Pro 2 and the images of those energy rods. I’ll be interested to hear if you guys have seen injuries from these.


I have mallet toe on my second toe and hammer toe on my 3, 4&5 toes. I have no pain but I do want them to be straight. My 2, 4&5 toes are comply seized starting at the 2nd and 3rd joint. Is there anyway I can un-seize them????


I will try your stretching recommendations. Thanks for the clear instructions on stretching and toe taping. I will do all of this before I invest in $500+ orthotics recommended by the podiatrist.


Just came across this video. Super helpful. I have had this issue for a couple of years. They have given me shots for the pain to no avail. I injured my plantar plate walking in heels and when stepping up on a curb, I stepped on a small jagged rock that came up and hurt me just under my second toe joint, just as I put weight down on the ball of my foot. Since then, my second toe has been numb at the tip and I have pain where the second toe meets the foot. It snaps all the time. I am hoping with your suggestions, I can strengthen my ankle and relax the Achilles to help heal this toe. I have bought orthopedic shoes and they all seem to aggravate this toe. Relief is all I seek and to be able to walk without pain in that toe joint.


I had a forklift driver at work run a pallet into my feet. The left foot was closer so the 2nd and 3rd toes are stuck curled up. Dr took xrays and said no break and it will be fine. 2 years later if I soak in hot water it has a burning sensation. Never got better.
