Atheist ASK TOUGH questions || EPIC RESPONSE

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Atheist ask tough questions but Frank turek was able to answer the questions in a way that the atheist was not expect. Christians have a lot of trouble answering that very question the atheist ask, but we can help from frank how to answer tough questions from atheist. Like the video and subscribe.
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I was a young child the first time I was told that someday someone might put a gun to my head and the only way to save myself would be to deny God and Christ. I heard many sermons about how if we denied God in that moment, he would deny us when we stood before him in heaven, so we needed to be prepared to die to defend our faith.

I also grew up hearing the story of Abraham and how he was a good and righteous man willing to sacrifice his son (oddly, I never heard the story Jephtha and his he actually sacrificed his daughter to God🤔) but as a kid, I asked my mom if she would sacrifice me if God asked. She gave pretty much the same answer as in the video: she didn't know. She was visibly distressed at the thought. She always fell back to, but God sent the ram, so it's ok, it was a test...(but not in Jephtha's story) but she didn't know if she could pass that test and worried what would happen if she couldn't. So as a kid, I felt like if that situation came up, it would be my job to make it ok, to walk my mom through sacrificing me, so that she and I wouldn't be sent to hell.

I was also told that the God behind those stories, that caused such anxiety, loves us more than we can even imagine and is the very embodiment of love and goodness.

Well. Now I'm a mom. And I have a different answer to that question. If God came to me and told me to sacrifice my daughter to him to prove I love him more, I'd say no. And that if he really loved me and was all good, he'd never ask such a thing. He never would have asked Abraham. I'd point out that his own book says that love is never jealous and is slow to anger, so how can someone who so loudly proclaims to be a jealous god, also be the embodiment of love.

I, a mere human, love less selfishly, more unconditionally, more mercifully, than God. I would never ask my child to sacrifice another love to prove their love for me. I would never cast them out or allow them to be tortured for not loving me or following the path I have for them.

Even when it comes to the worst ppl, I've heard many christians say that God is clearly better because they could never forgive a murder, or a child sa'er. And isn't his good because he can?! But, of course, only if they genuinely repent. Fine. But honestly, I'd prefer a good that couldn't forgive them, but could forgive the pretty good person that simply doubted his existence. Especially considering the crappy source information we have to go by. I was taught all my life that hell will be filled with good people who didn't believe. But I would never do that to my child, even if they disowned me, I'd build them another house they could live in separate from me if they didn't want to be near me, if that was the only way to keep them from being tortured. And even if there are people I couldn't forgive, I'd let them vanish into a void, to cease to exist, reader than be tortured due eternity. Though I tagged life the idea in Hell's Belles Tok Tok channel, with her being different levels is punishment to therapy you can work your way up through and then be reincarnated, with the worst of the worst working towards the void. The fact that we mere humans can think of more compassionate ways, shows that God does not exist. Because he was limited to the culture, morality, and imagination, or the people who created him. And while human mortality and imagination has made the idea of him grow and change over the millennia, clinging to a book that's thousands of yrs old, had only held back our own growing and evolving morality.


Morality is subjective for everyone. How do you punish someone who steals baby formula when they need it but can’t afford it? Starve the baby? Deny the baby a parent?


Anyone who doesn't categorically answer *no* proves the following saying:
'With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion."


Where is the epic response? If there is objective morality, then god’s actions can be measured against it. If god gets to make up what is moral or not, then morality is not objective; it's subjective to god's whims.


Humans are more loving than the God of the Bible.


The question is flawed. No one actually murdered their child/family at God’s command.


Genocide is not wrong for atheists? What nonsense is he talking


Job had to deal with this question, whether God has to be charged for the death of his beloved children or not:

"While he was yet speaking, there came also another, and said, *Thy sons and thy daughters* were eating and drinking wine in their eldest brother' house:
And, behold, there came a great wind from the wilderness, and smote the four corners of the house, and it fell upon the young men, and *they are dead* ; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee.
Then Job arose, and rent his mantle, and shaved his head, and fell down upon the ground, and worshipped,
And said, Naked came I out of my mother' womb, and naked shall I return thither:

*the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD* .
In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly."
(Job 1, 18-21)


To God that, s not killing but takes life


The atheist is right. Actually read your book. Turak did not answer the question. He sidestepped.


People ask these stupid questions because they are too lazy to search the scriptures for themselves.


again and again please prove to me god exists or ever existed you can not no one ever has this dr keeps referring back to god but prove it please prove he exists or ever existed
