How to Comfort Someone Who Has Lost a Loved One

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The loss of a loved one can leave partners, friends, and family devastated. To ease the burden, offer whatever solace you can.

Step 1: Allow them to grieve
Allow the person to grieve in their own way. Don't judge their behavior, which may be erratic at first. Unpredictable moods are normal.

If you tend to be a caretaker, now is the time to dial it back. You can't fix this.

Step 2: Show empathy
Comfort the grieving person with genuine sympathy for their loss without assuming to know how they feel. Avoid giving advice.

Step 3: Change the environment
Suggest a walk or a drive to remove them from their environment for a short time. They will need their strength in the coming days, so a little relief might be appreciated.

Step 4: Listen and absorb
Listen and absorb any need they may have to dwell on the past or obsess about regrets regarding the loved one. Right now they need to vent and your unconditional regard is crucial.

Step 5: Take on tasks
Offer to take over everyday tasks, like grocery shopping, child care, phone calls, and final arrangements if the grieving person was a family member or very close to the deceased. Running interference and handling phone calls will save their energy and will allow them time to think or rest.

Step 6: Support them with silence
Support them with silence and hold their hand or hug them. Don't push them to express emotion, even if their brave smile seems to suggest that something is being repressed.

It will take time to get through the loss. Don't stop checking on them and offering your shoulder -- even months later.

Step 7: Get clinical help
Suggest clinical help if the person seems unable to come out of it, especially if they demonstrate difficulty functioning, thinking, acting, or speaking, or they exhibit excessive bitterness, substance abuse, or social withdrawal.

Did You Know?
According to the Federal Trade Commission, the average cost of a funeral in America exceeded $10,000 in 2010.
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Who ever is watching this.. im sorry for your loss thing will get better. im sorry for every one who had to watch this video.


I'm watching this to comfort my friend cause she just loss her grandad


I have some advice: try not to make a huge deal out of it but at the same time don't act like you don't care. Most painful things tend to hurt more the more often you think or talk about it. Comfort them but don't go overboard


My boyfriend's grandmother died. So that's why I'm watching this. I'm letting him cope in his own way.


"Step 2: avoid giving advice... step 3: suggest a walk or a drive" 😂


To Lorenzo
How sweet and kind you are you make me smile and cry in a good way. Thank you


you know i lost my favoritest friend 3 years ago and my nephew who was 2 years old at the time he knew i was sad even when i was trying to hide it but on the day of my friend's funeral my 2 year old nephew came up to me desperately wanting to hug me and the hurt i felt was so intense and during one meltdown my sister who was 5 years old kept hugging me and wiping away tears. i was crying so hard at my friend's funeral thankfully my friend was hugging me trying to comfort me.


the best thing I.found is simple. give a hug and bring them a spaghetti dinner or.something.. sounds silly but obviously very few words can help someone with what they are going through. when my dad passed a friend brought me a dinner and it just meant so much... just some food and a hug


I have no idea how to comfort my dear. Seems I'm helpless to offer some relaxing air...


I find just giving people a hug in silence works best!


My brother only 55 passed away today 4-6-19 from battling colon cancer and kidney failure since March 2017.


Saying sorry doesn't help sometimes. Sorry doesn't bring your loved one back


My cousin just lost her mother this morning, so I’m watching this.


I’m watching this cease my friend lost his father, and he’s 13 :, (


thanks for tyhe help my friend whos 12 just like me just lost her mom and i can relate since ive lost my brother i didnt know how to act around her and this helped a bunch


Lost my daughter recently and a friend lost her wonderful husband soon after and another lost her son to suicide. How do u help someone whose grieving while grieving yourself. Be accessible. You are all grieving. We have our own support group now. Isn’t that strange and sad?


watching this because my mom just lost her best friend 🥺😢


My best friend lost her mom today😭😭😭😭 that's why am watching this


Is leaving the person alone enough? (my friend lost his dad today.)


When my grandma lost her dog yesterday well she's mine too and yes I'm still grieving from yesterday
